Older Palestine History

Updated 27.02.2016

 Palestine Books - header graphic - Older Palestine History (Egyptian stamp on Dier Yassin) 

See also the list of current history, The Palestinian Story Today

Futher online resources .  Britain in Palestine : http://www.britain-in-palestine.com  >  The Balfour Project : http://www.balfourproject.org


WF [Wasif Fahmi] Abboushi

The Unmaking of Palestine (Cambridge : Middle East & North African Studies Press/MENAS, 1985)

The Angry Arabs (Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1974)


Nahla Abdo

Captive Revolution : Palestinian Women’s Anti-Colonial Struggle within the Israeli Prison System (Pluto Press, 2014) Both a story of present detainees and the historical Socialist struggle throughout the region.

Women in Israel : Race, Gender and Citizenship (Zed Books, 2011)

Nahla Abdo-Zubi, Heather Montgomery & Ronit Lentin

Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation : Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Diclocation (New York City : Berghahn Books, 2002)

Nahla Abdo, Rita Giacaman, Eileen Kuttab & Valentine M. Moghadam

Gender and Development  (Birzeit University Women’s Studies Department, 1995)

See also : Nadirah Shaloub-Kevorkian


Oroub el-Abed

Unprotected : Palestinians in Egypt Since 1948  (Beirut, Ottawa & Washington DC  : Institute for Palestine Studies International Development Research Center, 2009)


Roger Adelson (University of Arizona)

London and the Invention of the Middle East : Money, Power, and War, 1902-1922  (Yale University Press, 1995)

Mark Sykes : Portrait of an Amateur (Jonathan Cape, 1975)


Ziyad Abu ‘Amr

Islamic Fundamentalism in the West Bank and Gaza : Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad  (Indiana University Press, 1994)


Said K. Aburish

Arafat : From Defender to Dictator (Bloomsbury, 1998)


Gilbert Achcar

The Arabs and the Holocaust : The Arab-Israeli War on Narratives (Metropolitan Books, 2009) **

With Michel Warschawski : The 33 Day War : Israel’s War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and its Consequences **  (Paradigm Books, 2007)


Michael Adams

Chaos or Rebirth – The Arab Outlook  (BBC Books, 1968) Based on a radio series the author did, travelling through Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait and the Sudan, with the Palestinians of course not overlooked.


Michael Adams and Christopher Mayhew

Publish it not…The Middle East Cover-Up (Longman, 1975 / Signal Books, 2006) The authors take turns relating how Zionist opposition routinely confronted and sometimes defeated them, Adams, for his reporting in the Guardian, and Mayhew, for seeming stench of his concerns in the House of Commons.  After almost 30 years as a Labour MP, he found himself by Harold Wilson, who was unquestioningly loyal to the Israelis, and so he joined the Liberals.


Michael Adams & Guy Ottewell

A 20-Year Span and the Rise of Terrorist Gangs to Statehood Can Not Change the Israeli-Zionist Mentality, Bent of Destruction and Terror – Dier Yassin, 1948 : Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967  (PLO/Al-Fateh, ca. 1969-1970) – 22pp.


Jane AdasJohn MahoneyRobert Norberg, editors

Burning Issues : Understanding and Misunderstanding the Middle East – A 40 Year Chronicle  (Americans for Middle East Understanding, 2007) – 19 mostly American authors in articles published in The Link, the magazine of AMEU)


Sami Adwan, Dan Bar-On, & Eyal Naveh, editors

Side By Side : Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine  (New York City : The New Press, 2012)  Historical overview with the left and right-sided pages each reflecting the narratives of each party.


Sami Adwan, Efrat Ben-Ze’ev, Menachem Klein, Ihab Saloul, Tamir Sorek & Mahmoud Yazbak

Zoom In : Palestinian Refugees of 1948 – Remembrances (Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation / Republic of Letters Publishing, 2011) – bilingual : Hebrew – English.  Publisher’s blurb : “Palestinian and Israeli university students are presented with a catalogue of period photographs from 1948 and then asked to provide their personal impressions. These individual reactions are then analyzed by the scholars, providing a multi-perspective commentary and analysis that underscores the urgent need for building greater understanding for the common history of this region. A particularly insightful case study is presented by Menachem Klein and Mahmoud Yazbak who jointly investigate how the 1948 expulsion and deportation of Palestinian refugees from the villages of Aylut and Malul are remembered today, both at the individual and collective levels.”  Note : This is a free download as well, via historyandreconciliation.org


Albert Aghazarian 

Out of Jerusalem?  Christian Voices from the Holy Land  (Palestinian General Delegation to the United Kingdom, 1997)


Eqbal Ahmad

Selected Writings of Eqbal Ahmad (Columbia University Press, 2006) -Includes some writings on Palestine.


Eleanor Aitken [founder of UNIPAL, charity for educational exchange with Palestinians, est. 1972]

Ariadne’s Thread : Through the Labyrinth to Palestine and Israel  (Cambridge : Cornelian, 1999) Work on women human right workers and teachers.


Geoffrey Alderman

Controversy and Crisis : Studies in the History of the Jews in Modern Britain (Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2008)

London Jewry and London Politics, 1889-1986  (Routledge, 1989)

The Jewish Community in British Politics  (Clarendon Press, 1983)


Jamie Allinson (University of Edinburgh / Westminster University)

The Struggle for the State in Jordan : The Social Origins of Alliances in the Middle East  (IB Tauris, 2015/2016)


Oz Almog

The Sabra : The Creation of the New Jew  – translated by Haim Watzman (University of California Press, 2000)  A sociological, Zionist look at the Israeli elite : how it adopted Palestinian dress and vocabulary for irony, and how the Sabras transformed and rejected both historical Judaism and European Jewish attitudes to fit a new, largely anti-intellectual nationalism.  In 1948, soldiers under the Sabra elite leadership, “were strictly forbidden, on penalty of court-martial and severe punishment, to confiscate property of any type.”  Sources mostly Israeli.


Swee Chai Ang

From Beirut to Jerusalem : A Woman Doctor with the Palestinians (Collins / Grafton, 1989) Note : see also Dr Pauline Cutting, Dr Chris Giannou and Dr Runa MacKay.


George Antonius

The Arab Awakening : The Story of the Arab National Movement (Hamish Hamilton, 1938)

See Antonius-related : Susan Silsby Boyle; Thomas Hodgkin


Arab Higher Committee for Palestine 

Palestine : The Arab Case – Being a Statement Made Before the First Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nation’s [sic] Organization on 9th May 1947  (Cairo : Costa Tsoumas & Co./ AHCfP, 1947)

A Collection of Official Documents Relating to the Palestine Question Submitted to the General Assembly of the UN  (New York City  : AHCfP, 1947)


Margaret Arakie

The Broken Sword of Juctice : American, Israel and the Palestine Tragedy  (Quartet Books, 1973)



Land Legislation in Modern Palestine (Cambridge Archive Editions, 2009)

9-volume set including standard reference works, official reports and memoranda, council orders, ordinances and maps, 1917-1948.


Hannah Arendt

Eichmann in Jerusalem : A Report on the Banality of Evil  (Faber & Faber, 1963; numerous editions)


Karen Armstrong

Jerusalem : One City, Three Faiths  aka : A History of Jerusalem  (HarperCollins, 1996)


Schlomo Aronson (Israeli landscape architect)

Israel’s Nuclear Programme : The Six-Day War and its Ramifications  (Kings College, 1999)

Israel and the non-Proliferation Treaty (Jerusalem : Leonard Davis Institute, Hebrew University, 1996)


Naseer Aruri

Dishonest Broker : The US Role in Israel and Palestine (Boston : South End Press, 2005) Note : Based on The Obstruction of Peace, below.

Palestinian Refugees : The Right of Return (Boston : South End Press, 2003)

The Obstruction of Peace : The United States, Israel and the Palestinians (Monroe, Maine : Common Courage Press, 1995)

Occupation : Israel over Palestine (as editor; Belmont, Massachusetts : Association of Arab American University Graduates, 1983/1989; Zed Press, 1984)

The Palestinian Resistance to Israeli Occupation (as editor) (Wilmette, Illinois : Association of Arab American University Graduates  / Medina University Press International, 1970)


With As’ad Ghanem

The Palestinian Regime : A Partial Democracy (Sussex Academic Press, 2001) Contents : Political Development and the Transition to Democracy; The Palestinian National Movement: A Historical Overview; The Palestinians Awaken to a Crushing Defeat; From Dispersion to Taking the Initiative; The PLO: From Maximalism to Compromise; The Oslo Accords and the Establishment of the Palestinian National Authority; Democracy and Centralism in the Palestinian National Movement, 1967–1993; Arafat’s Control of PLO Institutions, 1968–1993; Pluralism, Civil Society, and the Construction of Institutions among the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 1967–1993; The Formal Structure of Powers in the Palestinian National Authority; The Legislative Council; The Executive Authority; The Judicial Authority; The First Palestinian General Elections; The Legitimacy of the Elections; The Election System; The Election Campaign; The Election Results; The Centralisation of Power and Political Conduct in the PNA; Centralisation of Power Surveillance (Intimidation); Buying Quiet (Bribery); Conclusion: Contradictions within Palestinian Democracy; Palestinian Partial Democracy’ Before the Establishment of the PNA; Partial Democracy’ in the PNA.  Note : see AAUB publication by Livia Rokach.


AJ Asali, editor

Jerusalem in History : 3,000 BC to the Present Day (New York City : Olive Branch Press, 199o / Kegan Paul, 1997, 2002


Khaled Abu-Asbah & Libat Avishai

Recommendations for the Improvement of the Arab Education System in Israel  (Jerusalem : Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 20087


Fouzi el-Asmar

Through the Hebrew Looking-Glass : Arab Stereotypes in Children’s Literature (Zed Press, 1986)

as co-editor, with Uri DavisNaim KhadirDebate on Palestine  (Ithaca |Press, 1981)

as co-editor, with Uri DavisNaim KhadirTowards a Socialist Republic in Palestine  (Ithaca Press, 1978)

To be an Arab in Israel  (with introduction by Uri Davis and foreword by IF Stone; Francis Pinter Publishers, 1975)

Israeli Land and Settlement Policies (translated from the Hebrew by Uri Davis, with a foreword by Rabbi Elmer Berger; London : Middle East Research and Action Group, 1974)


Antigona Askkar

-edited by Yehezkel Lein; translated by Zvi Shulman Means of Expulsion : Violence, Harassment and Lawlessness against Palestinians in the Southern Hebron Hills  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2005)


Associated Press

Lightning out of Israel : The Six-Day War in the Middle East  (Associated Press, 1967) – Contributions on military campaigns by Hugh A. Mulligan & Saul Pett, with maps.


Bishop Riah Abu El-editor’s comments [Palestinian Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem 1998-2007]

Caught in Between : The Story of an Arab-Christian Israeli (Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1999)


Türkkaya Ataöv

The Use of Palestinian Waters and International Law  (InternationalOrganisation for the Elimination of All Forms of RacialDiscrimination, 11pp pamphlet, 1982)


Naim Ateek (aka Naim Stifan Ateek, founder of the Sabeel Liberation Theology Center, Jerusalem)

A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconcilliation (Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 2008)

Holy Land Hollow Jubilee : God, Justice and the Palestinians (Melisende, 1998) [symposium, 1997]

Justice, and Only Justice : A Palestinian Theology of Liberation (Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 1989)


Naim Ateek, Cedar Duaybis and Maurine Tobin, editors

Challenging Christian Zionism : Theology, Politics, and the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Melisende, 2005)  [symposium, 2004]


Naim Ateek, Mark H. Ellis and Rosemary Radford Ruether, editors

Faith and the Intifada : Palestinian Christian Voices  [symposium] (Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books, 1992)


Ida Audeh (contibutor to The Electronic Intifada and Countercurrents)

as editor : Birzeit University : The Story of a National Institution  (Birzeit University, 2010)

as editor, with Katherine Lariviere United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : Vol. 5, 1992-1998  (Institute for Palestine Studies, ca. 1999)


Shlomo Avineri

Arlosoroff  (Halban, 1989) – Haim Arlosoroff, Zionist leader of the Yishuv and in the Jewish Agency during the Mandate

The Making of Modern Zionism : The Intellectual Origins of the Jewish State  (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1981)

as editor : Israel and the Palestinians  (St Martin’s Press, 1971)


Uri Avnery (the public face of Gush Shalom in Israel)

Israel’s Vicious Circle : Ten Years of Writings on Israel and Palestine – edited by Sara R. Powell (Pluto, 2008)

My Friend, My Enemy  (Zed Books, 1986)

Israel without Zionism (aka Israel without Zionists)  : A Plan for Peace in the Middle East  (aka A Plea for Peace in the Middle East; Collier-Macmillan, 1968, 1971)

1948 : A Soldier’s Tale : The Bloody Road to Jerusalem (Oneworld Publications, 2008 / 1949, 1950)


 Alex Awad (Methodist pastor in Al-Quds & Dean of Students at Bethlehem Bible College)

Foreword by Rev Naim Ateek, Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Jerusalem

Palestinian Memories : The Story of a Palestinian Mother and Her People  (Jerusalem : Bethlehem Bible College, 2008) First fifth of the book (67pp), is the story of the author’s mother, Huda Elias Awad (1916-2006).  The remainder of the book is a basic survey of the history of Palestinian struggle, from British occupation to publication.


Hiltrud Awad, Hilmi S. Salem & Suhail Khalileh, editors

40 Years of Israeli Occupation, 1967-2007  (Bethlehem : Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem / ARIJ, 2007) – free online resource : arif.org


Ami Ayalon

Reading Palestine : Printing and Literacy, 1900-1948  (University of Texas Press, 2004)

The Press in the Arab Middle East : A History  (Oxford University Press, 1997)


Ariella Azoulay & Adi Ophir

The One-State Condition : Occupation and Democracy in Israel / Palestine  – translated by Tal Haran   (Stanford University Press, 2013)  Publisher’s blurb : Since the start of the occupation of Palestinian territories in 1967, Israel s domination of the Palestinians has deprived an entire population of any political status or protection. But even decades on, most people speak of this rule – both in everyday political discussion and in legal and academic debates – as temporary, as a state of affairs incidental and external to the Israeli regime. In The One-State Condition, Ariella Azoulay and Adi Ophir directly challenge this belief. Looking closely at the history and contemporary formation of the ruling apparatus – the technologies and operations of the Israeli army, the General Security Services, and the legal system imposed in the Occupied Territories – Azoulay and Ophir outline the one-state condition of Israel/Palestine: the grounding principle of Israeli governance is the perpetuation of differential rule over populations of differing status. Israeli citizenship is shaped through the active denial of Palestinian citizenship and civil rights. Though many Israelis, on both political right and left, agree that the occupation constitutes a problem for Israeli democracy, few ultimately admit that Israel is no democracy or question the very structure of the Israeli regime itself. Too frequently ignored are the lasting effects of the deceptive denial of the events of 1948 and 1967, and the ways in which the resulting occupation has reinforced the sweeping militarization and recent racialization of Israeli society. Azoulay and Ophir show that acknowledgment of the one-state condition is not only a prerequisite for considering a one- or two-state solution; it is a prerequisite for advancing new ideas to move beyond the trap of this false dilemma.

-See also Azoulay’s photographic histories in CULTURE section.


Emile Badarin

Palestinian Political Discourse : Between Exile and Occupation  (Routledge, due April 2016)



BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residence and Refugee Rights  – see also this agency’s numerous publications in Arabic.

Yasmine Gado, author – Principles and Mechanisms to Hold Business Accountable for Human Rights Abuses : Potential Avenues to Challenge Corporate Involvement in Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinian People  (BADIL Resource Center, 2009)

Closing Protection Gaps : Handbook on Protection of Palestinian Refugees in States Signaturies to the 1951 Refugee Convention  (Bethlehem : BADIL, 2005)

Souad R. Dajani, author – Ruling Palestine : A History of the Legally Sanctioned Jewish-Israeli Seizure of Land and Housing in Palestine  (Geneva : Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions / BADIL, 2005) – see also under author’s section.

Salim Tamari, editor –  Jerusalem 1948 : The Arab Neighbourhoods and Their Fate in the War  (BADIL / Jerusalem : Institute of Jerusalem Studies, 2002)


Amneh Daoud Badran

Zionist Israel and Apartheid South Africa  (Routledge, 2009)


Abeer Baker (senior lawyer with Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel) & Anat Matar  (heads the Legal Clinic for Prisoners’ Rights, Haifa University), editors

Threat : Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel  (Pluto Press, 2007)  Two-dozen authors.


William W. Baker

Theft of a Nation  (West Monroe, Louisiana : Jireh, 1982 / 1989)


Philip J Baldensperger, edited with an introduction by Frederic Lees

The Immovable East : Studies of the People and Customs of Palestine (Pitman, 1913)


Balfour Project  

The Companion Guide to [documentary film] Britain in Palestine, 1917-1948 (Edinburgh, 2015)


Anna Baltzer

Witness in Palestine : A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories  (Paradigm Publishers, 2006)


Daphna Baram

Disenchantment : The Guardian and Israel  (Guardian Books, 2004)


Mordechai Bar-On

Moshe Dayan : Israel’s Controversial Hero  (Yale University Press, 2012)

as editor : A Never-Ending Conflict : A Guide to Israeli Military History  (Praeger Press, 2004)

In Pursuit of Peace : a History of the Israeli Peace Movement  (Washington DC : United States Institute of Peace Press, 1996)

The Gates of Gaza : Israel’s Road to the Suez and Back, 1955-1957  -translated by Ruth Rossing (Macmillan, 1994)

-as editor : Israel’s Defence Forces : The Six Day War (Israeli Ministry of Defense, 1968 / Slough : Foulsham & Co, 1971)


James Barr

A Line in the Sand : Britain, France, and the Struggle that Shaped the Middle East  (Simon & Schuster, 2011 / 2012)  Despite the helpful bibliography, the historian has not relied on earlier published works, but undertook a careful trawl through international archives instead.   The result is rich in detail, yet the historical actors’ own voices make it a vivid read.  For example, Ernest Bevin on legislation to end the Mandate : “Very well then, ram it through.”

Setting the Desert on Fire : TE Lawrence and Britain’s Secret War in Arabia, 1916-1918  (Bloomsbury, 2006 / WW Norton, 2008)


Michael Bar-Zohar

Facing a Cruel Mirror : Israel’s Moment of Truth (Scribner, 1990)

Embassies in Crisis : Diplomats and Demagogues behind the Six-Day War  -translated from French by Michael Stearns (Prentice Hall, 1970)

Note : other titles on Mossad, David Ben Gurion, etc.


Menachem Begin

The Revolt : The Story of the Irgun  (New York City : Henry Schuman, 1951 / Los Angeles : Nash Publications, 1972)


Joel Beinin and Rebecca Stein, editors

The Struggle for Sovereignty : Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005  (Stanford University Press, 2006) Includes Jonathan Cook : Israel’s Glass Wall


Joel Beinin and Zachary Lockman, editors

Intifadah : The Palestinian Uprising against Israeli Occupation (Boston : MERIP / Middle East Research and Information Project & South End Press, 1989)

-see Zachary lockmaL


Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

Original Sins : Reflections on the History of Zionism and Israel  (New York City : Olive Branch Press, 1993)

Despair and Deliverance : Private Salvation in Contemporary Israel  (State University of New York Press, 1992)

The Israeli Connection : Who(m) Israel Arms and Why  (New York City : Pantheon Books, 1987 / IB Tauris, 1988)

-with AI RabinTwenty Years Later : Kibbutz Children Grow Up  (New York City : Springer, 1982)

Note : Author wrote numerous monographs on the social psychology of religion in Israel.


Gertrude Bell

The Desert and the Sown (Heinemann 1907 / Virago, 1985 / Boston : Beacon Press, 1987 – with an introduction by Sarah Graham-Brown) .  Bell was widely travelled in Palestine and the region prior to and after the Great War, and influenced Westminster’s policies, such as the drawing of boundaries that formed form Iraq.

Gertrude Bell: From Her Personal Papers 1914–1926 (Ernest Benn, 1961)

see also : Georgina Howell : Gertrude Bell : Queen of the Desert – Shaper of Nations (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006) also issued as Daughter of the Desert : The Remarkable life of Gertrude Bell  (Macmillan, 2006)


Ingela Bendt

We Shall Return : Women of Palestine (Zed Books, 1982) [Lebanon refugee camps]


Norman Bentwich (influential British Zionist of the Mandate era)

Palestine (Benn Ltd, 1946)

Jewish Youth Comes Come : The Story of the Youth Aliyah, 1933-1943  (Victor Gollancz, 1944)

The Case for the Jews  (News Chronicle, 1939)

Fulfillment in the Promised Land, 1917-1937  (Soncino Press, 1938)

England in Palestine  (Kegan Paul – Trench Tubner & Co, 1932)

Wanderer in the Promised Land  (Soncino Press, 1932)

Palestine of the Jews : Past, Present and Future  (Kegan Paul & Co., 1919)

Many other works, including biographies of Judah L. Magnes.


Meron Benvenisti  (Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem under Teddy Kollek, 1971-1978, administering East Jerusalem / Al-Quds)

Son of Cypresses : Memories, Reflections and Regrets from a Political Life  (translated by Maxine Kaufman-Lucasta; University of California Press, 2006)

Demographic, Economic, Legal, Social and Political Developments in the West Bank : 1987 Report  (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1997)

City of Stone : The Hidden History of Jerusalem   (translated by Maxine Kaufman Nunn; University of California Press, 1996)

Intimate Enemies : Jews and Arabs in a Shared Land  (revised edition, University of California Press, 1995)

The Shepherds’ War : Collected Essays, 1981-1989  (Jerusalem Post, 1989)

Conflicts and Contradictions (New York City : Villard Books, 1986 / Silver Spring, Maryland : Eshel Books, 1989)

The West Bank Data Project : A Survey of Israel’s Policies (Washington DC : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984/1987)

with Usamah Halabi and Aron Turner :  Land Alienation in the West Bank : A Legal and Spatial Analysis  (Jerusalem : West Bank Data Project, 1985)


Elmer Berger [anti-Zionist American rabbi, Director of the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism, then forced to resign after the 1967 war, and so he founded American Jewish Alternatives to Zionism]

The Jewish Dilemma (New York City : Devin-Adair Co, 1946)

A Partisan History of Judiasm (New York City : Devin-Adair Co, 1951)

Who Knows Better Must Say So [letters on a fact-finding tour of the Middle East with particular reference to Israel and the plight of Palestinian refugees] (New York City : American Council for Judaism, 1955)

Judiasm or Jewish Nationalism : The Alternative to Zionism (New York City : Bookman Associates, 1957)

Letters and Non-Letters : The White House, Zionism and Israel

Correspondence between Berger and the staff of the President of the United States. (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1972)

Memoirs of an Anti-Zionist Jew (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1978)

Note : originally an article in the Journal of Palestine Studies, nos. 17/18, 1975-1976.

Zionist Ideology : Obstacle to Peace (Geneva : EAFORD – International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1981)

Human Rights or Self-Righteousness?   A Critique of the Department of State’s 1981 “Country Report of Human Rights Practices” in the State of Israel (Geneva : EAFORD – International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1981)

The Structure of the Zionist Movement in the United States (Geneva : EAFORD – International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1983)

Judaism or Zionism : What Difference for the Middle East Note : Berger wrote the preface.  (Zed Books / Geneva : EAFORD – International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; 1983)

See also : Jack Ross  [biographer]

Rabbi Outcast : Elmer Berger and American Jewish Anti-Zionism (Washington DC, Potomac Books, 2011)


Count Folke Bernadotte

Death of a Mediator Note : Includes Bernadotte’s Progress report of the United Nations Mediator on Palestine. Part 1: The mediation efforts: originally published, Paris, United Nations, 1948.  (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1968)

To Jerusalem – The Journal of the Palestine Mission (translated by Joan Bulman) (Hodder & Stoughton, 1951 / Westport, Connecticut : Hyperion Press, 1976)


Nicholas Bethell (European Parliament member, interviewed many participants)

The Palestine Triangle : The Struggle between the British, the Jews and the Arabs, 1935-1948  (Andre Deutsch, 1979 / Futura Publications, 1980)


John Bierman & Colin Smith

Fire in the Night : Wingate of Burma, Ethiopia and Zion  (Macmillan, 2000) – Biography of Major General Orde Wingate, who armed and trained Jewish forces in Palestine, during the 1936-1939 Arab Palestinian uprising.


Jack Binsley

Palestine Police Service  (Minerva, 1997)


Yoram Binur

My Enemy, My Self  (Doubleday, 1989) – A Jewish Israeli poses as an Arab Palestinian worker in Israel.


Kai Bird

Crossing Mandelbaum Gate : Coming of Age between the Arabs and the Israelis, 1956-1978  (Simon & Schuster 2010) Worthy memoir by the son of an American diplomat who grew up witnessing changes along the Palestinians’ time line.


Amzi Bishara – see : Mariane A Maasri


Marwan Bishara

Palestine/Israel : Peace or Apartheid – Occupation, Terrorism and the Future  (Zed Books, 2002)


George Emile Bisharat [University of California law professor]

Palestinian Lawyers and Israeli Rule : Law and Disorder in the West Bank (University of Texas Press, 1989) On the decline of the Palestinian legal profession over the first two decades of the Israelis’ West Bank occupation.


Patrick Bishop

The Reckoning : How the Killing of One Man Changed the Fate of the Promised Land  (Collins, 2014) – The assassination of Avraham Stern (The Stern Gang), with use of the private archive of Palestine Police Superintendent Geoffrey Morton.


Edwin Black

The Transfer Agreement : The Dramatic Story of the Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Macmillan, 1984)


Ian Black

Zionism and the Arabs, 1936-1939 (New York City : Garland Publishing, 1978, 1986) Based on LSE thesis.


Etan Bloom

Arthur Ruppin and the Production of Pre-Israeli Culture  (Leiden : Brill, 2011)


Barbara Board [news reporter for the Daily Mirror]

Newsgirl in Palestine  (Michael Joseph, 1937)  – A privileged read by a rare woman reporter who thus had special access.  Her keen 1936 eye unpacks childbirth, camelbirth, a rugby scrum, the emancipated Christian Arab women, the Jewish land-girls accomplished with rifles, women’s extra earning selling fake non-alcoholic Bols and real Syrian hashish, the hyper-romantic British women who want to “escape from modern life” and marry Arab Sheikhs, Palestine radio’s Children’s Hour “Aunties” (Wadi Shatara & ‘Aida Shammas) who tell stories from the Arabian Nights, and the Hebrew version, with five “Aunties,” and a few volunteer English ones.  These are brief observations, but fascinating journalism.

Newsgirl in Egypt  (Michael Joseph, 1938)

Reporting from Palestine, 1943-1944  (Nottingham : Five Leaves Press, 2008)



Jeremy Bowen  [BBC Middle East Correspondent]

The Arab Uprisings : The People Want the Fall of the Regime  (Simon & Schuster, 2013)

War Stories  (BBC, including large print edition, 2008 / Pocket Books, 2007)

Six Days : How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East  (Simon & Schuster, 2003 / Pocket Books, 2004)


Boy Scouts (Palestine troop)

The World Jamboree 1929  (London: Boy Scouts Association, 1929)

Visit of Palestinian Boy Scouts to the 1929 International Jamboree is documented in issues of Jamboree (London: Boy Scouts Association) and newspapers, including the Manchester Guardian, the Observer, the Irish Times, and the Times of India.  Later coverage is noted in the Palestinian press; see Fred Pragnell.


Susan Silsby Boyle

Betrayal of Palestine : The Story of George Antonius (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 2001)


Irus Braverman (State University of New York at Buffalo, Harvard University, Hebrew University, University of Toronto)

Planted Flags : Trees, Land, and Law in Israel/Palestine  (Cambridge University Press, 2009)  The story of trees through the narratives of military and government officials, architects, lawyers, Palestinian and Israeli farmers, and Jewish settlers.  Note : first book, “House Demolitions in East Jerusalem,” was published in Hebrew only in 2006.


Ahron Bregman

Cursed Victory : A History of Israel and the Occupied Territories  (Penguin, 2015) Assessment of the evolving militaryoccupation since the 1967 war.  Author “enjoyed unparalleled access to high-level sources that enabled him to quote directly from top-secret memos, letters, and intelligence reports that are unlikely ever to be made public … Bregman’s account of the conflict born of the cursed victory is intelligent, informative and rich in telling details.” (Avi Shlaim, Guardian)


Lenni Brenner

51 Documents : Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis (Fort Lee, New Jersey : Barricade Books, 2002)

Arabs, Jews and Socialism : The Debate on Palestine, Zionism and Anti-Semitism (Socialist Organiser, ca. 1987)

Jews in America Today (Al Saqi Books, 1986)

The Iron Wall : Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir (Zed Books, 1984)

Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Croon Helm, 1983)


Brit Shalom (Zionist group for Jewish-Arab co-operation, organised 1925)

Jewish Arab Affairs – Occasional Papers Published by the Brit Shalom Society, June 1931  (Jerusalem : Brit Shalom Society, 60pp, 1931)

Practical Proposals by the Brit Shalom Society for Co-operation between Jews and Arabs in Palestine  (Jerusalem : Brit Shalom Society, August 1930 – no UK repository copy confirmed).

Memorandum by the Brit Shalom on an Arab Policy & The Jewish Agency (Jerusalem : Azriel Press, January 1930 – no UK repository copy confirmed).


Brit Tzedek v’Shalom aka Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace (American Zionist lobby)

A Rabbinic Guide to 40 Years of Occupation  [sic]  (BTS/JAJP, 2007)


Earl Browder & John Arnold

The Meaning of the Palestine Partition (New York State Buro, Communist Party, 1937)  One essay each and a third authored corporately.


B’Tselem (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories)

Legislation Allowing the Use of Physical Force and Mental Coercion in Interrogations by sthe General Security Service (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2000


Martin Buber

Land of Two Peoples : Martin Buber on Jews and Arabs  (Oxford University Press, 1983) – edited by Paul r. Mendes-Flohr.

with Judah L. MagnesJewish-Arab Unity – Testimony before the Anglo-American Inquiry Commission of the Shud-Union Association  (Victor Gollancz, 1947)

see also : Judah Leon Magnes.


Laetitia Bucaille

Growing Up Palestinian : Israeli Occupation and the Intifada Generation  translated by Anthony Roberts (Princeton University Press, 2004)


Musa Budeiri [aka Budayri]

The Palestine Communist Party, 1919-1948 (Ithaca University Press, 1979)


Martin Bunton

Colonial Land Policies in Palestine, 1917-1936 (Oxford University Press, 2007)


Avraham Burg

The Holocaust is Over – We Must Rise from its Ashes  (St Martins Press, 2008)


Millar Burrows

Palestine is Our Business (Philadelphia : Westminster, 1949)


Judith Butler

Parting Ways : Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism (Columbia University Press, 2012)


Robert Byron

The Road to Oxiana  (Macmillan, 1937 / numerous subsequent editions) – classic period travelogue through the then-colonialist Middle East.


Michelle U. Campos

Ottoman Brothers : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early 20th Century Palestine  (Stanford University Press, 2011)  See also : Sandy Sufian & Mark LeVine


Neil Caplan

Futile Diplomacy – Vol. 4 : Operation Alpha and the Failure of Anglo-American Coercive Diplomacy in the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1954-1956  (Routledge, 2015)

Futile Diplomacy – Vol. 3 : The United Nations, the Great Powers and Middle East Peacemaking, 1948-1954  (Routledge, 2015)

Futile Diplomacy – Vol. 2 : Arab-Zionist Negotiations and the End of the Mandate  (Frank Cass, 1986 / Routledge, 2015)

Futile Diplomacy – Vol. 1 : Early Arab-Zionist Negotiation Attempts, 1913-1931  (Frank Cass, 1983 / Routledge, 2015)

Palestine Jewry and the Arab Question, 1917-1925  (Frank Cass, 1978 / Routledge, 2015)

The Israel-Palestine Conflict : Contested Histories  (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)


Na’ama Carmi

Oslo – Before and After : The Status of Human Rights in the Occupied Territories (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1999)


Roane Carey & Jonathan Shainin, editors, with Tom Segev & Anthony Lewis

The Other Israel : Voices of Refusal and Dissent (New York City : New Press, 2002)

Roane Carey, editor

The New Intifada : Resisting Israel’s Apartheid  (Verso, 2001)


Henry Cattan

The Jerusalem Question  (Croom Helm, 1988)

Jerusalem  (Croom Helm, 1981)

The Question of Jerusalem  (76pp report; Third World Centre, 1980)

Palestine and International Law : The Legal Aspects of the Arab-Israeli Conflict  (Longman, 1973 / 1976)

Palestine : The Road to Peace (Longman, 1971)

Palestine, The Arabs and Israel : The Search for Justice  (Longman, 1969 / 1970)


David Cesarani

Major Ferran’s Hat : Murder, Scandal and Britain’s War against Jewish Terrorism, 1945-1948  (Vintage, 2010) A single, counter-terrorism act against the Stern Gang is highlighted as futile effort to manage militant Zionism.


Elias Chacour

Faith Beyond Despair : Building Hope in the Holy Land  – with Alain Michel – translated by Anthony Harvey (Canterbury Press, 2008)

We Belong to the Land : The Story of a Palestinian Israeli Who Lives for Peace and Reconciliation (Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, 1992/2001)  Melkite Church priest’s story; sequel to Blood Brothers.

Blood Brothers  -with David Hazard  (Eastbourne : Kingsway Press, 1984)


Gérard Chaliand

The Palestinian Resistance  – translated by Michael Perl (Penguin, 1972)


Benoit Challand

Palestinian Civil Society : Foreign Donors and the Power to Promote and Exclude  (Routledge, 2008)


Paul Thomas Chamberlin

The Global Offensive : The United States, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the Making of the Post-Cold War Order  (Oxford University Press, 2012, 2015)


Colin Gilbert Chapman  (former lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Near East School of Theology, Beirut)

Whose Holy City?  Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  – several editions; alternate title : Whose Holy City?  Jerusalem and the Future of Peace in the Middle East  (Oxford : Lion, 2004 / Baker, 2005) – Author has written several books on Christianity in the Middle East.


David A. Charters

British Army and Jewish Insurgency in Palestine  (Macmillan, 1989)


Sami Shalom Chetrit

Intra-Jewish Conflict in Israel : Jews, Black Jews   (Routledge, 2010) –  Israel’s Black Panthers movement, “the first Israeli group to make contact with members of the PLO, recognizing the Palestinian right to self-determination and linking  that to the Mizrahi cause.”  The religious Sephardis have “in recent years become increasingly territorial-expansionist, rightist, and racist.” – Rachel Shabi, Not the Enemy.  


Michel Chiha (Lebanese journalist, banker, and politician)

Palestine : Edited [editorial] Reflections of Michel Chiha, 1944-1955  (Stacey International, 2007; translation of or French original by Beirut : Editions du Trident, 1957) – editorials written for the daily Beirut newspaper, Le Jour, which he part-owned.


Noam Chomsky  (Linguist and historian, with numerous overlapping books on the Palestinian struggle)

Pirates & Emperors, Old & New (Pluto Press, 2015) – Compilation of essays, 1986-2001, some of which are on the Palestine.

Fateful Triangle : The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians (Pluto Press, 1999 enlarged edition from 1983 original, with further expanded edition due May 2016)

Middle East Illusions – Including Peace in the Middle East?  Reflections on Justice and Nationhood (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003)


Nadav Even Chorev

Arab NGOs for Civic and Social Change in Israel : Mapping the Field  (Jerusalem : Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2008)


Rachel Christina

Tend the Olive, Water the Vine : Globalization and the Negotiation of Early Childhood in Palestine (Greenwich, Connecticut : IAP-Information Age, 2006)


Kathleen Christison

Perceptions of Palestine : Their Influence on US Middle East Policy  (University of California Press, 1999)


Helena Cobban (former war correspondent of the Lebanese Civil War, now publisher of Just World Books)

The Israeli-Syrian Peace Talks : 1991-1996 and Beyond (Washington DC : United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999)

The Superpowers and the Syrian-Israeli Conflict (Praeger Press / Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1991)

The Making of Modern Lebanon (Hutchinson/HarperCollins, 1985)

The Palestinian Liberation Organisation : People, Power and Politics (Cambridge University Press, 1985)


Aharon Cohen (Secretary, 1941-1948, of the League for Jewish-Arab Rapprochement and Co-operation, which sought a bi-national post-Mandate state)

Israel and the Arab World  (Funk & Wagnalls, WH Allen, 1970 / Beacon Press, 1976)



Geula Cohen – [Stern Gang pirate radio presenter]

Woman of Violence : Memories of a Young Terrorist, 1945-1948  (Rupert Hart-Davis / Holt Rinehard & Winston, 1966) – translated by Hilliel Halkin.  – Written with the narrative air of fiction.


Hillel Cohen (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

The Rise and Fall of Arab Jerusalem : Palestinian Politics and the City Since 1967 (Routledge, 2011)

Good Arabs : The Israeli Security Agencies and the Israeli Arabs, 1948-1967  (University of California Press, 2010)

Army of Shadows : Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948  – translated by Haim Watzman (University of California Press, 2008) –  Author pitches that “there is no universal definition of treason.”  Emphasises Al-Hajj Amin Al-Husayni’s influence; see the unacknowledged 2002 biography by Philip Matter for another side.


Israel Cohen

The Progress of Zionism (Zionist Organisation [London], 1943, 1944, 1947 [pamphlet])


MJ Cohen (Michael J Cohen)

Britain’s Moment in Palestine : Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948  (Routledge, 2014)

Palestine to Israel : From Mandate to Independence  (Frank Cass, 1988)

as editor : The British Decision to Evacuate Palestine, 1947-1948  (Garland, 1987)

as editor : United Nations Discussions on Palestine, 1947  (Garland, 1987)

as editor :  The Anglo American Committee on Palestine, 1945-1946  (Garland, 1987)

as editor : Palestine and the Arab Federation, 1935-1945  (Garland, 1987)

as editor : Jewish Resistance to British Rule in Palestine, 1944-1947   (Garland, 1987)

Palestine and the Great Powers, 1945-1948  (Princeton University Press, 1982)

-as by Mark Julian Cohen :  Palestine : Retreat from the Mandate : The Making of British Policy, 1936-1945  (Elek, 1978 / Garland, 1987)


Stanley Cohen & Daphna Golan

The Interrogation of Palestinians During the Intifada : Ill-treatment, “Moderate Physical Pressure” or Torture?  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 19991

See : Daphna Golan


Dan Cohn-Sherbok & Dawoud El-Alami

The Palestine-Israeli Conflict : A Beginner’s Guide (OneWorld, 2008, 2015)


John Collins (Saint Lawrence University, New York)

Global Palestine  (Hurst, 2011)  – Palestine’s continued international relevance.

Occupied by Memory : The Intifada Generation and the Palestinian State of Emergency  (New York University Press, 2004) – an ethnographic study of the first Intifada.


John Connell (John Henry Robertson)

The House by Herod’s Gate  (Sampson Low & Marston, 1947) – An account of Mandate Palestine, 1940-1042.


Jonathan Cook

Disappearing Palestine : Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair  (Zed Books, 2008)

Israel and the Clash of Civilisations : Iraq, Iran, and the Plan to Remake the Middle East  (Pluto Press, 2008)

Blood and Religion : The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State  (Pluto Press, 2006)


William A. Cook

The Plight of the Palestinians : A Long History of Destruction  (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)


John K. Cooley

An Alliance Against Babylon : The US, Israel and Iraq  (Pluto Press, 2005) – with foreword by William R. Polk

Green March, Black September : The Story of the Palestinian Arabs (Frank Cass, 1973)


Paul Cossali and Cathy Hartley

Survey of Arab-Israeli Relations  (Routledge, 2002, 2004, 2006)


Paul Cossali and Clive Robson

Stateless in Gaza  (Zed Books, 1986)

see also : Martin Wright; Shirley Eber


Richard Crossman

Palestine Mission ; Personal Record  (Hamish Hamilton, 1947) Labour MP for Coventry East, who, in 1946, unsuccessfully challenged Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin to allow 100,000 European Jews to emigrate to Mandate Palestine.  Admits here that Arab Palestinian opposition to Zionism was not anti-Jewish.


A. Jay Crystol

The Liberty Incident : The 1967 Israeli Attack on the US Navy Spy Ship  (Brassey’s, 2002)


Ted Curtis

By Theft and Murder : A Beginner’s Guide to the Occupation of Palestine (Spare Change Books, 2003)


Richard H. Curtiss

A Changing Image : American Perceptions of the Arab-Israeli Dispute  (Washington DC : American Educational Trust, 1982/1986)


Pauline Cutting

Children of the Siege (William Heinemann / Pan, 1988) Dr Cutting spent the mid-1980s in Bourj al Barajneh, a Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut,  treating victims of bombardment, sniper fire, and starvation diets of dogs, rats, and grass. Note : see also Dr Swee Chai Ang, Dr Runa MacKay & Dr Chris Giannou.


Sylvain Cypel

Walled : Israeli Society at an Impasse  (The Other Press, 2007)  – from the publisher : Walled examines the contemporary state of mind of Israel’s citizens, tracing the history of the State of Israel back to the Jewish national movement and the beginnings of Zionism. Sylvain Cypel offers a lucid analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian situation and powerfully demonstrates that the wall of protection erected in the West Bank by Israel is the most visible symptom of a society in peril.  Those who are walled, Cypel argues, are first and foremost the Israelis themselves, who have chosen to ignore rather than acknowledge the existence and rights of their neighbors. Through the study of political discourse, intellectual controversy, and national institutions such as the army and the educational system, Cypel illuminates the mechanics of the culture of force that has led Israeli society into its current impasse. Walled combines historical, cultural, and sociological analysis with personal testimonies and a delightful Jewish wit, offering a cogent and gripping portrait of two peoples walled by denial: Israeli society and its “other,” the Palestinians.


Souad R. Dajani

Ruling Palestine : A History of the Legally Sanctioned Jewish-Israeli Seizure of Land and Housing in Palestine  (Geneva : Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions [COHRE] / Bethlehem : BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights, 2005)

Eyes without Country : Searching for a Palestinian Strategy of Liberation  (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1994-1995)

The Intifada (Centre for Hebraic Studies, University of Jordan, 1990)


William Dalrymple

From the Holy Mountain : A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium (Travel with some Palestinian relevance, HarperCollins 1997/Flamingo 1998)


Marwan DarweishAndrew Rigby

Palestinians in Israel : Nationality and Citizenship  (University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, 1995)


Joseph E. David, Udi Dromi, Sari Sapir, & Susan Kennedy – editors

The State of Israel : Between Judaism and Democracy – A Compendium of Interviews and Articles  (Jerusalem : Israel Democracy Institute, 2003) – A compilation of pieces reflecting Liberal Zionism.  Includes : Anita Shapira – Agreement on the Limits of Disagreement / A.B. Yehoshua – An Israeli StateAsa Kasher – A Democratic State of the Jews / Sammy Smooha – The Nation Before the State


Rochelle A. Davis (Arab Studies, Georgetown University)

-as editor, with Mimi Kirk (Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore) : Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st Century  (Indiana University Press, 2013) – Contents : Gabriel Piterberg : The Zionist Colonization of Palestine in the Context of Comparative Settler Colonialism  / Leila Farsakh : Colonial Occupation and Development in the West Bank and Gaza – Understanding the Palestinian Economy through the Work of Yusif Sayigh / Tamim al-Barghouti : War, Peace, Civil War: A Pattern? / As’ad Ghanem : Hamas Following the 2006 Palestinian Legislative Election: A Critical Victory / Sara Roy : Before Gaza, After Gaza: Examining the New Reality in Israel/Palestine / Susan Akram : The Legal Trajectory of the Palestinian Refugee Issue – From Exclusion to Ambiguity / Islah Jad : The Debate on Islamism and Secularism: The Case of Palestinian Women’s Movements / Loren Lybarger : Other Worlds to Live In: Palestinian Retrievals of Religion and Tradition under Conditions of Chronic National Collapse / Michael C. Hudson : Palestine in the American Political Arena: Is a “Reset” Possible? / Noura Erakat : Human Rights and the Rule of Law / Ali Abunimah : Lessons for Palestine from Northern Ireland: Why George Mitchell Couldn’t Turn Jerusalem into Belfast / Saree Makdisi : One State: The Realistic Solution

Palestinian Village Histories : Geographies of the Displaced  (Stanford University Press, 2011)


Uri Davis [A member of Fatah since 1984, long at the University of Bradford]

as co-editor, with Nils A. Butenschon and Manuel Hassassian Citizenship and the State in the Middle East : Approaches and Applications (Syracuse University Press, 2000)

Citizenship and the State : A Comparative Study of Citizenship Laws in Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon (Ithaca Press, 1997) 

Crossing the Border : An Autobiography of an Anti-Zionist Palestine Jew  (Books & Books, 1995)

The State of Palestine  (Ithaca Press, 1991)

Israel : An Apartheid State (Zed Books, 1986) / Apartheid Israel : Possibilities for the Struggle Within (Zed Books, 2003)

with Abbas Shiblak Civil and Citizenship Rights of Palestinian Refugees  (Jerusalem : Shami, 1995)

with Walter Lehn : The Jewish National Fund (Kegan Paul, 1988)

The Golan Heights under Israeli Occupation, 1967-1981  (University of Durham Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1983)

as co-editor, see also: Fouzi el-Asmar

Palestinian Arabs in Israel : Two Case Studies (Ithaca Press / Middle East Research and Action Group, 1977)  Study 1 – Hasan Amun, Uri Davis, Nasr Dakhlallah San’allah : Deir al-Asad, The Destiny of an Arab Village in Galilee / Study 2 – Adnan Abed Elrazik, Riyad Amin, Uri Davis : The Destiny of Arab Students in Institutions of Higher Education in Israel 

Israel, Utopia Incorporated : A Study of Class, State, and Corporate Kin Control  (Zed Press, 1977)

as co-editor, with Fouzi el-Asmar and Naim Khadr : Towards a Socialist Republic of Palestine (Ithaca Press, 1978)

as co-editor, with Norton Mezvinsky Documents from Israel, 1967-1973 : Readings for a Critique of Zionism  (Ithaca Press, 1975)

as co-editor, with Andrew Mack and Nira Yuval-Davis Israel and the Palestinians (Ithaca Press & University of Bradford, 1975)

as co-editor, with Martin Blatt and Paul Kleinbaum, with an introduction by Noam Chomsky : Dissent & Ideology in Israel : Resistance to the Draft, 1948-1973 (Ithaca Press / Housmans Bookshop / Middle East Research & Action Group / Lansbury House Trust, 1975)

see : Fouzi el-Asmar; Katie Attwell


Moshe Dayan

Break-Through : A Personal Account of Egypt-Israel Peace Negotiations  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1981)

Story of My Life  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976)

Diary of the Sinai Campaign 1956  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966 / Sphere Books, 1967)


Deir Yassin Massacre (1948) :

Michael Prior, editor, with foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Speaking the Truth : Zionism, Israel and the Occupation  (Northampton, Massachusetts : Olive Branch Press, 2005)  Michael Prior : Zionism and the Challenge of Historical Truth and Morality /  Rosemary & Herman Ruether : Zionism, Christianity and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / Ilan Pappé : State of Denial : The Nakbah in Israeli History and Today / Daniel McGowan : Why We Remember Deir Yassin / Rev. Stephen Sizer : The International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem : A Case Study in Political Christian Zionism / Peter Miano : Mainstream Christian Zionism / Duncan Macpherson : Politics and Multi-Faith in the Holy Land : A Challenge for Christians / Jean Zaru : Theologising, Truth and Peacemaking in the Palestinian Experience /  Paul Eisen : Speaking the Truth to Jews / Nasser Aruri : The Right of Return and its Detractors / Betsy Barlow : Waking the Sleeping Giant


Donna Robinson Devine

Exiled in the Homeland : Zionism and the Return to Mandate Palestine (University of Texas Press, 2009)

Politics and Society in Ottoman Palestine : The Arab Struggle for Survival and Power (Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Rienner Publications, 1994)

Donna Robinson Devine & Philip Carl Salzman, editors

Postcolonial Theory and the Arab-Israeli Conflict  (Routledge, 2008)


Herbert Dobbing

Cause for Concern : A Quaker’s View of the Palestine Problem (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970)


Peter DoddHalim Barakat

River without Bridges : A Study of the Exodus of the 1967 Palestinian Arab Refugees (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1969)


Beshara Doumani

The Rise of the Sanjak in Jerusalem in the Late Nineteenth Century, in Ilan Pappé, ed : The Israel/Palestine Question (Routledge, 2007)

Family History in the Middle East: Household, Property and Gender (State University of New York Press, 2003)

Rediscovering Palestine : Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700-1900  (University of California Press, 1995)


Michael Dumper

with Wendy PullanJerusalem : the Cost of Failure (Royal Institute of International Affairs / Chatham House, 2010)

as editor : Arab-Israeli Conflict : Major Writings in Middle Eastern Studies  (Routledge, 2009)

The Future of the Palestinian Refugees : Toward Equality and Peace  (Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Rirnner Publications, 2007)

as editor : Palestinian Refugee Repatriation : Global Perspectives  (Routledge, 2006)

The Politics of Sacred Space  (Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Rirnner Publications, 2002)

Islam and Israel : Muslim Religious Endowments and the Jewish State  (Washington DC : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1997)

The Politics of Jerusalem Since 1967  (Columbia University Press, 1996)


Marda Dunsky

Pens and Swords : How the American Mainstream Media Report the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Columbia University Press, 2008)


Abba Eban

An Autobiography  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978)


Shirley Eber, Kevin O’Sullivan, John Fisher, John Richardsoneditors; with Paul Cossali

Israel and the Occupied Territories : The Rough Guide  (Rough Guides, 1989, 1992, 1998) – the evolution of a major travel guide.


O.S. Edwardes

Palestine : Land of Broken Promise : A Statement of the Facts Concerning Palestine and an Examination of the Anglo-American Commission   (Dorothy Crisp & Co., 1946)  -argues against partition and for self-determination of the Arab majority.


Max Egremont

Under Two Flags : The Life of Major-General Sir Edward Spears  (Phoenix, 1998)

Balfour : A Life of Arthur James Balfour  (Collins, 1980)


Roza El-Eini

Mandated Landscape : British Imperial Rule in Palestine, 1929-1948 (Routledge, 2004, 2006)


Eliahu Elath

Zionism at the UN : A Diary of the First Days  -translated by Michael Ben-Yitzhak (Jewish Publication Society of America, 1976)


Elie Eliachar

Living with Jews  – translated by Peretz Kidron & Marzell Kay (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983)

Israelis & Palestinians : Co-existence or – “The Credo of Elia Eliachar”  – Edited by Philip Gillon  (Tel Aviv : Gaalyah Cornfield, 1977)  – from the foreword: ” based on chapters from … Living with Palestinians, by Elie Eliachar, published in 1975, augumented by numerous discussions I have had with him since.”


Yaacov Eliav

Wanted  (Shengold Publishers, 1984) – translated from 1983 Hebrew original by Mordecai Schreiber.  Relevant to the history of the Irgun.


Uri Ben-Eliezer

Old Conflict, New War : Israel’s Politics Toward the Palestinians (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)

The Making of Israeli Militarism  (Indian University Press, 1998)


Deborah Ellis

Three Wishes : Palestinian and Israeli Children Speak  (Groundwood Books, 2006)


Marc H. Ellis

Reading the Torah Out Loud : A Journey of Lament and Hope (Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 2007) Note : on liberation theology

Israel and Palestine out of the Ashes : The Search for Jewish Identity in the Twenty-First Century (Pluto Press, 2002)


Marc H. Ellis and Rosemary Radford Ruether, editors

Beyond Occupation : American Jewish, Christian and Palestinian Voices for Peace (Boston : Beacon Press, 1990)


Marc H. Ellis andDaniel A. McGowan, editors

Remembering Deir Yassin : The Future of Israel and Palestine (New York City : Olive Branch Press, 1998)


General George Fielding Eliot

Hate, Hope and High Explosives (Bobbs Merrill, 1948, plus other reprints) A military man’s reports in the spring of 1948 from such cities as Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Cairo, Beirut, Damascus, Teheran, Bagdad, Amman, Athens, Istanbul & Ankara, Trieste, and Salonika.  It includes statements of Haganah officers.


Sharif Elmusa (University of Cairo, United Nations)

Water Conflict : Economics, Politics, Law and Palestinian-Israeli Water Resources  (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1998)

Negotiating Water : Israel and the Palestinians  (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1996)

A Harvest of  Technology : The Super-Green Revolution in the Jordan Valley  (Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, 1994)

see also : POETRY


Amos Elon

Jerusalem : City of Mirrors (Boston : Little – Brown, 1989; Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1990); also published as Jerusalem : Battlegrounds of Memory  (Kodansha International, 1995)

The Israelis : Founders and Sons  (Rinehart & Winston, 1971 / Penguin, 1981, 1983)

with Sana Hassan : Between Enemies – A Compassionate Dialogue between an Israeli and an Arab  (Andre Deutsch, 1974)


James M. Ennes

Assault on the Liberty : The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship  (Random House, 1979)


Mary Entwistle

Four Stories on Syrian Life, for Use in Primary and Kindergarten Schools  (Syria & Palestine Relief Fund, 1918) – pamphlet.

Habeeb – Boy of Palestine  (Church Missionary Society, 1924, 1927) – 92pp.

If i Lived in Palestine  (‘Junior Background Series no. 3’ – Edinburgh House Press, 1929) -63pp


Zvi Elpeleg  (Tel Aviv University and Colonel in the Israeli Army / Military Governor of the West Bank)

Through the Eyes of the Mufti : The Essays of Had Amin Al-Hussaini – translated and annotated  – translated by Rachel Kessell (Vallenentine Mitchell, 2009)

The Grand Mufti : Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement  -translated by David Harvey (Frank Cass, 1993)


Mrs Steuart (Beatrice) Erskine

[Involved with the Arab Centre in the late 1930s] Palestine of the Arabs (George G Harrap, 1935)


Haggai Eshed

Reuven Shiloah : The Man Behind the Mossad : Secret Diplomacy in the Creation of Israel  (Frank Cass, 1997)


Yaron Ezrahi (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Rubber Bullets : Power and Conscience in Modern Israel  (University of California Press / Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1997)


Fabian Society (Labour Party-connected policy group)

Palestine Controversy : A Symposium – Papers Prepared for the Fabian Colonial Bureau  (Fabian Publications/Victor Gollancz, October 1945) – with an introduction by HN [Henry Noel] Brailsford.


Richard Falk

Unlocking the Middle East : The Writings of Richard Falk (Northampton, Massachusetts : Olive Branch Press, 2003)


Muhammad El-Farra (Jordanian Ambassador to the United Nations, 1965-1971; President of the UN Security Council, 1966)

Years of No Decision  (KPI, 1987)


Najwa Qawar Farah

A Continent Called Palestine : One Woman’s Story (Triangle, 1996) Focus on Christian women, including themes of Nazareth life, parenting, Palestinian exile, and threat to the region’s Christian community.


Nabih Amin Faris (1906-1968, Palestinian professor, mainly of early Islam) As editor :

The Arab Heritage (Princeton University Press, 1944, 1946 / New York : Russell & Russell, 1963)


Samih K. Farsoun

-with Naseer Hasan Aruri :   Palestine and the Palestinians : A Social and Political History (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 2006)

Culture and Customs of the Palestinians (Greenwood Press, 2004)

-with Christina E. Zacharia Palestine and the Palestinians : A Social and Political History (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1997)


Al-Fateh (Al-Fatah)

Numerous publications in English by the Palestine National Liberation Movement, eg :

The Palestinian Freedom Fighters and the World Press : Selections from May 1968 to March 1969 (articles from mainly London newspapers reprinted).


T.R. Feiwel

No Ease in Zion (Secker & Warburg, 1938) Tosco Fyvel became perhaps George Orwell’s best mate, and a keen Zionist during the Second World War.  To his credit, Orwell agreed to disagree, recognising the colonialist project for what it was.  This 1938 work is surprisingly questioning of the Jewish takeover of Palestine and assesses the immigrant movements from both Europe and the USA, noting various housing booms.



Ilana Feldman

Police Encounters : Security and Surveillance in Gaza under Egyptian Rule  (Stanford University Press, 2015) -Publisher’s blurb : Egypt came to govern Gaza as a result of a war, a failed effort to maintain Arab Palestine. Throughout the twenty years of its administration (19481967), Egyptian policing of Gaza concerned itself not only with crime and politics, but also with control of social and moral order. Through surveillance, interrogation, and a network of local informants, the police extended their reach across the public domain and into private life, seeing Palestinians as both security threats and vulnerable subjects who needed protection. Security practices produced suspicion and safety simultaneously. “Police Encounters” explores the paradox of Egyptian rule. Drawing on a rich and detailed archive of daily police records, the book describes an extensive security apparatus guided by intersecting concerns about national interest, social propriety, and everyday illegality. In pursuit of security, Egyptian policing established a relatively safe society, but also one that blocked independent political activity. The repressive aspects of the security society that developed in Gaza under Egyptian rule are beyond dispute. But repression does not tell the entire story about its impact on Gaza. Policing also provided opportunities for people to make claims of government, influence their neighbors, and protect their families.”

Governing Gaza : Bureaucracy, Authority and the Work of Rule, 1917-1967  (Duke University Press, 2008) – Publisher’s blurb : Feldman analyzes civil service in Gaza under the British Mandate (1917-1948) and the Egyptian Administration (1948-1967). In the process, she sheds light on how governing authority is produced and reproduced; how government persists, even under conditions that seem untenable; and how government affects and is affected by the people and places it governs. Feldman draws on archival research in Gaza, Cairo, and Jerusalem and two years of ethnographic research in Gaza involving interviews with retired civil servants. She argues that the authority and tenacity of government in Gaza were derived from the minutiae of its daily practice: the repetitions of filing procedures, the accumulation of documents, and the habits of civil servants. The unstable governing conditions that almost always existed in Gaza, which provided so little foundation for ruling authority, illuminate with particular clarity the significance that bureaucratic practice has for government. Feldman explains that the difficulties endemic to Gaza were managed through “tactical government,” a mode of rule that makes limited claims about governmental capacity, shifts in response to crisis, often works without long-term planning, and presumes little stability in governing conditions. Tactical governing enables government to carry on without claiming legitimacy, precisely by holding the question of legitimacy in abeyance.


Keith P. Feldman (University of California at Berkeley, 2015)

A Shadow over Palestine : The Imperial Life of Race in America  (University of Minnesota Press, 2015)  Publisher’s blurb : “Focusing on the period from 1960 to 1985… Feldman deftly analyzes how artists, intellectuals, and organizations—from the United Nations, the Black Panther Party, and the Association of Arab American University Graduates to James Baldwin, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Edward Said, and June Jordan—linked the unfulfilled promise of liberal democracy in the United States with the perpetuation of settler democracy in Israel and the possibility of Palestine’s decolonization.”


Eitan Felner

A Policy of Discrimination : Land Expropriation, Planning, and Building in East Jerusalem (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1997)

-with Yuval Ginbar :  Playing with Fire on the Temple Mount : Use of Lethal and Excessive Force by the Israel Police Force (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1996)


David Kenneth Fieldhouse

Western Imperialism in the Middle East, 1914-1958  (Oxford University Press, 2006)


Jean-Pierre Filiu

Gaza : A History – translated by John King (Hurst, 2014, 2015)  Just what it states and, amazingly, the first comprehensive book!  Praised by the Guardian, Sunday Times, Independent, New York Review of Books, etc.


Paul Findley (former U.S. Congressman from Illinois, deposed by the Israeli lobby)

Silent no More : Confronting America’s False Images of Islam  (Beltsville, Maryland : Amana Publications, 2001)

Deliberate Deceptions : Facing the Facts about the U.S.-Israeli Relationship  (Lawrence Hill, 1993)

They Dare to Speak Out : People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby  (Lawrence Hill, 1985 / 1989 / 1993)

See also : Stephen J. Sniegoski


Michael R. Fishbach  

The Peace Process and Palestinian Refugee Claims : Addressing Claims for Property Compensation and Restitution   (US Institute of Peace, 2006)


Simha Flapan (1911-1987; Mapan Party, founder-director of the Jewish-Arab Institute & the Israeli Peace Research Institute)

The Birth of Israel : Myths and Realities   (Croom Helm, 1987)

When Enemies Dare to Talk : An Israeli-Palestinian Debate (5-6 September 1978), Organised by ‘New Outlook’  (Croom Helm, 1979)  Author was founder-editor of the monthly New Outlook.

Zionism and the Palestinians  (Croom Helm, 1979)

Note : See Merle Thorpe, Jr.


Ellen L. Fleischmann

The Nation and its New Women : The Palestinian Women’s Movement, 1920-1948  (University of California Press, 2003)


HM Foreign Office

The Christian Communities in Jerusalem 1948-1967  (Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 1978)


Thomas Friedman

From Beirut to Jerusalem  (HarperColline, 1995, 1998 / Picador, 2012)


Alfred Friendly

Israel’s Oriental Immigrants and Druzes  (Minority Rights Group, 1972)


Michael G. Fry

Despatches from Damascus : Gilbert MacKereth and British Policy in the Levant, 1933-1939  (Shiloah Institute, Tel Aviv University, 1985)


Mark Gaffney

Dimona : The Third Temple ?  The Story Behind the Vanunu Revelation  (Amana Books, 1989)


Nancy Gallagher

Quakers in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict : The Dilemmas of NGO Humanitarian Activism  (American University in Cairo Press, 2007)


Mohamed Abdel Gamasi El-Gamasy

The October War : Memoirs of Field Marshal El-Gamasy of Egypt -translated by Gillian Potter, Nadra Morcos, & Rosette Francis (American University in Cairo Press, 1993)


Roger Garaudy  [Marxist historian with most publications in French]

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel  (Newport Beach, California : Institute for Historical Review, 2000)

The Mythical Foundations of Israeli Policy  (Studies Forum International, 1997)

The Case of Israel : A Study of Political Zionism  (Shorouk, 1993)


Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat

The Evolution of an Independent, Community-Based Campaign for Palestinian Refugee Rights : Palestinian Refugees in the 1967 Occupied Palestinian Territories, and 1948 Palestine/Israel Coping with the Post-Oslo Conditions (Bethlehem : BADIL Resource Center, 2000)

UNWRA – Between Refugee Aid and Power Politics : A Memorandum Calling upon International Responsibility for the Palestinian Refugee Question  (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1997)

The Trap is Closing on Palestinian Jerusalemites : Israel’s Demographic Policies in east Jerusalem from the 1967 Annexation to the Eve of the Final Status Negotiations [1996]  (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1996)

Residency Rights in the Territories Administered by the Palestinian National Authority  (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1994)

co-edited with Maxine Nunn : Palestine and the Other Israel : Alternative Directory of Progressive Groups and Institutions in Israel and the Occupied Territories   (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1991)


Dov Gavish

A Survey of Palestine under the British Mandate, 1920-1948  (Routledge, 2010; originally published in Hebrew, 1991) – Publisher’s blurb : “…a historical study of the survey and mapping system of Palestine under the British Mandate. It traces the background and the reasoning behind the establishment of the survey programme, examines the foundations upon which the system was based, and strives to understand the motivation of those who implemented it.”


John Gee

Unequal Conflict : The Palestinians and Israel  (Pluto Books / Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink Books, 1998)

Israel, the Palestinians and the “Permanent Status” Issues  (Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding / CAABU, 1997)


Martha Gellhorn

The Arabs of Palestine : A Case Study of the Refugees, in The View from the Ground (Cambridge : Granta Books, 1989) Note : originally published in the Atlantic Monthly, October 1961; the entire November issue was filled with Israel – A Special Supplement, a Zionist response.


James L. Gelvin

The ISrael-Palestine Conflict : One Hundred Years of War  (Cambridge University Press, 2005)


Irene L. Gendzier  (Professor of Political Science, Boston University)

Notes from the Minefield : United States Intervention in Lebanon and the Middle East, 1945-1958  (Westview Press, 1999)


Haim Gerber (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

Remembering and Imagining Palestine : Identity and Nationalism from the Crusades to the Present  (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)

Crossing Borders : Jews and Muslims in Ottoman Law, Economy and Society  (University of Istanbul Press, 2008)

Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem, 1890-1914  (Berlin : Schwarz, 1985)


Israel Gershoni (Tel Aviv University)

Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism  (University of Texas Press, 2015)  Contains two chapters directly on Palestine – Rene Wildangel : More than the Mufti : Other Arab-Palestinian Voices on Nazi Germany, 1933-1945; Mustafa Kabha : The Spanish Civil War as Reflected in the Contemporary Palestinian Press.


Georgie Anne Geyer

Buying the Night Flight : The Autobiography of a Woman Foreign Correspondent  (Brassey’s, 1996 / University of Chicago Press, 2001)


Edmund Ghareeb  (Lebanese-American professor at George Washington University, Washington DC)

Split Vision : The Portrayal of Arabs in the American Media  (Washington DC : American-Arab Affairs Council, 1983)


Adnan Mohammed Abu-Ghazaleh

Arab Cultural Nationalism during the British Mandate (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies / Benghazi : University of Libya, 1973)


Asima A. Ghazi-Bouillon

Understanding the Middle East Peace Process : Israeli Academic and the Struggle for Identity  (Routledge, 2009)


Dr. Chris Giannou

Besieged : A Doctor’s Story of Life and Death in Beirut (Bloomsbury, 1991)

Note : see also Dr Swee Chai Ang, Dr Pauline Cutting, and Dr Runa MacKay.


David Gilmour

Lebanon : The Fractured Country  (Martin Robinson, 1983 / Sphere, 1984)

Dispossessed : The Ordeal of the Palestinians, 1917-1980 (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1980)


Yuval Ginbar

Why Not Torture Terrorists? Moral, Practical, and Legal Aspects of the “Ticking Bomb” Justification for Torture   (Oxford University Press, 2008, 2009)

-edited by Na’ama Carmi; translated by Zvi Shulman :  On the Way to Annexation : Human Rights Violations Resulting from the Establishment and Expansion of the Ma’alah Adumin Settlement  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1999)

Legitimizing Torture : The Israeli High Court of Justice Rulings in the Bilbeisi, Hamdan, and Mubarak Cases (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1997)

-edited by Yael Stein; translated by Zvi ShulmanIsraeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories as a Violation of Human Rights : Legal and Conceptual Aspects  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1997)


Shai Ginzburg (Duke University)

Rhetoric and Nation : The Formation of a Hebrew National Culture, 1880-1990 (Syracuse University Press, 2014) – Author challenges the common conflation of modern Hebrew rhetoric and modern Jewish nationalism.


Arthur Gish

Hebron Journal : Stories of Nonviolent Peacemaking  (Herald Press, 2001)  – Author’s work with Christian Peacemaker Teams.


Charles Glass

The Tribes Triumphant : Return Journey to the Middle East (HarperCollins, 2006)  Former kidnapped ABC TV network journalist returns to the region; the book has an emphasis on Palestine and Israel.


Joseph B. Glass

From New Zion to Old Zion : American Jewish Immigration and Settlement in Palestine, 1917-1939 (Wayne State University Press, 2001) American aliya movement sorted in four categories : orthodox, middle-class agriculturists, urban professionals, and the halutzim (pioneers).


Sir John Bagot Glubb

Into Battle : A Soldier’s Diary of the Great War  aka  Arabian Adventures : Ten Years of Joyful Service (Cassell, 1978)

A Soldier with the Arabs  (Hodder & Stoughton, 1959) Nabka relevance.

Numerous other titles.


Daphna Golan

Nest Year in Jerusalem : Everyday Life in a Divided Land (New Press, 2005)

-see Stanley Cohen


Galia Golan

Israel and Palestine : Peace Plans and Proposals from Oslo to Disengagement  (Princeton : Markus Wiener Publishing, 2007) Contents: Oslo accords — Camp David — Clinton parameters — Taba — Mitchell-Tenet-Zinni recommendations– Saudi initiative-Arab League resolution and UNSC resolution — President Bush’s Rose Garden speech — The road map — The Geneva accord — Nusseibeh Ayalon- petition — The disengagement plan — US-Israel understandings: Bush and Weissglas letters.


Ahmad Mahmoud H. Gomaa

The Foundation of the League of Arab States : Wartime Diplomacy and Inter-Arab Politics, 1941 to 1945  (Longmans, 1977)


Gershom Gorenberg  (Jerusalem resident who writes for Ha’aretz and American magazines)

The Unmaking of Israel  (Harper, 2011) -analysis of how the settler movement has corrupted Israeli central government.

The Accidental Empire : Israel and the Birth of Settlements, 1967-1977  (Holt, 2006-7)

End of Days : Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount  (Oxford University Press, 2002)


Michael Gorkin & Rafiqa Othman

Three Mothers, Three Daughters : Palestinian Women’s Stories   (University of California Press, 1996)

Michael Gorkin

Days of Honey, Days of Onion – The Story of a Palestinian Family in Israel  (University of California Press, 1993)


Yosef Gorni (Zionist history professor, Tel Aviv University)

From Binational Society to Jewish State : Federal Concepts in Zionist Political Thought, 1920-1990  (Leiden : Brill, 2006)

Zionism and the Arabs : A Study of Ideology  (Clarendon, 1987)

The British Labour Movement and Zionism, 1917-1948  (Frank Cass, 1983)


Sarah Graham-Brown

Returnees in Jordan : Report on a Visit to Jordan  (The Refugee Council, 1993) [pamphlet]

Palestinians in Kuwait : Report on a Visit to Kuwait, May 1992  (The Refugee Council / Gulf Information Project, 1992) [pamphlet]

Women and Politics in the Middle East  (Washington DC : Middle East Research and Information Center, ca. 1990s) [pamphlet]

Refugees, Misplace People and Migrant Workers in Iraq and Jordan – Report on a Visit in September 1991  (The Refugee Council / Gulf Information Project, 1991) [pamphlet]

The Palestinian Situation (Geneva : YMCA, ca. 1989)

Images of Women : The Portrayal of Women in Photography in the Middle East, 1860-1950 (Quartet Books, 1988)

Education, Repression and Liberation : Palestinians – edited by Neil MacDonald (London: World University Service, 1984)

Palestinians and Their Society, 1880-1946  (Quartet Books, 1980) – photographic essay with text.

Palestinian  Workers and Trade Unions (Middle East Research and Action Group / UK Palestine Co-ordination / Lansbury House Trust, 1980) [pamphlet]

See Gertrude Bell and the CULTURE section.


Hilma [Natalia] Granqvist [1890-1972] (Karen Segar, editor; with Slelagh Weir)

Portrait of a Palestinian Village ; The Photographs of Hilma Granqvist – edited by Karen Seger, with foreword by Sheilah Wei (London : Third World Centre, 1981)

Muslim Death and Burial : Arab Customs and Traditions Studied in a Village in Jordan (Helsinki : Societas Scientarum Fennica, 1965)

Birth and Childhood Among the Arabs : A Study of a Muhammadan Village in Palestine (Helsingfors [Helsinki] : Söderström & Co., 1947)

Marriage Conditions in a Palestine Village II (Helsinki : Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1935)

Marriage Conditions in a Palestine Village I (Helsinki : Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1931)


Stephen Green

Living By the Sword : America and Israel in the Middle East, 1968-1987  (William Morrow / Faber, 1988)

Taking Sides : America’s Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, 1948-1967  (Faber, 1984)



Ela Greenberg

Preparing for the Mothers of Tomorrow : Education and Islam in Mandate Palestine  (Universityof Texas Press, 2010)


Michael Greenberg

What’s Up in Palestine? (FACT, 1938)


Nina Gren

Occupied Lives : Maintaining Integrity in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in the West Bank  (American University in Cairo Press, 2015)  – An ethnographic study of Dheisheh Refugee Camp, near Bethlehem, 2003-2004.


Alain Gresh (translated by AM Berrett, with a preface by Maxime Rodinson)

The PLO : The Struggle Within : Towards an Independent Palestinian State (Zed, 1988)


Lucas Grollenberg [Bible historian]

Palestine Comes First  (SCM Canterbury Press, 1980)


Peter Grose

Israel in the Mind of America (New York City : Knopf, 1984)


David Grossman

Writing in the Dark (Essays on politics and art, critical of invasion of Lebanon; Bloomsbury, 2009)

Sleeping on a Wire (Journalism on Palestinians in Israel; Vintage, 1993, 2010)

The Yellow Wind (1993, 2002) West Bank journalism from 1987


Kaoutar Guediri

A History of Anti-Partitionist Perspectives in Palestine, 1915-1988 PhD thesis, University of Exeter, 2013; hopefully, this will be a published book.


Sami Hadawi

Crime and No Punishment (Zionist terrorism 1939-1972; original edition, 1972; revised as The Realities of Terrorism and Retaliation (Toronto : Arab Palestine Association, 1987)

Bitter Harvest : A Modern History of Palestine aka Palestine between 1914-1967  /  1914-1979  (New York City : New World Press, 1967 / Delmar, New York : Caravan Books, 1969; then revised – Buckhurst Hill : Scorpion Press, 1989 / New York City :  Olive Branch Press, 1991)

Sami Hadawi & Robert John

Palestine Diary – Volume 1 : 1914-1945  (Beirut : Palestine Research Centre, 1970 / New York City : New World Press, 1971)

Palestine Diary – Volume 2 : 1945-1948  (Beirut : Palestine Research Centre, 1970)

Sami Hadawi & Walter Lehn

Zionism & Racism  aka  Zionism and the Lands of Palestine (International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, pamphlet, 1977, 1982)


Noah Haiduc-Dale (History Dept., Centenary College, New Jersey)

Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine (Edinburgh University Press, 2013)  An important book that tracks the history of Palestine’s Arab Christians and their Palestinian nationalism, 1917-1948, that both identities were not contradictory.  Deep microhistory of the the widening Husayni and Nashashibi factionalism. “Haiduc-Dale offers a chronological history of Palestinian politics that focuses on the particular role in each stage of Christians, whose narratives have often been marginalized or essentialized. In the process, he offers a comprehensive and easy to follow guide to key landmarks in the development of the Palestinian national movement more generally.” – Liora Halperin, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies


Sylvia G. Haim, editor

Arab Nationalism : An Anthology (University of California Press, 1962) A treasure compilation of period writing, including a 1933 interview with Rashid Rida, the founder of modern Arab nationalism ; First Arab Students’ Congress’ Arab Pledge, Definitions, Manifesto, from a Brussels conference in 1938; Abd al-Rahman Azzam’s 1946 Cairo address, The Arab league and World Unity; several pieces on nationalism through the Islamic lens; and even the 1951 constitution of the then-new Party of the Arab Ba’th (“a national, popular, revolutionary movement fighting for Arab Unity, Freedom, and Socialism”).


Nadia abu el-Haj

The Genealogical Science : The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (University of Chicago Press, 2012)

Facts on the Ground : Archeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society  (University of Chicago Press, 2001)


Fred Halliday

100 Myths about the Middle East (Saqi Books, 2005)


Jeff Halper  (head of the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions / ICAHD)

War Against the People : Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification (Pluto Press, 2015)

-with Michael YounanObstacles to Peace ; A Reframing of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict  – (Palestine Mapping Center, 2005 / CAHD, 2013)

An Israeli in Palestine : Resisting Dispossession, Redeeming Israel  (Pluto Press, 2008 / second edition 2010)

Obstacles to Peace : A Reframing of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (Palestine Mapping Center / ICHAD, 2005, 2015)

Between Redemption and Revival : The Jewish Yishuv of Jerusalem in the Nineteenth Century  (Oxford : Westview, 1991)


Liora Halperin (University of Colorado – Boulder & International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies)

Babel in Zion : Jews, Nationalism, and Language Diversity in Palestine, 1920-1949  (Yale University Press, 2014) – History of the Zionist cultural front to make Hebrew a linguistic currency amongst the Jews of Mandate Palestine.


Eric Hammel

Six Days in June : How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War   (Pacifica Military History, 2001) –  Battles detailed, but sans maps.  One reviewer wrote : “whilst every Arab soldier killed was a statistic, every Israeli death was a tragedy.”


Lesley Hamilton

Where Mountains Roar : in Search of the Sinai Desert [Negev – Sinai in Israel & Egypt] (Victor Gollancz, 1980)


Joshua Hammer

A Season in Bethlehem : Unholy War in a Sacred Place  (James Bennett, 2003)


Jeremy R. Hammond

The Rejection of Palestinian Self-Determination  (the author, 82pp, 2009)


Sahar Hamouda (Alexandria University, Egypt)

Once Upon a Time in Jerusalem  (Garnet Publishing, 2009) – Publisher’s blurb : “tells the saga of a Palestinian family living in Jerusalem during the British mandate, and its fate in the diaspora following the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. The story is told by two voices: a mother, who was a child in Jerusalem in the 1930s, and her daughter, who comments on her mother’s narrative. The real hero of the narrative, however, is the family home in Old Jerusalem, which was built in the 15th century and which still stands today. Within its walls lived the various members of the extended family whose stories the narrative reveals: parents, children, stepmothers, stepsisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and cousins. This is no idealized, nostalgic narrative of perfect characters or an idyllic past, but a truthful rendition of family life under occupation, in a holy city that was conservative to the extreme. Against a backdrop of violence, much social history is revealed as an authoritarian father, a submissive mother, brothers who were resistance fighters, and an imaginative child struggled to lead a normal life among enemies. That became impossible in 1948, when the narrator, by then a young girl studying in Beirut, realized she could not go home. She traveled to Cairo, where she had to start a new life under difficult conditions, and reconcile herself to the idea of exile. Narrated in a terse, matter-of-fact tone, “Once Upon a Time in Jerusalem” is a bildungsroman in which the child is initiated into loss and despair, and a life about which little is known. The book shows a city of the 1930s from a new perspective: a cosmopolitan Jerusalem where people from all nations and faiths worshiped, married and lived together, until such co-existence came to an end and a new order was enforced.”


Fuad Said Hamzeh

United National Conciliation Commission for Palestine, 1949-1967 (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1968)


Muna Hamzeh  (Palestinian-Lebanese-American journalist in Gheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem)

Operation Defensive Shield : Witnesses to Israeli Military War Crimes   (Pluto Press, 2003)

Refugees in Our Own Land : Chronicles from a Palestinian Refugee Camp in Bethlehem  (Pluto Press, 2001)


Sari Hanafi (American University of Beirut), Leila Hilal (New American Foundation & UNWRA advisor), & Lex Takkenburg (UNWRA officer, since 1989), editors.

UNWRA and Palestinian Refugees : From Relief and Works to Human Development  (Routledge, 2014) – 14 essays, most modern, but including one on the emergence and early management of the camps, 1950-1970.

Sari Hanafi & Are Knudseneditors

Palestinian Refugees : Identity, Space and Place in the Levant  (Routledge, 2010, 2014)

See : Lex Takkenburg


Paul L. Hanna

British Policy in Palestine  (Washington DC : American Council on Public Affairs, 1942)


Anaheed Al-Hardan (American University of Beirut)

Palestinians in Syria : Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities  (Columbia University Press, due June 2016)


Yehoshafat Harkabi  (former Head of Israel’s military intelligence; “I would say the original source of this conflict lies with Israel, with the Jews, and you can quote me.” (1973)

The Arab-Israeli Conflict on the Threshold of Negotiations  (Princeton University Center for International Studies, 1992)

Israel’s fateful Decisions  (IB Tauris, 1988)

The Bar Kokhba Syndrome : Risk and realism in International Politics  (Rossel Books, 1982)

The Palestinian Covenant and its Meaning  (Vallentine Mitchell, 1979)

Arab Strategies and Israel’s Response  (Free Press / Collier Macmillan, 1977)

Arab Attitudes to Israel   -translated by Misha Louvish  (Vellentine Mitchell, 1972 / Jerusalem, Keter Publishing, 1976)

Palestinians and Israel   (Jerusalem : Keter Publishing, 1974)

The Position of the Palestinians in the Israel-Arab Conflict and Their National Covenant  (publisher ? – 1969)


Alan Hart

Zionism – The Real Enemy of the Jews (World Focus Publications, various editions, in two-and-three-volume editions, 2005, 2012) Zionist political muscle in both Tel Aviv and Washington is unwrapped in this fascinating insider’s history given that the author knew well both Yassir Arafat and Golda Meir!  Fortunately, Hart put these candid observations into print.


John Harte

Contesting the Past in Mandate Palestine : History Teaching for Palestinian Arabs under British Rule  (PhD theses, School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS / University of London], 2009) 


Hashomer Hatzair Workers’ Party

The Road to Bi-National Independence – Memorandum of the Hashomer Hatzair Workers’ Party of Palestine  (Tel Aviv : the Party, August 1947)

Case for a Bi-National Palestine – Memorandum prepared by Hashomer Hatzair for the Anglo-American Committee  (Tel Aviv : the Party, March 1946)


Amira Hass 

Reporting from Ramallah : An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land (Semiotxt(e), 2003) Hass is a rare Jewish Israeli correspondent (Ha’aretz) on Palestinian affairs living among the people about whom she wrote these dispatches.

Drinking the Sea at Gaza : Days and Nights in a Land under Siege  (translated by Elana Wesley & Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta; Hamish Hamilton Press, 1979)

-see also Sara Roy and Jean-Philipe Fileu


Agha Hassan

The Role of Mass Communications in Inter-State Conflict : The Arab-Israeli War of 1973  (American University in Cairo Press, 1978)


Manuel S. Hassassian (Palestine Ambassador to the UK)

Palestine, Factionalism in the National Movement (1919-1939) (East Jerusalem : Palestine Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, 1990) An overview of the two leading families and their respective support : The al-Husseinis (Majlesiyoun, those who supported the Mufti) and the Nahashibis (Mu’arada, the anti-Husseinis, who were less unified). Despite being done in 1990, which much of this having been excavated by historians since, there are rare sources unlikely to have been used by the latter.  Available online : http://www.passia.org/publications/Palestine/Pal-Book-All.pdf


Muhammed Abdel-Kadel Hatem  [Abd al-Qadir], with foreword by Daily Telegraph Middle East correspondent John Bulloch

Information and the Arab Cause (Longman, 1974) Author was Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt.


Susan Lee Hattis

The Bi-National Idea in Palestine During Mandatory Times  (Haifa : Shikmona Publishing, 1970) – PhD thesis, University of Geneva.


Haim Hazan

Simulated Dreams : Israeli Youth and Virtual Zionism  (Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2001)   Sociological, anthropological analysis.


Joseph Heller (b. 1937, not the author of Catch 22)

The Stern Gang : Idology, Politics and Terror, 1940-1949  (Frank Cass, 1994 / Routledge, 1995) Claims that the organisation, Lehi, was not an ideological offshoot of the IZL/Irgun, but one of ‘National Bolshevism,’ and that both groups’ efforts weren’t solely responsible for making the British Mandate untenable.   See also : Patrick Bishop

British Policy Toward the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1914  (Frank Cass, 1983)


Joseph Heller  (b. 1888, not the author of Catch 22)

The Zionist Idea  (Joint Zionist Publications Committee, 1947)

Correspondance Course in Zionism, Part 1  (Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, 1945)


Mark A. Heller

Continuity and Change in Israeli Security Policy  (Oxford University Press / International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2000)

with Sari Nusseibeh : No Trumpets, No Drums : A Two-State Settlement of the Israel-Palestine Conflict  (IB Tauris, 1991)

A Palestinian State : The Implications for Israel  (Harvard University Press, 1983)

Mark Heller & Rosemary Hollis, editors

Israel and the Palestinians : Israeli Policy Options  (Chatham House, 2005)


Seymour M. (Myron) Hersh  (New Yorker magazine writer who first exposed the 1969 My Lai Massacre in Vietnam)

The Samson Option : Israel, America and the Bomb  (Faber, 1991, 1993)


Dilip Hiro

The Middle East (Phoenix : Oryx Press, 1996)

Sharing the Promised Land : A Tale of Israelis and Palestinians aka Sharing the Promised Land : An Interwoven Tale of Israelis and Palestinians  (Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink Books / Coronet, 1996)

Lebanon : Fire and Embers – A History of the Lebanese Civil War  (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1993)

Inside the Middle East (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982)


David Hirst

Beware of Small States : Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East  (Faber, 2011)

 The Gun and the Olive Branch : The Roots of Violence in the Middle East  (Nation Books, 2003)


Thomas Hodgkin

Thomas Hodgkin : Letters from Palestine 1932-1936 (EC Hodgkin, editor)

(Quartet Books, 1986)

Antonius and Palestine (EC Hodgkin, editor; Ithaca Press, 1982)


Adina Hoffman

House of Windows : Portraits from a Jerusalem Neighbourhood (Arcadia Books, 2001)


Clare Hollingworth  (war correspondant for The Observer and The Economist)

Front Line (Jonathan Cape, 1990) – disappointingly minimal reference to 1947-1948, especially as she was at the King David Hotel when it was terrorised.  Flew bombing missions for the RAF in Cairo during World War Two.

The Arabs and the West (Methuen, 1952 / Routledge, 2015)

Note : See James Rodgers


Tikva Honig-Parnass

False Prophets of Peace : Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine

(Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2011)  Deeply researched analysis of the Israeli Left’s attempts to legitimise Israeli apartheid; a rare, English-language assessment, endorsed by Ilan Pappé, Moshé Machover, and Noam Chomsky.  Valuable endnotes, despite occasional misspellings of authors’ names and English titles sometimes wantonly given to Hebrew books.

See : THE STORY TODAY section.


EP Horne

A Job Well Done : A History of the Palestine Police Service, 1920-1948  (Book Guild Publishing, 2003)


David Horowitz

State in the Making (Greenwood Press, 1981) – Jewish Agency perspective.


Peter Hounam

Operation Cyanide : Why the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III  (Vision, 2003)


Sahar Huneidi

A Broken Trust : Herbert Samuel, Zionism and the Palestinians  (IB Tauris, 2001) Sir Herbert Samuel, the first British High Commissioner in Mandatory Palestine (1920–25) has been generally regarded as an impartial administrator.  But most of the measures Samuel took during his time in Palestine were designed to prepare the ground not simply for the “Jewish national home” promised in both the Balfour Declaration and the mandate for Palestine, but also for a Jewish state.


J.C. Hurewitz

Middle East Politics : The Military Dimension  (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1982)

Oil, the Arab-Israeli Dispute and the Industrial World : Horizons of Crisis (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1976)

The Struggle for Palestine  (New York City : Schocken Books, 1976)


Hussein, King of Jordan

My “War” with Israel  – as told to Vick VancePierre Lauer  (Owen, 1968)


Hussein Abu Hussein & Fiona McKay

Access Denied : Palestinian Land Rights in Israel (Zed Books, 2003)


Hassan Jamal Husseini

Return to Jerusalem  (Quartet Emerging Voices, 1998)    It is one thing to know such things happen; another to experience them at first hand. A Palestinian journalist, working for the Arab Press in Jerusalem, returns home late from work. In the small hours of the following morning, the security forces knock at his door. They remove him from his family, handcuff and blindfold him and take him away for interrogation. Absorbed into the prison system, he is subjected to techniques of humiliation and deprivation in an overcrowded cell and the alternating brutality and subtle reasonableness of the interrogators. The long hours of inaction between times are lightened only by thoughts of the tenderness of his family life and the conversation of fellow prisoners. These debates, reflecting many shades of experience and opinion, unfold against the background of his wife’s unwavering support and the continuing history of Israel’s occupation of the territories. An Israeli lawyer a man of integrity, takes up his case and introduces a ray of hope — yet seems powerless to divert the authorities’ intentions as these finally emerge. Hassan Husseini has written in Return to Jerusalem a novel of haunting human interest at one level and at another a timely appeal for the recognition of the rights of Palestinians in their ancestral homeland on a foundation of moderation and natural justice.  Hassan Jamal Husseini was born in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1925 and was educated at various schools in the Middle East. He attended the American University, Beirut, and Syracuse University, New York. He studied music as an amateur at the Paris Conservatoire. In 1951 he entered the Saudi Diplomatic Service, serving a five-year posting at the London Embassy. He left to become the Middle East representative of the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Bank, and works today in financial consultancy. He is married and has three children. In undertaking his research for Return to Jerusalem, Husseini interviewed former prisoners from Israel’s security prisons to ensure the documentary authenticity of the novel’s background.


Ihud : See Judah Leon Magnes


Amitzur Ilan

The Origin of the Arab-Israeli Arms Race : Arms, Embargo, Military Poweer and Decision in the 1948 Palestine War (Macmillan / St Antony’s College, Oxford University / New York University Press, 1996)

Bernadotte in Palestine 1948 : A Study in Contemporary Humanitarian Knight-Errantry  (Macmillan / St Antony’s College, Oxford University, 1996)


Martin Indyk

Innocent Abroad : An Intimate Account of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East (Simon & Schuster, 2009) – With some focus on Oslo and the 2nd intifada.


Doreen Ingrams (compiled and annotated)

The Palestine Papers : 1917-1922 : Seeds of Conflict (John Murray 1972 / Eland Publishing, 2009)


Institute for Historical Justice and Reconcilliation

Sacred Sites in The Holy Land : Historical and Religious Perspectives  (Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation / Republic of Letters Publishing, 2011)  Publisher’s blurb : “explores shared legacies of Jews and Muslims, offering religious and historical accounts on three sacred sites in the Holy Land; Al Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount; Cave of the Patriarchs/Cave of Machpelah: Sanctuary of Ibrahim/ Ibrahimi Mosque and Kever Shmuel/Nabi Samu’il.”  Note : This monograph is a free download, via historyandreconciliation.org


Institute for Palestine Studies – Arab Women’s Information Committee

Who are the Terrorists?  Aspects of Zionist and Israeli Terrorism (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1972)


Institute for Palestine Studies

The Judaization of Jerusalem, 1967-1972 (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies / Canterbury : World Conference of Christians for Peace, 1972)


International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Zionism and Racism : International Symposium – Selected Papers  (1986) – see other EAFORD publications under individual authors.

Witness of War Crimes in Lebanon : Testimony Given to the Nordic Commission, Oslo, October 1982  (1983)


Runo Isaksen

Literature and War : Conversations with Israeli and Palestinian Writers (Northampton, Massachusetts : Olive Tree Press / Interlink Books, 2009) – Contents : What really matters is the quality of what’s in our heads / Etgar Keret — In morality’s catastrophe zones / David Grossman — We have to act as if there is a chance. Maybe / Yoram Kaniuk — In conflicts, few people are able to understand the suffering of others / Amos Oz — Dissension is an old Jewish tradition / Meir Shalev — Arabophobia! / Orly Castel-Bloom — A perfect bridge / Dorit Rabinyan — Life is so much richer / Mahmoud Shuqair — I want to be free / Ghassan Zaqtan — My aim is to survive / Liana Badr — I write to release the violence inside / Zakariyya Muhammad — We have to be humane in our fight / Yahya Yakhlif — Men dominate society / Sahar Khalifeh — It is our duty to know about the other side / Mahmoud Darwish and Izzat Ghazzawi — Or should we do something about it? an Israeli-Palestinian contribution / Salman Natour.


Raphael Israeli

Dangers of a Palestinian State (Israel : Gefen Publishing, 2002).  Various Israeli authors essay perceived dangers of dismantling the Zionist State.


Ze’ev Jabotinsky – about Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940)

The War and the Jew  (New York City : Altalena Press, 1987)


GH Jansen [Godfrey H.]

Zionism, Israel and Asian Nationalism (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971)


Michael E. Jansen

The United States and the Palestinian People (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970)


Wasif Jawhariyyeh

Storyteller of Jerusalem : The Life and Times of Wasif Jawhariyyeh, 1904-1948  (Northampton, Massachusetts : Olive Branch Press, 2014)  More than a personal memoir, this is eyewitness testimony to major historical events in Jerusalem from the waning days of Ottoman rule and the beginnings of the British mandate to the emergence of the state of Israel. It will prove a valuable source of primary material, recording Palestinian urban life and the rise of national consciousness. Highly recommended for historians of the era and for anyone interested in a legacy of Jerusalem. –Library Journal.  Includes a great deal of urban Arab culture in Jerusalem, especially the music scene.


Lena Jayyusi, editor

Jerusalem Interrupted : Modernity and Colonial Transformation, 1917-Present (Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink, 2015)  This groundbreaking collection of essays brings together distinguished scholars and writers and follows the history of Jerusalem from the culturally diverse Mandate period through its transformation into a predominantly Jewish city.  Essays detail often unexplored dimensions of the social and political fabric of a city that was rendered increasingly taut and fragile, even as areas of mutual interaction and shared institutions and neighborhoods between Arabs and Jews continued to develop.  Contributors include: Lena Jayyusi, Issam Nassar, Samia A. Halaby, Elias Sahhab, Andrea Stanton, Makram Khoury-Machool, Sandy Sufian, Awad Halabi, Ellen L. Fleischmann, Widad Kawar, Rochelle Davis, Subhi Ghosheh, Mohammad Ghosheh, Tom Abowd, Nadia Abu El-Haj, Michael Dumper, Nahed Awwad, Ahmad J. Azem, Nasser Abourahme.


JMN Jeffries [Joseph Mary Nagle]

Palestine : The Reality (Longmans, 1939)  The definitive and most revelatory analysis of the machinations behind the Balbour Declaration.  Author was the Daily Mail’s Middle East Correspondent in the 1920s and co-founder of the Palestine Information Centre in London, 1936.  Original book, 728 pages with 21 possible copies held in UK libraries. (Westport, Connecticut : Hyperion Press, 1976)  Held in the UK by the British Library, Exeter and Sheffield Universities. Chapter 11, republished as an off-print by the Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut, 1969.


JMN Jeffries, edited by William M. Mathew

The Palestine Deception, 1915-1923 : The McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, the Balfour Declaration, and the Jewish National Home (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 2014) J. M. N. Jeffries, formerly a war correspondent in Europe and the Middle East, working for Britain’s largest-selling newspaper, the Daily Mail, was sent to Palestine in 1922 by its owner, Lord Northcliffe, to report on its developing political and economic affairs—just five years on from the Balfour Declaration and its promise of British support for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish national home. A Zionist Commission had arrived there in April 1918 and working, often tensely, alongside British military and civilian authorities, had succeeded in setting up a nascent Jewish polity—the nature and implications of which Jeffries sets out to appraise.  Jeffries’ articles, reproduced in full here for the first time, highlight Britain’s duplicity in its dealings with the Arab population of Palestine—arguing that clear, written pledges of Arab political independence, offered in 1915–16 as a means of gaining Arab military support in the war against Germany and her Ottoman ally, had been decisively contradicted by the terms of the Balfour Declaration in 1917: thus “The Palestine Deception.” Providing, for the first time, a public translation from the Arabic of pertinent extracts from the diplomatic correspondence—something that the British government itself would not allow until 1939—Jeffries caused a considerable stir in political circles in London, prompting senior members of the House of Lords to ask that the government revise the terms of its commitment to the Zionist project in advance of the forthcoming final settlement by the League of Nations of the Mandate for the territory.  Writing with lively wit and telling irony, Jeffries offers a vivid contemporary snapshot of Palestine in the early 1920s. The circumstances of Jewish life there, both indigenous and immigrant, are set out in fine detail, although it seemed to him highly improbable that Britain could contrive any long-term alliance with the Zionist movement that would advance its own imperial interests in the Middle East and beyond.

The Palestine Deception : A Daily Mail Enquiry on the Spot  (The Daily Mail, 72pp, 1923)


Jewish Agency – Miscellaneous publications held by the British Library (shelfmark : 4035.d.21)  Documents Relating to the Balfour Declaration and the PalestineMandate (May 1939) — The Jewish Case Against the Palestine White Paper : Documents Submitted to the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations (June 1939) — Documents and Correspondence Relating to Palestine: August 1939 to March 1940 [with fold-out map of Palestine depicting Jewish-Arab residential zones] (March 1940) — An Appeal to the British People (1939) —Palestine for the Refugees (1939) — Mrs. Edgar [Blanche] Dugdale : Palestine to-Day – “Illegal Immigration”  (1939) — Field Marshal Smuts : Justice for the People of the Book – South African Premier’s Appeal  (1942) —  Dr. Chaim Weizmann : Jewish Fighting Force(1942) — America Speaks – A Free Jewish Palestine (1942) — Dr. Chaim Weizmann : Palestine’s Role in the Solution of the Jewish Problem  (March 1942) — Palestine in Wartime (1942) — L.B. Namier : Refugee Boats (1942) — David Ben-Gurion : Palestine in the Post-War World (1942) — Palestine on the Home Front (1943) — The Jewish Agency for Palestine – Its Structure and Functions (1943) — James G. McDonald : Palestine to the Rescue – Life or Death for a People (1943) — Abraham Revusky and Dr. Walter C. Lowermilk : Palestine Can Take Millions  (November 1944) —  Albert Einstein : Test Case for Humanity  (1944) — Dorothy Thompson [America’s most famous woman news reporter, put out of business by the Zionist lobby a few years later] : To Whom Does the Earth Belong? (1944) — Leon I. Feuer : Why a Jewish State  (1944) — L.B. [Louis Bernstein] Namier [British historian] : The Jewish Question  [reprinted from The Manchester Guardian, Thursday, March 7th, 1946] —  Dr. I. Zollschan : The Arabian Race of Palestine: The Facts  [reprinted from The Jewish Forum, August 1946] — Jews of Cyprus (1946).


Sabri Jiryis

The Arabs in Israel, 1848-1966 (1st edition, translated by Inea Bushnaq ; Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1969 / 2nd edition, translated by Meric Dobson; Monthly Review Press, 1976)


Lawrence Joffe

Keesing’s Guide to the Mid-East Peace Process  aka Keesing’s Guide to the Middle-East Peace Process (Cartermill, 1996)


Nels Johnson

Islam and the Politics of Meaning in Palestinian Nationalism  (Kegan Paul International, 1982 / e-version : Routledge, 2013)


John B. Judis

Genesis : Truman, American Jews and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict  (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2014)


Paul A. Jureidini

Beyond Camp David : Emerging Alignments and Leaders in the Middle East  (Syracuse University Press, 1981)

Paul A. Jureidini & William E. Hazen

The Palestinian Movement in Politics  (Lexington, Massachusetts : DC Heath, 1976)


Mustafa Kabha (Open University of Israel)

as editor :  The Palestinian Minority in Israel : Military Rule and its Legacy  (Mada al-Carmel, 2014) Examines 1948-1966.   Publisher’s blurb : “The first chapter, by Dr. Yair Bauml of Oranim Academic College of Education, covers the role of military rule in Israel’s state-building project. The subsequent two chapters, written by Professor Asad Ghanim and Dr. Muhannad Mustafa of Haifa University, and Professor Mahmoud Ghanayim of Tel-Aviv University, respectively, address Arab political organizations and Palestinian short stories in Israel. The fourth chapter, by Professor Mustafa Kabha of Open University, examines Arab media coverage during this time; in the following chapter Professor Rassem Khamaisi of Haifa University focuses on the links between military rule and spatial control of Palestinian life. In the final chapter, Professor Ismael Abu Saad of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev reflects on the state-imposed education curriculum taught in Arab schools during the military rule era.”

The Palestinian People : Seeking Sovereignty and State  (Lynne Reinner Publishers, 2013)

The Palestinian Arab – In/Outsiders : Media and Conflict in Israel  (Vallentine Mitchell, 2011)

with Guy RazMemories of a Place : The Photographic History of Wadi ‘Ara, 1903-2008  (UMM el-Fahem Art Gallery, 2008)

The Palestinian Press as a Shaper of Public Opinion : Writing Up a Storm (Vallentine Mitchell & Co, 2006)  – A rewarding analysis of the press during the crucial 1929-1939 period.


Noga Kadman (Israeli tour guide and activist researcher for B’Tselem)

Erased from Space and Consciousness : Israel and the Depopulated Villages of 1948  -Translated from the 2008 Hebrew original edition by Dimi Reider (Indiana University Press, 2015)  An examination of Israeli attitudes to the land captured during the Nakba, with former Palestinian villages seen by successive Zionist settlers as having been bases for “Arab gangs” in 1948.

with Beth Pearson : Families Torn Apart : Separation of Palestinian Families in the Occupied Territories  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1999)


Rabbi Meir Kahane

Or Hara’ayon : The Jewish Idea – Volumes 1 & 2 (Jerusalem : Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, 2013)

Listen World, Listen Jew (Jerusalem : Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, 1995)

The Ideology of Kach : The Authentic Jewish Idea  (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012 / written 1990)

-with David Eells : Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews  (Secaucus, New Jersey : Lyle Stuart, 1987)

Why Be Jewish?  Intermarriage, Assimilation, and Alienation  (New York City : Stein & Day, 1979, 1983)

The Story of the Jewish Defense League  (Radnor, Pennsylvania : Chilton Book Company, 1975 / Jerusalem : Institute for Publication of the Writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane, 2000)

They Must Go : How Long Can Israel Survive its Malignant and Growing Arab Population?  (New York City : Grosset & Dunlap, and subsequently, The Jewish Idea; CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1981, 1985, 1987, 2003, 2011) – Publisher’s blurb : “In this manifesto, Rabbi Meir Kahane sets forth the only plan for Israel’s salvation.”

Our Challenge – The Chosen Land  (Radnor, Pennsylvania : Chilton Book Company, 1974)

Time to Go Home  (Los Angeles : Nash Publications, 1972)

Never Again!  A Program for Survival  (Los Angeles : Nash Publications, 1971)

Related :

S. Breslauer :

Meir Kahane : Indealogue, Hero, Thinker (Lewiston, New York : E. Mellen Press, 1986)

Raphael Cohen-Almagor

The Boundaries of Liberty and Tolerance : The Struggle against Kahanism in Israel  (University of Florida Press, 1994)

Robert I. Friedman

The False Prophet : Rabbi Meir Kahane – from FBI Informant to Knesset Member  (Brooklyn, New York City : Lawrence Hill Books, 1990)

Libby Kahane

Rabbi Meir Kahane : His Life and Thought, Volume One, 1932-1975  (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013)

Raphael Mergui & Phillippe Simonnot

Israel’s Ayatollahs : Meir Kahane and the Far Right in Israel  (Saqi Books, 1987)

Ami Pedahzur & Arie Perliger 

Jewish Terrorism in Israel  (Columbia University Press, 2009)

Michel Shamir

Kach and the Limits to Political Tolerance in Israel (Tel Aviv : Golda Meir Institute for Social & Labour Research, 1987)

Ze’ev Shemer

Israel Redeemed : Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Last Speech  (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013)


Subhi Kahhaleh

The Water Problem in Israel and its Repercussions on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981)


Reuven Kaminer

Politics of Protest : Israeli Peace Movement and the Palestinian Intifada  (Sussex Academic Press, 1995-1996)


Ghassan Kanafani

The 1936-1939 Revolt in Palestine  (New York City : Committee for Democratic Palestine, 1972 / Tricontinental Society, ca. 1982)  The latter edition includes chapters reprinted from PFLP publications : The Political Writings of Ghassan Kanafani / Letter from Gaza / Tribute to Ghassan Kanafani.

-see also FICTION.


Aida Karaoglan

The Struggle Goes On (Beirut : Palestine Research Centre / PLO, 1968, 1969) Photographic essay, including artist Joumana El-Husseini Bayazid, historian Nabih Amin Faris, and contemporary Al-Fatah guerrilla training.


Michael Karayanni

Conflicts in a Conflict : A Conflict of Laws Case Study on Israel and the Palestinian Territories  (Center for International Legal Education, 2014)


Stephen Karetzky (American Zionist critic of American news coverage)

– with Norman Fankel The Media’s Coverage of the Arab-Israeli Conflict  (New York City : Shapolsky Publishers, 1989)

The Cannons of Journalism : The New York Times Propaganda War against Israel  (Stanford, California : O’Keefe Press, 1984)


Fatma Kassem

Palestinian Women : Narrative Histories and Gendered Memory  (Zed Books, 2011) – Adds to pioneering Nakba remembrance research done by Rosemary Sayigh and Julie Peteet.


Victor Kattan (National University of Singapore & Middle East Institute)

From Coexistence to Conquest : International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1891-1949  (Pluto Press, 2009)

as editor :  The Palestine Question in International Law  (British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2008)


Moshe Katz

Israel, A Nation of Warriors (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015) – Publisher’s blurb : “Much has been written about Jewish history, but rarely has the “fighting history” of the Jewish people been told.  [the author] examines the modern Israeli close quarter combat system, Krav Maga, analyzes its components and attributes, and the reasons it is sought after by security forces worldwide.”


Asher Kaufman

Contested Frontiers in the Syria-Lebanon-Israel Region (Washington DC : Woodrow Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014)  Political cartography since the Great War.


Ilana Kaufman

Arab National Communism in the Jewish State  (University of Florida Press, 1997)


Amal Kawar

Daughters of Palestine : Leading Women of the Palestinian National Movement  (State University of New York Press, 1996)


Abdul-Wahhab Said Kayyali

Palestinian Arab Reactions to Zionism and the British Mandate, 1917-1939  (PhD thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1970 – PDF freely available via the British Library EThOS Service) – sources include Arabic newspapers and a 1966 interview with Haj Amin al-Husseini.


Rex Keating

Trumpets of Tutankhamun : Adventures of a Radio Pioneer in the Middle East  (Basingstoke : Fisher Miller, 1999)  – Two chapters about his 1945-1947 stint as head of the Palestine Broadcasting Service (PBS), but little therein regarding actual on-air programmes or presentation.


John Keay

Sowing the Wind : The Seeds of Conflict in the Middle East (WW Norton, 1980, 2003)


Kathleen Kern

As Resident Aliens : Christian Peacemaker Teams in the West Bank, 1995-2005  (Eugene, Oregon : Cascade Books, 2010)


Issa Khalaf

Politics in Palestine : Arab Factionalism and Social Disintegration, 1939-1948  (State University of New York Press, 1991)


Anbara Salam Khalidi

Memoirs of an Early Arab Feminist : The Life and Activism of Anbara Salam Khalidi (translated by Tarif Khalidi; Pluto Press, 2014


Rashid Khalidi

Under Siege : PLO Decionmaking During the 1982 War (Columbia University Press, 1985, 2012)

Sowing Crisis : The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East (Boston : Beacon Press, 2009)

The Iron Cage : The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood (Oneworld, 2006)

Palestinian Identity : The Construction of Modern National Consciousness  (Columbia University Press, 1997)

Refugees – in Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, V.2 N.4 (Jerusalem : Middle East Publications, 1995)

The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism (Columbia University Press, 1991)

-See also Muhammad Muslih

-with Itamar Rabinovich :

The Palestinian Right of Return : Two Views (Pamphlet – Cambridge, Massachusetts : International Security Studies Program, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1990)

-with Camille Mansour, as editors

Palestine and the Gulf : Proceedings of an International Seminar (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1981)


Usama Khalidi

The Diet of Palestine Arab Refugees Receiving UNRWA Rations, up to 31st May 1967 (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1968, 1970) Report made on the eve of the June 1967 war.


Walid Khalidi  (founder of the Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut, later in Washington DC, and then Boston, Massachusetts)

Islam, the West, and Jerusalem (Washington DC : Center for Contemporary Arab Studies & Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, 1996)

Palestine Reborn  (IB Tauris, 1992)

-as editor, with Sharif S. Elmusa and Muhammed Ali Khalidii

All that Remains : The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948  (Washington DC : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992)

Before the Diaspora : A Photographic History of the Palestinians, 1876-1948  (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1984) Outstanding photographic folio giving evidence to the Arab presence in Palestine, when Zionists were claiming there was none.  The many images in the hardback original are markedly better than the grey reproductions found in the paperback reissue

Conflict and Violence in Lebanon : Confrontation in the Middle East (Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1979/1983)

As editor : From Haven to Conquest : Readings in Zionism and the Palestinian Problem until 1948  [Anthology Series no. 2] (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971, 1976)

As editor : with Jill Khaddini

Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (London : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1974)

-as assumed editor : International Documents on Palestine Note : divided into three sections – International (including Israel), the United Nations, and the Arab world. (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1967)

The Partition of Palestine [20th anniversary] (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1967)

Israel and the Geneva Conventions   [Anthology Series no. 3] (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, ca. 1969)

Christians, Zionism and Palestine: A Selection of Articles and Statements on the Religious and Political Aspects of the Palestine Problem  [Anthology Series no. 4] (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970)

-as assumed editor, with Richard Paul Stevens : Zionism and Palestine before the Mandate : A Phase of Western Imperialism   [Anthology Series no. 5] (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies / Benghazi : University of Libya, 1972)


Laleh Khalili

Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine : The Politics of National Commemoration (Cambridge University Press, 2007)


Zafarul-Islam Khan

Palestine Documents – Compiled, Annotated, and Partly Translated from Arabic  (New Delhi : Pharos / Institute of Islamic and Arab Studies, 1998) – Note : 894pp.


Farid el-Khazen

The Breakdown of the State in Lebanon, 1967-1976   (IB Tauris / Centre for Lebanese Studies, 1991)


Sami al-Khazendar

Jordan and the Palestine Question : The Role of Islamic and Left Forces in Foreign Policy-Making  (Reading : Ithaca Press, 1997)


Philip S. Khoury

Syria and the French Mandate : The Politics of Arab nationalism, 1920-1945  (Princeton University Press, 1987)


Shahadeh Khoury & Nicola Khoury

A Survey of the History of the Orthodox Church of Jerusalem  (Amman : Feras / Dar Al-Shorouk, 2002)


Peretz Kidron, editor, with foreword by Susan Sontag

Refusenik!  Israel’s Soldiers of Conscience  (Zed Books, 2004) Contents :


Baruch Kimmerling

Politicide : Ariel Sharon’s War Against the Palestinians  (Verso Books, 2006)

The Invention and Decline of Israeliness : State, Society and the Military  (University of California Press, 2005)

-with Joel Migdal The Palestinian People : A History  (aka Palestinians : Making of a People Harvard University Press, 1994 / 2003)  –  “This remarkable book recounts how the Palestinians came to be constituted as a people. The authors offer perceptive observations on the status of Palestinian citizens of Israel, the successes and failures of the Oslo process, and the prospects for both Palestinians and Israelis of achieving a peaceful future together. A dispassionate and balanced analysis that provides essential background for understanding the complexities of the Middle East.”  –Rashid Khalidi, University of Chicago

-as editor : The Israeli State and Society : Boundaries and Frontiers  (State University of New York, 1989)

Patterns of Militarism in Israel  – possible monograph offprint from Archives Européennes de Sociologie, v. 34, no. 2, 1993, pp. 196-223, available via University College London.

Social Interruption and Besieged Societies (The Care of Israel)  (State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979)


Mary Elizabeth King

A Quiet Revolution : The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance  (with foreword by Jimmy Carter; Nation Books, 2007)


Yigal Kipnis

1973 : The Road to War (Charlottesville, Virginia : Just World Books, 2013) Ex-IDF pilot and longtime settler in the Golan with backstory of the 1973 offensive that unsettled Israeli society when first published in 2012.


F. (Frederick) Kisch

Palestine Diary  with foreword by Lloyd George (Victor Gollancz, 1938)


Khalid Kishtainy

The New Statesman and the Middle East  (Beirut : Palestine Research Center, 1972)

Palestine in Perspective : On the Image and Reality of Palestine Throughout the Ages  (Beirut : Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, 1971)

Wither Israel? A Study of Zionist Expansionism  (Beirut : Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, 1970)

Verdict in Absentia : A Study of the Palestine Case as Represented to the Western World   (Beirut : Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, 1969)


James E. Kitchen (Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst)

The British Imperial Army in the Middle East : Morale and Military Identity in the Sinai and Palestine Campaigns, 1916-1918 (Bloomsbury, 2014)


Alex Klaushofer

Paradise Divided : A Portrait of Lebanon  (Signal Books, 2007)         Drawing on interviews with community leaders and relationships with ordinary people, it reveals a richly-textured social and religious fabric in which Sunni and Shia Muslims, Druze and Christians of all kinds, from Maronite Catholics to evangelical Protestants, strive to maintain a delicate balance. It offers an insight into how Lebanon’s religious communities, their identities formed by history, landscape and their relationships with one another, came to be what they are today—and how their different perspectives can lead to potentially destructive tensions. What emerges is a quintessentially Middle Eastern form of coexistence, poised between tolerance and sectarianism—a theme powerfully developed through the author’s privileged access to the normally secretive Druze.


Menachem Klein

The Shift : Israel-Palestine from Border Struggle to Ethnic Conflict (Hurst, 2010)

A Possible Peace Between Israel and Palestine : An Insider’s Account of the Geneva Initiative  (Columbia University Press, 2007)

The Jerusalem Problem : The Struggle for Permanent Status  – translated by Haim Watzman (University Press of Florida, 2003)

Jerusalem : The Contested City  – translated by Haim Watzman (Hurst, 2001)


William Kluback (Early Hebrew University academic keen to incorporate Arab Palestinians in any post-Mandate state)

Courageous Universality : The Work of Schmuel Hugo Bergmann  (Scholars Press, 1992)  Subject b. Prague, 1993, to Palestine via Berlin 1920, head of Hebrew University Library.


Arthur Koestler (Zionist journalist-novelist)

Promise and Fulfilment : Palestine, 1917-1949   (Macmillan, 1949, 1983)


Hans Kohn (b. 1891, Prague; to Palestine 1920. Early Hebrew University academic keen to incorporate Arab Palestinians in any post-Mandate state; prominent member of Brit Shalom.  Had enough of Zionism and emigrated to the USA 1931 – Smith College & the New School for Social Research.)

Living in a World Revolution : My Encounters with History  (Trident Press, 1964)


Teddy Kollek (long-time Mayor of Jersusalem) & Amos Kollek

For Jerusalem : A Life  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1978) Note : numerous other books promoting Jerusalem tourism.


Joel Kovel

Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel / Palestine  (Pluto Press 2007.) The author is the Jewish American former leader of the US Green Party.  This book is a sustained critique of Zionism as ‘state-sponsored racism’, and a compelling argument for the One State solution.  The author has particular insights into the psychology of Zionism, and the state of denial that the ideology attempts to engender in Jews. – Naomi Foyle


Gudrun Kramer

A History of Palestine : From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israe (Princeton University Press, 2008)


David Kretzmer

The Occupation of Justice : The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories  (State University of New York, 2002)

The Legal Status of the Arabsd in Israel  (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1990)


Atif Kubursi

The Economic Consequences of the Camp David Agreements  (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies / Kuwait : Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 1981)

Arab Economic Prospects in the 1980s  (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1980)


Uri M. Kupferschmidt

The Supreme Muslim Council : Islam Under the British Mandate for Palestine  (Leiden & New York City  : EJ Brill, 1987) – based on author’s PhD thesis, Hebrew University.

See also : Nicholas E. Roberts


Samuel J. Kuruvilla

Radical Christianity in Palestine and Israel : Liberation and Theology in the Middle East (IB Tauris, 2013)


Daniel C. Kurtzer (US Ambassador to Egypt under William Clinton, then US Ambassador to Israel under George W. Bush)

The Peace Puzzle : America’s Quest for Arab-Israeli Peace, 1989-2011 (Cornell University Press, 2011)

-as editor : Pathways to Peace : America and the Arab-Israeli Conflict – (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)

Daniel C. Kurtzer, Scott B. Lazensky, William B. Quandt, Stevel L. Spiegel & Shibley I. Telhami

Negotiaging Arab-Israeli Peace : American Leadership in the Middle East  (Washington DC : United States Institute of Peace Studies, 2008)  Contents: Foreword — The Study Group on Arab-Israeli Peacemaking — Interviews and consultations — Lessons learned, opportunities lost — The United States & Arab-Israeli peacemaking : a report card — Making peace among Arabs and Israelis : lessons learned and relearned — Conclusion: Recommendations for future administrations — Appendices. Timeline, 1967-2007


Tony Kushner

Wrestling with Zion : Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict   (Grove Press, 2003)


Franklin P. Lamb (Sabra-Shatilla Foundation)

The Price We Pay : A Quarter Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons against Civilians in Lebanon, 1978-2006 : A Report to the American People, the United States Congress, and the International Community  (Beirut & London : Lamont Press, 2006, 2007)

as editor, with John E. Dockham :  Reason Not the Need : Eyewitness Chronicles of Israel’s War in Lebanon aka Israel’s War in Lebanon : Eyewitness Chronicles of the Invasion and Occupation (Spokesman / Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1984)


M.J. [Myer Jack] Landa

Palestine as it is  (Edward Goldston, 1932) “This is a record of a unique tour in Palestine in the summer of 1931…pluckily and splendidly organized by Paole Zion, the Jewish Socialist Labour Party of Great Britain.”


Felicia Langer

An Age of Stone  (Quartet Books, 1988)

These are My Brothers : Israel and the Occupied Territories, Part 2  (Ithaca Press, 1979)

With My Own Eyes : Israel and the Occupied Territories, 1967-1973  (with foreword by Israel Shahak, Ithaca Press, 1975)


Stephen Langfur

Confession from a Jericho Jail : What Happened When I Refused to Fight the Palestinians (New York City : Grove Weidenfeld, 1992)


Walter Laqueur

A History of Zionism (Tauris Parke, 2003 and other editions)


Theo Larsson

Seven Passports for Palestine : Sixty Years in the Levant  (Pulborough : Longfield, 1995)


Lebanon invasion – international reports (assorted) :

Israel in Lebanon : Report of the International Commission to Enquire into Reported Violations of International Law by Israel During its Invasion of Lebanon (Ithaca Press, 1983)

Israel/Lebanon : “Operation Grapes of Wrath” : The Civilian Victims  (Human Rights Watch, 1997)

see : Franklin P. Lamb


Bryan F. Le Beau & Menachem Mor, editors

Pilgrims and Travelers to the Holy Land  (Omaha : Creighton University Press, 1996)


Philip Leech

Mis-stating Palestine : a critical analysis of Fayyadism and the Palestinian Authority’s agenda 2007-11 – PhD thesis, University of Exeter, 2012; hopefully this will be a published book.


Walter Lehn

The Jewish National Fund : An Instrument of Discrimination  (International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1982).  See also : Sami Hadawi


Yehezkel Lein

Forbidden Roads : Israel’s Discriminatory Road Regime in the West Bank  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2004)

Civilians under Siege : Restrictions on Freedom of Movement as Collective Punishment (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2001)

Captive Corpses  – Translated by Zvi Shulman; Topics : human rights, burial laws, repatriation, cultural property (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1999)


Anne Le More (United Nations)

International Assistance to the Palestinians after Oslo : Political Guilt, Wasted Money (Routledge, 2010) – Mainly an analysis of 1994-2004, the first decade after Oslo.

Anne Le More, & Robert Lowe, Michael Keating, editors

Aid, Diplomacy and Facts on the Ground : The Case of Palestine (Chatham House, 2005)


Ronit Lentin

Co-memory and Menancholia : Israelis Memorialising the Palestinian Nakba  (Manchester University Press, 2010)

-as editor :  Thinking Palestine (Zed Books, 2008)  Contents : Racial Palestinianization – David Theo Goldberg / Globalizing racism and myths of the other in the war on terror – Gargi Bhattacharyya / Bio-power and thanato-politics: The case of the colonial occupation in Palestine – Honaida Ghanim / Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Laboratories of State-in-the-Making, Discipline and Islamist Radicalism – Sari Hanafi / Sovereignty and the state of exception: al-Ansar mass detention camp in Lebanon – Laleh Khalili / The ghettoization of Palestine – Alina Korn / The persistence of the exception: Some remarks on the story of Israeli constitutionalism – Raef Zreik / The Mukhabarat State of Israel: A State of Oppression is not a State of Exception – Ilan Pappe / Palestinian ‘Munadelat’: Between Western Representation and Lived Reality – Nahla Abdo / Authenticity and political agency on study trips to Palestine – David Landy /  The contested memory of dispossession: Commemorizing the Palestinian Nakba in Israel – Ronit Lentin /  The state, the text and the critic in a globalized world: The case of Edward Said – Conor McCarthy /  Understanding the present through the past: Between British and Israeli discourses on Palestine – Anaheed Al-Harda

-with Nahla AbdoWomen and the Politics of Military Confrontation : Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation  (Berghahn Books, 2002)


Ann Mosely Lesch

Arab Politics in Palestine, 1917-1939 : The Frustration of a Nationalist Movement (Cornell University Press, 1979) Focuses on both the peasant and establishment actions, including the al-Husayni family elite.

-with William B. Quandt and Fuad Jabber : The Politics of Palestinian Nationalism (University of California Press, 1973)

Arab Politics in Palestine, 1917-1939 : The Frustration of a Nationalist Movement (Cornell University Press, 1979)

Political Perceptions of the Palestinians on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (Middle East Institute, 1980)

-w Mark A. Tessler : Israel, Egypt, and the Palestinians : From Camp David to the Intifada (Indiana University Press, series in Arab & Islamic Studies, 1989)

-with Dan Tschirgi : Origins and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Greenwood Press, 1998)


Haim Levenberg

Military Preparations of the Arab Community in Palestine, 1945-1948  (Frank Cass, 1993)


Harry Levin

Jerusalem Embattled : A Diary of a City under Siege, March 25th, 1948 to July 18th, 1948  (Victor Gollancz, 1950 / Cassell, 1997)


Mark Levine

Overthrowing Geography : Jaffa, Tel Aviv and the Struggle for Palestine, 1880-1948 (University of California Press, 2005) Urban planning as politics towards a future Jewish state.


Assaf Likhovski

Law and Identity in Mandate Palestine  (University of North Carolina Press, 2006)


Alfred M. Lilienthal

The Zionist Connection II : What Price Peace?  (New Brunswick, New Jersey : North American Publishing, 1982 / Noontide Press, 1986 – Updated edition from 1978 – 904pp)

The Zionist Collection : What Price Peace?  (Dodd, Mead, 1978 / Middle East Perspective, 1979 – 872pp)

The Other Side of the Coin : An American Perspective of the Arab-Israeli Conflict  (Devin-Adair Co., 1965 – 420pp)

There Goes the Middle East  (Devin-Adair Co., 1957 – 321pp)

What Price Israel ?  [On the creation of the state of Israel] (Henry Regnery Co, 1953 / Infinity Publishing, 2003 – 24opp)


Helena Lindholm Schulz

The Palestinian Diaspora : Formation of Identities and Politics of Homeland  (Routledge, 2003)


Moshe Lissak  (Israeli sociology professor, emphasis on civil-military co-operation)

with Dan HorowitzOrigins of Israeli Polity : Palestine Under the Mandate  -translated by Charles Hoffman (University of Chicago Press, 1978) / Trouble in Utopia : The Overburdened Polity of Israel  (State University of New York Press, 1989)


Douglas Little

American Orientalism : The United States and the Middle East Since 1945  (University of North Carolina Press, 2002, 2008)


Tim Llewellyn

A Public Ignored : The Broadcasters’ False Portrayal of the Israel-Palestine Struggle -in Daud Abdullah & Ibrahim Hewitt, editors : The Battle for Public Opinion in Europe : Changing Perceptions of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Fulsome details noted earlier – MEMO/Middle East Monitor, 2012)


Zachary Lockman

Comrades and Enemies : Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948 (University of California Press, 1996)

-with Joel Beinin

Intifada : The Palestinian Uprising against Israeli Occupation (Boston : South End Press / IB Tauris, 1989)


William Roger Louis & Robert Wilson Stookey, editors

-as co-editor, with Avi Schlaim : The 1967 Arab-Israeli War : Origins and Consequences (Cambridge University Press, 2012)

as co-editor, with Robert Wilson Stookey  : The End of the Palestine Mandate  (IB Tauris, 1986 / 2013) – Contributors include : Peter Grose, Oles M. Smolansky, Michael J. Cohen, Walid Khalidi, and JC Hurewitz.

The British Empire in the Middle East, 1945-1951  (Oxford University Press, 1984)


Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, editor (with foreword by Arnold J. Toynbee)

The Transformation of Palestine : Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Evanston, Illinois : Northwestern University Press, 1970, 1971, 1987)

-as co-editor, with Roger Heacock, Khaled Nashef

The Landscape of Palestine : Equivocal Poetry   (Birzeit University [conference], 1999)


Lila Abu-Lughod (Columbia University)

Do Muslim Women Need Saving? (Harvard University Press, 2013, 2015)

Nakba : Palestine, 1948 and the Claims of Memory  (Columbia University Press, 2007)  Essays by Susan Slyomovics, Rochelle Davis, Lila Abu-Lughod, Lena Jayyusi. Rosemary Sayigh, Haim Bresheeth, Omar Al-Qattan, Isabelle Humphries, Laleh Khalili, Samera esmeir, Diana K. Allan and Ahmad H. Sa’di.

Writing Womer’s Worlds : Benouin Stories  (University of California Press, 1993, 2008)

Veiled Sentiments : Honor and Poetry in Bedouin Society  (University of California Press, 1986)


Ian Lustick

Arabs in the Jewish State : Israel’s Control of a National Minority  (University of Texas Press, 1980)


Staughton Lynd, Sam Bahour & Alice Lynd, editors

Homeland : Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians  (New York City : Olive Branch Press, 1994)


The Right Hon. The Earl of Lytton [Victor Alexander George Robert Bulwer-Lytton]

The Problem of the Mandate in Palestine  (Nottingham : Cust Foundation Lecture, 1931) – 22pp.


Mariane A. Maasri

The National Democratic Assembly : An Arab Party in Israel, Headed by Azmi Bishara (aka Bichara, editor of Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture) Zalka : Mokhtarat, 2004


Moshe Machover

Israelis and Palestinians (Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2012) Essays surveying anti-Zionism within Israel; author co-founder of Matzpen, the Socialist organisation in Israel.

with : John O’Mahony, Tony Greenstein, Lenni Brenner

Arabs, Jews and Socialism : The Debate on Palestine, Zionism and Anti-Semitism (Workers’ Liberty pamphlet, ca. 1987) Note : originally published in Socialist Organiser, nos. 77-302, 1977-1987; including ‘Trotsky and Zionism.’

Moshe Machover & M. Jafar

Machover : Zionism, Why We Oppose It / Jafar : War & Peace in the Middle East (publication of two essays; Palestine Solidarity Campaign, ca. 1977)

with : Haim HanegbiAkiva Orr

The Class Nature of Israeli Society  (Pluto Press, 1971)1“


Sandra Mackey

Mirror of the Arab World : Lebanon in Conflict (WW Norton, 2008)

Lebanon : Death of a Nation (Congdon & Weed, 1989)


Nancy Mackinnon

The Background of the London Conference on Palestine, 1947  (British Association for the Jewish National Home in Palestine, 1947) -20pp.

Judah Leon Magnes  (Chancellor of Hebrew University, Jerusalem) & Ihud (“unity”)  Association aka Ichud

Martin BuberJudah L. MagnesErnst Simon, editors : Towards Union in Palestine – Essays on Zionism and Jewish-Arab Cooperation  (Jerusalem : Ihud Union Association, 1947)

Arab-Jewish Unity : Testimony before the Anglo-American Inquiry Commission for The Ihud (Union) Association [1946]  (Victor Gollancz, 1947)

Markus Reiner, Lord Samuel, Ernst Simon, Moshe Smilansky, Judah L. Magnes :  Palestine – Divided or United?  The Case for a Bi-National Palestine before the United Nations  (Greenwood Press, 1983)  Contains the full text of the Ihud (Union) Association s evidence, both written and oral, before the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine in 1947; passages of the Ihud’s evidence before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry; and an address delivered before UNSCOP by Dr. Ernst Simon, a leading member of the Ihud, has been included.

Jewish-Arab Cooperation in Palestine  (Ihud Union Assocation, 1945)

In the Perplexity of the Times (speeches and correspondence, some in English translation; Hebrew University, 1946)

The Source of Prophetic Morality : Address (Hebrew University, 1943)

Address of the President of the Hebrew University  (Jerusalem : Azriel Press, 1939)

The Spirit of Peace and the Spirit of War  (1938) 8pp pamphlet.

Addresses by the Chancellor of the Hebrew University  (Hebrew University, 1936)

Like all the Nations?  (Jerusalem : Weiss Press, 1930 / Syracuse University Press, 1987)

Dissenters in Zion – from the Writings of Judah L. Magnes  (Harvard University Press, 1982) edited by Arthur A. Goren.


Mohammad Taki Mahdi

Of Lions, Chained : An Arab Looks at America (San Francisco : New World Press, 1962)


Betty Dagher Majaj

A War Without Chocolate : One Woman’s Journey through Two Nations, Three Wars, and Four Children  (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015)


Jean Said Makdisi  (b. Jerusalem, raised in Cairo, Beirut)

– as editor, Serene Husseini Shahid : Jerusalem Memories  (Beirut : Naufal Books, 1999, 2000)

Teta, Mother and Me  (Saqi Books & WW Norton & Co, 2005 & 2007)

Beirut Fragments : A War Memoir (NYC: Persea Books, 1990)

– as co-editor with Martin Asser, Shafiq Al-Hout ; translated by Hader al-Hout and Laila Othman

My Life in the PLO – The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle (Pluto, 2011)


Michael Makovsky

Churchill’s Promised Land : Zionism and Statecraft  (Yale University Press, 2007)


Sally V. Mallison

Armed Conflict in Lebanon, 1982 : Humanitarian Law in a Real World Setting  (American Educational Trust, 1985) – A critical analysis of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon and the applicable provisions of international law.

with William Thomas MallisonThe Palestine Problem in International Law and World Order  (Longmans, 1986)


William Thomas Mallison

The Legal Problems Concerning the Juridical Status and Political Activities of the Zionist Organization / Jewish Agency : A Study in International and US Law (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1968)


Neville Mandel

The Arabs and Zionism before World War I  (University of California Press, 1976)


Adel Manna & Motti Golani

Two Sides of the Coin : Independence and Nakba 1948 : Two Narratives of the 1948 War and its Outcome   – Arabic-English edition (Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation / Republic of Letters Publishing, 2011) Note : This is a free download as well, via historyandreconciliation.org


Ethel Mannin (1900-1984.  Of her almost 100 titles, these represent most of the London writer’s Arab period, in the 1960s, always with a Palestinian struggle focus.)

The Lovely Land : The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan  [travel]  (Hutchinson, 1965)

Aspects of Egypt : Some Travels in the United Arab Republic  [travel, inc. Gaza] (Hutchinson, 264pp, 1964)

A Lance for the Arabs [travel] (Hutchinson, 1963)


Moshe Ma’oz

-as editor :  Muslim Attitudes to Jews in Israel : The Ambivalences of Rejection, Antagonism, Tolerance and Cooperation (Sussex Academic Press, 2010)

-as editor, with Robert l. Rothstein & Khalil Shikaki The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process : Oslo and the Lessons of Failure : Perspectives, Predicaments, and Prospects (Sussex Academic Press, 2002)

-as editor, with Sari Nusseibeh Jerusalem : Points of Friction and Beyond  (Kluwer Law International, 2000)

-as editor, with Avraham SelaThe PLO and Israel : From Armed Conflict to Political Solution , 1964-1994  (Macmillan, 1997, 1998)

-as editor, with Ilan PappeMiddle Eastern Politics and Ideas : A History from Within (Tauris Academic Studies, 1997)

Syria and Israel : from War to Peacemaking  (Clarendon Press, 1995)

-as editor, with Barry Rubin, Joseph GinatFrom War to Peace : Arab-Israeli Relations, 1973-1993  (Sussex Academic Press, 1994)

– with Mordechai Nisan : Palestinian Leadership on the West Bank : The Changing Role of the Arab Mayors under Jordan and Israel   (Frank Cass, 1984 /e-version, Routledge, 2015)

as editor, with Allen WeinsteinTruman and the American Committment to Israel : A Thirtieth Anniversary Conference (Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 1981)

Palestinian Arab Politics  (Jerusalem Academic Press, 1975)

-as editor : Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period (Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 1975)

Soviet and Chinese relations with the Palestinian Guerilla Organizations (Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Leonard Davis Institute, 1974)

as editor : Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period : International Conference on the History of Palestine and its Jewish Population during the Ottoman Period  [1970]  (Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 1975)

Ottoman Reform in Syria and Palestine, 1840-1861 (Clarendon Press, 1968)


Sami Khalil Mar’i

Education, Culture and Identity Among Palestinians in Israel  (Knightsbridge : International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1984)

Arab Education in Israel  (Syracuse University Press, 1978)


Munya Meir Mardor

Strictly Illegal  -translated by H.A.G. Schmucklev (Robert Hale, 1957)  Insider’s memoir of how the Haganah was armed.


Mike Marqusee

If I am not for Myself : Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew  (Verso, 2008) Well-made points from the viewpoint of the author’s Leftist New York City family background and how they, and others, didn’t twig the disconnect between social justice and Zionism in the post-holocaust era.


Khalil Marrar (Governors State University, Illinois)

The Arab Lobby and US Foreign Policy : The Two-State Solution  (Routledge, 2009)


Robin H. Martin & Anne Blackman

Palestine Betrayed : A British Palestine Policeman’s Memoirs (1936-1948) (Ringwood, Hampshire : Seglawi Press, 2007)


Nur Masalha   (Palestinian historian and professor linked to the University of Surrey and SOAS : The rupture of 1948 and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine are central to both the Palestinian society of today and Palestinian social history and collective identity. Resisting ethnic cleansing and politicide has been a key feature of the modern history of the Palestinians as a people.”

The Zionist Bible : Biblical Precedent, Colonialism and the Erasure of Memory

(Acumen Publishing, 2013)

The Palestine Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory (Zed Books, 2012)

The Bible and Zionism : Invented Traditions, Archaeology and Post-Colonialism in Palestine-Israel (Zed Books, 2007)

-as editor : Catastrophe Remembered : Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees : Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (Zed Books, 2005)

The Politics of Denial : Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Problem (Pluto Press, 2003)  Contents: The Palestinian nakba: zionism, ‘transfer’ and the 1948 exodus — Israel’s ‘new historians’ and the nakba: a critique of zionist discourse — ‘If you can’t solve it, dissolve it’: Israeli resettlement schemes since 1948 — Israeli approaches to restitution of property and compensation (1948-1956) — The ‘present absentees’ and their legal struggle: evolving Israeli policies towards the internally displaced (1948-2003) — The 1967 refugee exodus — Israeli refugee policies during negotiations: from Madrid to Taba (October 1991-January 2001)

Ariel Sharon : A Political Profile (Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, 2001)

Imperial Israel and the Palestinians : The Politics of Expansion (Pluto Press, 2000)

A Land without a People : Israel, Transfer, and the Palestinians 1949-96  (Pluto Press, 1997)

Expulsion of the Palestinians : The Concept of “Transfer” in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948 (Washington DC : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992)

King Faisal I of Iraq : A Study of His Political Leadership, 1921-1933 (PhD thesis, University of London, 1987)


Francois Massoulie

Crisis in the Middle East  aka  Middle East Conflicts – translated by Angela Parker (Moreton-in-Marsh : Windrush / Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink Books, 1999)


Bruce Masters

The Arabs and the Ottoman Empire, 1516-1918 : A Social and Cultural History (Cambridge University Press, 2013)

Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Arab World : The Roots of Sectarianiam  (Cambridge University Press, 2004)


Elisabeth Mathiot

Zionism, a System of Apartheid  (International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 11pp pamphlet, 1983)

The Autonomy Plan : Israel’s Colonisation under a New Name (Paris : Eurabia, 30pp pamphlet, 1979)


Philip Mattar

Encyclopedia of the Palestinians  (New York City : Facts on File, revised edition, 684pp, 2005)

The Mufti of Jerusalem : Al-Hajj Amin Al-Husayni and the Palestinian National Movement (Columbia University Press, 1992) Despite some errors of judgement, Amin Al-Husayni acted honourably, if not always wisely as he was attacked by the British, the Zionists, and Amir Abdullah, in this exciting yet sober unpacking of his roller-coaster life.


Weldon C. Matthews (Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan)

Confronting an Empire, Constructing a Nation : Arab Nationalists and Popular Politics in Mandate Palestine (IB Tauris, 2006)  On the Istiqlal (Independence) Party.


Roberto Mazza

-as editor :  Jerusalem in World War I : The Palestine Diary of a European Diplomat   [Antonio de la Cievra Lewita Ballobar]  (IB Tauris, 2011)

Jerusalem : From the Ottomans to the British (Tauris Academic Studies, 2009)


Justin McCarthy

Population History of the Middle east and the Balkans (Istanbul : Isis, 2001)

The Ottoman Turks : An Introductory History to 1923  (Longmans, 1997)

The Population of Palestine : Population History and Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate (Columbia University Press, 1990)


David McDowall

The Palestinians : The Road to Nationhood (Minority Rights Publications, 1994)

Palestine and Israel (University of California Press, 1989)


Runa MacKay with introduction by Ang Swee Chai 

Exile in Israel : A Personal Journey with the Palestinians (Wild Goose Publications, 1995) Doctor’s 40 years’ service to Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Lebanon.  See also Dr Swee Chai Ang, Dr Pauline Cutting and Dr Chris Giannou


MR Mehdi

A Palestine Chronicle : Being a Record of Injustice (Data on families expelled in 1967; Alpha Books, 1973)


Mohammad T. Mehdi

A Nation of Lions….Chained : An Arab Looks at America  (San Francisco : New World Press, 1962) -World focus but with considerable text on Palestine and Zionist arguments in the USA.


Philip Mendes

Jews and the Left : The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)


Arzu Merali and Javad Sharbaf, editors

Towards a New Liberation Theology : Reflections on Palestine (Wembley : Islamic Human Rights Commission, 2009)


Joel S. [Samuel] Migdal

Through the Lens of Israel  (State University of New York Press, 2001)

Palestinian Society and Politics (Princeton University Press & Harvard University Center for International Affairs, 1980)

-see also Baruch Kimmerling


Mona N. Mikhail

Seen and Heard : A Century of Arab Women in Literature and Culture (Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink, 2003)  How are Arab women seen by others? How do Arab women see themselves? New York University professor Mona Mikhail’s new collection of essays casts a wide net over literature, film, popular culture, and the law in order to investigate the living, often rapidly changing, reality of Arab women and their societies. Whether she examines Egyptian film, contemporary rewritings of the Sherazad story, or women in North African novels, Mikhail sheds valuable light on the role of Arab women within Islam and within the Arab world.  Mona N. Mikhail, author of the groundbreaking Images of Arab Women: Fact and Fictionand Studies in the Short Fiction of Mahfuz and Idris, is a professor of Arabic and comparative literature at New York University. She has won several awards, namely from PEN and Columbia University, for her translations. Her most recent work is the film documentary, Live Onstage: A Century and a Half of Theater in Egypt.


Rory Miller (Director, Middle East & Mediterranean Studies, Kings College London)

Inglorious Disarray : Europe, Israel and the Palestinians since 1967 (Columbia University Press, 2011)

-as editor : Palestine, Britain and Empire – The Mandate Years (Ashgate, 2010)

Divided Against Zion : Anti-Zionist Opposition to a Jewish State in Palestine, 1945-1948  (Frank Cass & Co, 2000) This is the story of three leading anti-Zionist advocacy groups : the Jewish Fellowship, the Arab (Information) Office and the Committee for Arab Affairs (led by Edward Spears MP), and the Zionist attitude towards them.  The establishment of the Zionist state saw all three groups collapse; each organisation could have been managed better and this eye-opening history unpacks the errors.  Despite Zionist assertions of a united anti-Zionist opposition, the CAA and the JF are shown to have almost avoided one another.  Did it matter?  Was Sir Edward Spears really a Jew?  A crushing, yet necessary read.


Ylana Miller

Government and Society in Rural Palestine, 1920-1948 (University of Texas Press, 1985)


E. Mills (Eric Mills)

Census of Palestine, 1931 – Population of Villages, Towns and Administrative Areas  (Jerusalem : Greek Convent & Goldberg Presses, Part 1 – 1931, Parts 2 & 3 – 1933)


Uri Milstein

The Birth of a Palestinian Nation : The Myth of the Deir Yassin Massacre (Israel : Gefen Publishing, 2012)  The famous massacre considered as a ‘blood libel’ against Zionist Jews.


Beverley Milton-Edwards

-with Stephen Farrell :  Hamas ? The Islamic Resistance Movement  (Cambridge : Polity Press, 2010)

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict : A People’s War  (Taylor & Francis, 2008 / Routledge, 2009)

Islamic Politics in Palestine (Tauris Academic Studies, 1996)


Shaul Mishal

The Palestinian Hamas : Vision, Violence and Coexistence  (Columbia University Press, 2000)

The PLO under Arafat : Between Gun and Olive Branch  (Yale University Press, 1986)

West Bank / East Bank : The Palestinians in Jordan 1949-1967   (Yale University Press, 1978)

Shaul Mishal, Ranan D. Kuperman, & David Boas

Investment in Peace : Politics of Economic Cooperation between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority  (Brighton : Sussex Academic Press, 2001) – with foreword by HRH El Hassan Bin Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Shaul MishalReuben Aharoni

Speaking Stones : Communiques from the Intifada Underground  (Syracuse University Press, 1994)


Matiel Moghannam aka Mughannam (broadcaster on Palestine Broadcasting Service, helped to run the Arab Women’s Executive Committee, and a great activist during the British Mandate)

The Arab Woman and the Palestine Problem  (Herbert Joseph, 1937)


Elizabeth Monroe  (headed the British Government’s Middle East Information Division during World War 2; correspondent for The Economist; history professor St Antony’s College, Oxford)

The Arab-Israel War 1973 – Background and Events (International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1975)

Israel’s Eastern Frontier (Middle East Institute, 1974)

Britain’s Moment in the Middle East, 1914-1956  (Chatto & Windus, 1963, 1964); Britain’s Moment in the Middle East, 1914-1971  (Chatto & Windus, 1981) – recommended by former Guardian Middle East reporter Michael Adams – see his own books.


Jessica Montell

Prisoners of Peace : Administrative Detention during the Oslo Process  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 1997)


Benny Morris

Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited  (Cambridge University Press, 2003)

Israel’s Border Wars, 1949-1956 : Arab Infiltration, Israeli Retaliation, and the Countdown to the Suez War (Oxford : Clarenton, 1997)

1948 and After : Israel and the Palestinians (Oxford : Clarendon, 1994)

Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 (Cambridge University Press, 1989)


John James Moscrop

Measuring Jerusalem : The Palestine Exploration Fund and British Interests in the Holy Land  (Leicester University Press, 1999 / Continuum, 2000)


Fouad Moughrabi (University of Tennessee & founder of Qattan Center for Educational Research, Ramallah)

-as co-editor, with Munir Akash : The Open Veins of Jerusalem (Bethesda, Maryland : Kitab, 1998)

Different Scales of Justice : Arabs and Jews in Israel – Results of a National Sample  (Kingston, Ontario : Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada / Washington DC : International Center for Research and Public Policy in the US, 1988)

as co-editor, with Elia Zureik  Public Opinion and the Palestine Question (Croom Helm, 1987)


Angela & Jawad Musleh

Palestine and Palestinians  – translated by Carol Scheller-Doyle (Alternative Tourism Group, 2005)


Mohammad Muslih

The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1988) -devoted exclusively to the institutional framework of Palestinian politics from 1856 until December 1920, when the third Palestinian Arab Congress was held in Haifa to discuss the future of Palestine. Muslih’s book presents in detail the ideologies of Ottomanism and Arab nationalism and the ways in which they relate to the emergence of Palestinian nationalism.


‘Adnan Musallam

Folded Pages from Local Palestinian History : Developments in Politics, Society, Press and Thought in Bethlehem in the British Era, 1917-1948  (Bethlehem : Wi’am Center, 2002) – in Arabic and English.


Samir A. Mutawi

Jordan in the 1967 War (Cambridge University Press, 1987 )


Basheer M. [Musa] Nafi

Arabism, Islamism and the Palestine Question, 1908-1941: A Political History (Reading : Ithaca Press, 1998)

-as editor, with Mohsen Moh’d Saleh :  The Palestinian Strategic Report, 2005  (Beirut : al-Zayouna Centre for Studies & Consultations, 2007)


Khalil Nakhleh

The Myth of Palestinian Development : Political Aid and Sustainable Deceit  (Jerusalem : PASSIA, 2004)


Esmail Nashif  (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

(Un)writing Israel : Palestinians Researching Writing on Israeli Society  (Ramallah : Madar, The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies, 2011)

Palestinian Political Prisoners : Identity and Community  (Routledge, 2010)

See also : CULTURE section.


Jamal Nassar (California State University & Illinois State University via Jerusalem)

The Palestine Liberation Organization : From Armed Struggle to the Declaration of Independence  (Praeger Press, 1991)

as co-editor, with Roger HeacockIntifada – Palestine at the Crossroads  (Praeger Press, 1990)


Nafez Nazzal

The Palestinian Exodus from Galilee, 1948 (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1978) – Witness accounts and demographic data.

Nafez Y. Nazzal & Laila K. Nazzal

Historical Dictionary of Palestine  (Scarecrow Press, 1997)


Donald Neff

Fallen Pillars : US Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945 (Washington DC : Institute for Palestine Studies, 2002)

Fifty Years of Israel  (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, 1998) – A compilation of the author’s columns for WRMEA’s magazine.

Warriors against Israel : America Comes to the Rescue in 1973  (Amana Books, 1988)

Warriors for Jerusalem : The Six Days That Changed the Middle East  (Simon & Schuster / Linden Press, 1984)


David Newman 

Boundaries in Flux : The ‘Green Line’ Boundary between Israel and the West Bank – Past, Present and Future (University of Durham International Boundaries Research Unit, 1995)

Population, Settlement and Conflict : Israel and the West Bank  (Cambridge University Press, 1991)

as editor : The Impact of Gush Emunim : Politics and Settlement in the West Bank  (Croom Help, 1985)

Jewish Settlement in the West Bank : The Role of Gush Emunim  (University of Durham Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, 1982)


Frances Newton

Fifty Years in Palestine (Wrotham : Coldharbour Press, 1948)

Palestine : Britain’s Honour at Stake (author, ca. 1947; 15pp pamphlet)

Searchlight on Palestine : Fair-play or Terrorist Methods – Some Personal Investigations (24pp pamphlet) ([London] Arab Centre, 1938)


Francis Nicosia

The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (IB Tauris, 1985)


Maxine Kaufman Nunn 

as translator : Meron Benvenisti City of Stone : The Hidden History of Jerusalem   (University of California Press, 1996)

Creative Resistance : Anecdotes of Nonviolent Action by Israel-Based Groups  (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1993)

with Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat :  Palestine and the Other Israel : Alternative Directory of Progressive Groups and Institutions in Israel and the Occupied Territories   (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1991)


Sari Nusseibeh

Giving Voice to Conscience [lecture at the University of Utrecht]  (The Hague : Boom Lemma uitgevers, 2013)

What is a Palestinian State Worth?  (Harvard University Press, 2011)

Once Upon a Country : A Palestinian Life  – with Anthony David (Halban Books, 2007) Extraordinary autobiography of President of Al-Quds University, who tried to use his cosmopolitan awareness to bypass Israeli officialdom in forming a viable Palestinian state.

as co-editor with Moshe Ma’oz : Jerusalem : Points of Friction and Beyond  (The Hague : Kluwer Law, 2000)

with : Mark A. Heller No Trumpets, No Drums : A Two-State Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  (IB Tauris, 1991)


Adnan Abu-Odeh (Nablus-born, Jordanian ambassador)

Jordanians, Palestinians and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process  (Washington DC : United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999)

UN Security Council Resolution 242 : The Building Block of Peacemaking – on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of UN Resolution 242  (Washington DC : Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 1993)


David Ohana

The Origins of Israeli Mythology : Neither Canaanites nor Crusaders   translated by David Maisel (Cambridge University Press, 2012)


Laurence Oliphant

Haifa, or Life in Modern Palestine  (Blackwood & Sons, 1887)

A Trip to the North-East of Lake Tiberias, in Jaulan, in Across the Jordan  (Palestine Exploration Fund, 1885)


Anthony O’Mahony

-as editor : Christianity and Jerusalem : Studies in Modern Theology and Politics in the Holy Land (Leominster : Gracewing / Gardners Books, 2010)

-as editor : Palestinian Christians : Religion, Politics and Society in the Holy Land  (Melisende, 2004)

-as editor : The Christian Communities of Jerusalem and the Holy Land : Studies in History, Religion and Politics   (University of Wales Press, 2003)

-as editor, with Goran Gunner & Kevork Hintlian :  (Scorpion Cavendish, 1995)


Michael B. Oren

Six Days of War : June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East  (Oxford University Press, 2002)

Origins of the Second Arab-Israeli War : Egypt, Israel and the Great Powers 1952-1956  (Frank Cass, 1992)


Akiva Orr

Israel : Politics, Myths and Identity Crises (Pluto, 1994)

The UnJewish State : The Politics of Jewish Identity in Israel (Ithaca Press, 1983)


Victor Ostrovsky  & Claire Hoy

The Other Side of Deception : A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda (HarperCollins, 1994)

By Way of Deception : The Making of a Mossad Officer  (Arrow Books, 1990, 1991)


Robert David Ottensooser

The Palestine Pound and the Israel Pound : Transition from a Colonial to an Independent Currency  (Geneva : E. Droz, 1955)


Roger Owen, editor

Studies in the Economic and Social History of Palestine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries  (Southern Illinois University Press, 1982)


Palestinian Return Centre

The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Establishment of UNWRA, 1949-2009 : Poll of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon and Syria (PRC, 2009)  – At just 88 pages, these are the results of opinion surveys carried out by about 150 researchers throughout the refugee camps in Lebanon and Syria.  Overwhelmingly, the expelled refugees give UNWRA a failing grade in terms of education and health care.  Polling was undertaken with the top statisticians deom The General Administration for the Palestinian Arab refugees (GAPAAR), Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations, Al-‘Awda Magazine, and the Beirut Center for Research and Information.


Ilan Pappé [selected list]

-as editor : Israel and South Africa – The Many Faces of Apartheid  – (Zed Books, 2015)  Contents : Ronnie Kasrils : Birds of a Feather : Israel and Apartheid South Africa – Colonialism of a Special Type  / Ilan Pappé : The Many Faces of European Colonialism – The Templars, The Basel Mission, and the Zionist Movement  / Oren Ben-Dor : Apartheid and the Question of Origin  / Jonathan Cook :‘Visible Equality as Confidence Trick / Leila Farsakh : Apartheid, Israel, and Palestinian Statehood / Anthony Löwstedt : Femicide in Apartheid – The Parallel Interplay between Racism and Sexism in South Africa and Palestine-Israel / Amneh Badran : The Many Faces of Protest – A Comparative Analysis of Protest Groups in Israel and South Africa / Steven Friedman : The Inevitable Impossible – The South African Experience and a Single State / Virginia Tilley : Redefining the Conflice in Israel-Palestine – The Tricky Question of Soverignty / Ran Greenstein : Israel-Palestine and the Apartheid Analogy – Critics, Apologists and Strategic Lessons 

The Idea of Israel : A History of Power and Knowledge (Verso, 2014) Ignore the opinions of Israeli academics if you want to cheat yourself intellectually.  This is likely the ultimate survey of the brief, post-Nakba window of Israel’s self-questioning from the mid 1980s to the early 1990s.  Best of all, there is seemingly no overlap with his earlier Out of the Frame.

The Modern Middle East : A Social and Cultural History (3rd ed., Routledge, 2014)

The Making of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1951 (IB Tauris, various editions, 1992-2013)

The Forgotten Palestinians : A History of the Palestinians in Israel  (Yale University Press, 2011, 2013)

Out of the Frame : The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel  (Pluto, 2010)

The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty : The Husaynis 1700-1948 (Saqi Books, 2010/2011)

-as editor, with Jamil Hilal : Across the Wall : Narratives of Israeli-Palestinian History (IB Tauris, 2010)

The Bureaucracy of Evil : A History of the Israeli Occupation (Oneworld, 2008)

A History of Modern Palestine : One Land, Two Peoples (Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition , 2006)

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oneworld Press, 2004 / 2nd edition 2007) A detailed, academic yet compassionate and very readable account by a leading Israeli historian of the founding of Israel.  Explains the history and ideology of the Zionist movement, and gives a month by month account of the ethnic cleansing of over 500 Palestinian villages, major towns and cities.

The Israel/Palestine Question (Routledge, 1997)

-as editor, with Joseph Nevo : Jordan in the Middle East, 1948-1988 : The Making of the Pivotal State (Routledge, 1994/2014)

Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-1951  (Macmillan/St Antony’s College Oxford, 1988)


Richard B. Parker (US ambassador to Algeria, Lebanon, and Morocco from 1974 to 1979)

The Six-Day War : A Retrospective  (University of Florida Press, 1996) – Chapters : L. Carl Brown : Origins of the Crisis / I. William Zartman : The United Nations Response / Bernard Reich : The Israeli Response / E. Ernest Dawn : Other Arab Responses / Donald C. Bergus : View from Washington / Richard B. Parker : Conspiracy Theories.


Laila Parsons

The Druze between Palestine and Israel, 1947-1949  (Macmillan & St Antony’s College, Oxford, 2000)


Ismail Adam Patel

Palestine : A Beginner’s Guide  (Leicester : Al-Aqsa, 2005)


Moshe Pearlman aka Maurice Pearlman

Palestine Goes to It!  aka  Palestine and the War  (Keren Heyesod, 1941) 14pp pamphlet.


Wendy Pearlman and Laura Junka

Occupied Voices : Stories of Everyday Life from the Second Intifada (Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2003)


Richard Pearse (Intelligence Corps, Palestine, Lebanon & Syria)

Three Years in the Levant  (Macmillan, 1949) – An of-its day patronising memoir by a field observer of Arab villages.  Regardless, the author is sympathetic to the Arab, anti-Zionist cause.  Deals, in part, with kidnapping and smuggling of Arab Jewish children into Mandate Palestine from neighbouring countries.


Anthony Pearson

Conspiracy of Silence  (Quartet Books, 1978) [Israeli attack on the ship USS Liberty, in 1967]


Ilan Peleg

-with Dov WaxmanIsrael’s Palestinians : The Conflict Within  (Cambridge University Press, 2011)

-as editor : The Middle East Peace Process : Interdisciplinary Perspectives  (State Univerisity of New York Press, 1998)

Human Rights in the West Bank and Gaza : Legacy and Politics  (Syracuse University Press, 1995)

-as editor, with Ofira SeliktarThe Emergence of a Binational Israel : The Second Republic in the Making   (Westview Press, 1989)

Begin’s Foreign Policy, 1977-1983 : Israel’s Move to the Right (Greenwood Press, 1987)


Lipika Pelham

The Unlikely Settler (The Other Press, 2014) – mixed marriage in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.


Mark Perry

A Fire in Zion : The Israeli-Palestinian Search for Peace (William Morrow, 1994) Author was an advisor to Yassir Arafat in negotiating the flawed and disastrous Oslo Accords.


Don Peretz  (State University of New York)

Palestinians, Refugees and the Middle East Peace Process  (US Institute of Peace, 1993)


Edward J. Perkins, Joseph Ginat & David Boren, editors

The Palestinian Refugees : Old Problems – New Solutions  (University of Oklahoma Press, 2002) – 24 author compendium regarding return v. compensation. –  – with foreword by HRH El Hassan Bin Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


Julie Peteet

Landscape of Hope and Despair : Palestinian Refugee Camps  (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005)

Gender in Crisis : Women and the Palestinian Resistance Movement  (Columbia University Press, 1991)


Greg Philo & Mike Berry  (Glasgow University Media Group, analyzing media coverage)

More Bad News from Israel  (Pluto Press, 2011)

Israel and Palestine : Competing Histories  (Pluto, 2006)

Bad News from Israel  (Pluto Press, 2004)


Association of Israeli-Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights

Torture : Human Rights, Medical Ethics and the Case of Israel : Conference on the International Struggle against Torture and the Case of Israel  (Zed Books, 1995)


Physicians for Human Rights  (Tel-Aviv)

Maskit Bendel (author) : The Disengagement Plan and its Repercussions on the Right to Health in the Gaza Strip  (2005)

Maskit Bendel (author) : Breast Cancer in the Gaza Strip – A Death Foretold  (2005)

Ibrahim Habib (author) : The Wall in its Midst – The Separation Barrier and its Impact on the Right to Health and on Palestinian Hospitals in East Jerusalem  (2005)

Ziv Hadas (author) : The Bureaucracy of Occupation : The District Civil Liaison Offices – Joint Report of Machsom Watch and Physicians for Human Rights  [The Permit Regime in the West Bank, 2000-ca. 2004] (2004)

Ziv Hadas (author) : At Israel’s Will : The Permits Policy in the West Bank (2003)

Human Rights on Hold : A Report on Emergency Measures and Access to Health Care in the Occupied Territories, 1990-1992  (1993)

Ziv Hadas (author) : These Worldly Bars – Maltreatment and Neglect at the Israel Prison Service Medical Center  (2002)

Ziv Hadas (author) : A Legacy of Injustice – A Critique of Israeli Approaches to the Right to Health of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories  (2002)

Ziv Hadas (author) : Physicians and Torture – The Case of Israel  (1999)


Noam Pianko

Zionism and the Roads not Taken : Rawidowicz, Kaplan, Kohn  (Indiana University Press, 2010)  Simon Rawidowicz, Mordecai Kaplan, Hans Kohn


Edward Platt

The City of Abraham ? History, Myth and Memory – A Journey Through Hebron (Picador, 2012)  – with background on the Jewish settlers in Tel Rumeida.


Kenneth M. Pollack (Director, [US] Council on Foreign Relations)

Arabs at War : Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991  (University of Nebraska Press, 2002 / Bison Books, 2004)


Yehoshua Porath  (aka Porat)

In Search of Arab Unity, 1930-1945  (Frank Cass, 1986)

The Emergence of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement, 1918-1929 and From Riots to Rebellion, 1929-1939  two volumes (Frank Cass Publishing, 1974 & 1977)  – See also : Manual S. Hassassian : Palestine, Factionalism in the National Movement (1919-1939)


Fred Pragnell

Palestine Chronicle, 1880-1950 : Extracts from the Arabic Press, Tracing the Main Political and Social Developments  (Pragnell Books, 2005) A most generous oversized volume reproducing photocopies made from both original newspapers or microfilm versions of vintage press, arranged chronologically.  Almost entirely in Arabic with an English-language summary timeline on each page. The 2006 2nd edition was issued with a CD of Word files of Pragnell’s translations.  A generous gift to Palestinian history.


Michael Prior  (Theology & Religious Studies lecturer at St Mary’s University College, London)

The Bible and Colonialism : A Moral Critique  (Sheffield Academic Press / Continuum, 1997) – Focus on Palestine (about one-half of the word), Latin America and South Africa.


Terence PrittieBernard Dineen

Double Exodus : A Study of Arab and Jewish Refugees in the Middle east  (Goodhart Press, 1974)


David Pryce-Jones

The Face of Defeat : Palestinian Refugees and Guerrillas  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972 / Quartet Books, 1974)


Naim Qassam  [founding member of Hizbullah in 1982]

Hizbullah : The Story from Within (Saqi Books, 2006).   Essentially linked with the Palestinian Struggle.


Anis al-Qassem

Palestinian Rights and Israeli Institutionalised Racism  (International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1984)


William B. Quandt (University of Virginia)

Peace Process : American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967  (University of California Press, 1977)

as editor : The Middle East : Ten Years After Camp David (Washington DC : Brookings Institution, 1988)

Camp David : Peacemaking and Politics  (Washington DC : Brookings Institution, 1986)

Decade of Decisions : American Policy Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1967-1976  (University of California Press, 1977)


John Quigley (Ohio State University)

The International Diplomacy of Israel’s Founders : Deception at the United Nations in the Quest for Palestine  (Cambridge University Press, due February 2016)

The Case for Palestine : An International Law Perspective  (Duke University Press, 2005)


Mazin B. Qumsiyeh

Popular Resistance in Palestine : A History of Hope and Empowerment  (Pluto Press, 2011)

Sharing the Land of Canaan : Human Rights and the Israeli-Palestine Struggle  (Pluto, 2004)

Mammals of the Holy Land  (Texas Tech University Press, 1996)


Ahmed Qurie (Abu Ala)

Peace Negotiations in Palestine from the Second Intifada to the Roadmap (IB Tauris, 2015) Former Palestinian Prime Minister details the ‘peace process,’ from 2000 to Hamas’ 2006 electoral win.


Itamar Rabinovich  (Israeli ambassador to the USA, Labour Party adviser, history professor at Tel Aviv University)

Israel and the Arab Turmoil  (Stanford, California : Hoover Institution Press, 2014)

The Lingering Conflict : Israel, the Arabs, and the Middle East, 1948-2011 (Washington DC : Brookings Institution, 2011, 2013)

Waging Peace : Israel and the Arabs, 1948-2003 (Princeton University Press, 2004)

Waging Peace : Israel and the Arabsat the End of the Century  (Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1999)

The Brink of Peace : The Israeli Syrian Negotiations (Princeton University Press, 1998)

The Road Not Taken : Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations (Oxford University Press, 1991)

-as co-consultant with Shlomo Avineri, and editor Stephen J Roth :  The Impact of the Six-Day War : A Twenty-Year Assessment  (Macmillan / Institute for Jewish Affairs, 1988)

-as editor, with Jehuda Reinharz  :  Israel and the Middle East : Documents and Readings on Society, Politics and Foreign Relations, 1948-Present  (Oxford University Press, 1984)

From June to October : The Middle East between 1967 and 1973 (New Brunswick, New Jersey : Transaction Books, 1978)

-see also : Rashid Khalidi


Itamar Radai (Tel Aviv University)

Palestinians in Jerusalem and Jaffa, 1948 : A Tale of Two Cities (Routledge, 2015)  Publisher’s blurb : This book reveals that the most important internal factors to the Palestinian defeat were the social changes that took place in Arab society during the British Mandate, namely internal migration from rural areas to the cities, the shift from agriculture to wage labour, and the rise of the urban middle class. By looking beyond the well-established external factors, this study uncovers how modernity led to a breakdown within Palestinian Arab society, widening social fissures without producing effective institutions, and thus alienating social classes both from each other and from the leadership.”


Mitri Raheb, editor

Palestinian Identity in Relation to Time and Space  (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014) – 14 authors emphasising the role of Christianity and religion in general, in forming identity.

Mitri Raheb & Fred Strickert, with photography by Garo Nalbandian and introduction by Yassir Arafat

Bethlehem 2000  (Northampton, Massachusetts : Interlink Publications, 1999)


Era Rapaport

Letters from Tel Mond Prison : An Israeli Settler Defends his Act of Terror  -edited by William B. Helmreich (Free Press, 1996)


Avi Raz

The Bride & The Dowry : Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians in the Aftermath of the June 1967 War  (Yale University Press, 2012)


John Reddaway (Director of CAABU / Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding)

Israel and Nuremburg : Are Israel’s Leaders Guilty of War Crimes?  A Preliminary Study  (International Organisation for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1983)

Right and Wrong in the Pursuit of Peace in Palestine  (Dublin : Eurabia, 1978 or 1980)

“Seek Peace and Insure it” – Selected Papers on Palestine and the Search for Peace (CAABU, ca. 1980)

with F. KhadraPalestine : Points of View (General Union of Arab Students, ca. 1970) – speeches given at the University of London, 1970

Suffering Humanity : The Refugees of the Middle East  (Beirut : author?, 16pp pamphlet, 1967)


Tanya Reinhart  [Israeli linguist; former student of Noam Chomsky]

The Road Map to Nowhere : Israel/Palestine Since 2003  (Verso Books, 2006)

Israel / Palestine : How to End the War of 1948  (New York City : Seven Stories Press, 2002)


Faisal Odeh Matlag Rfouh

Quest for Peace : The United Nations and Palestine (New Delhi : National Book Orgranisation, 1986)


Amal Rifa’i & Odelia Ainbinde, edited by Sylke Tempe

We Just Want to Live Here (Turtleback, 2003) – letters between an Arab Palestinian teenager and a Jewish Israeli teenager.


Jo Roberts (editor-Israel/West Bank correspondent for North American press)

Contested Land, Contested Memory : Israel’s Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe (Dundurn, 2013)


Nicholas E. Roberts

Islam under the Palestine Mandate : Colonialism and the Supreme Muslim Council  (IB Tauris, due 2016)

See also : Uri M. Kupferschmidt


Glenn E Robinson

Building a Palestinian State: The Incomplete Revolution  (Indiana University Press, 1997)  


James Rodgers

Headlines from the Holy Land : Reporting the Israeli-Palestine Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015)  Publisher’s blurb  “Based on new archive research and original interviews with leading correspondents and diplomats. Inspired by the author’s own experience as the BBC’s correspondent in Gaza from 2002-2004, and subsequent research, this book draws on the insight of those who have spent years observing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Starting from a historical perspective, it identifies the challenges the conflict presents for contemporary journalism and diplomacy, and suggests new ways of approaching them.”

No Road Home : Fighting for Land and Faith in Gaza   (Abramis, 2013)

Reporting Conflict (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)


Maxime Rodinson

Israel and the Arabs (translated by Michael Perl, Penguin, 1968, 1982)

Israel – A Colonial Settler State? (Anchor Found/Monad Pathfinder, 1973)


Livia Rokach

The Catholic Church and the Question of Palestine (Saqi Books, 1987)

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism : A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s “Person Diary” and other Documents (Belmont, Massachusetts : AAUG Press / Association of Arab American University Graduates, 1980)


John Rose (London Metropolitan University)

The Myths of Zionism (Pluto Press, 2004)

Israel – The Hijack State : America’s Watchdog in the Middle East (Bookmarks, 1986)


John H. Melkon Rose

Armenians of Jerusalem : Memories of Life in Palestine  (Radcliffe Press, 1993)


Norman Rose

A Senseless, Squalid War : Voices from Palestine, 1890s to 1948  (Bodley Head, 2009 / Vintage, 2010) – Analysis of British Mandate rule, with an emphasis after the conclusion of the Second World War.

The Gentile Zionists : A Study of Anglo-Zionist Diplomacy, 1929-1939 (Routledge, 1973 / 2006)


Sara Roy (Harvard University)

Failing Peace : Gaza and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (Pluto Books, 2006)  Includes the author’s “Oslo autopsy” and how the agreement excused Israel from International Law.

The Gaza Strip : The Political Economy of a De-Development (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1995, 2001, 2004) The author examines in detail the political economy of the Gaza Strip since ‎ the Israeli occupation in 1967. Providing a historical context for ‎ Israeli economic policy, Roy argues that despite certain economic ‎ benefits that have accrued to the Gaza Strip as a result of its ‎ interaction with Israel, Israeli policy in the Strip has been guided by ‎political concerns that not only hindered, but blocked internal ‎ economic development. The first study of its kind to investigate fully Palestinian economic ‎ development in Gaza.

The Gaza Strip : A Demographic, Economic, Social and Legal Survey (Jerusalem : West Bank Database Project, 1986)

-See also Jean-Pierre Filiu and the reading list, The Story Today.


Sharon Rotbard

White City – Black City : Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa  (Pluto, 2015)  “It is not exactly a study of history or architecture… But it is compelling as a ghost story, in which the perpetual fictions created about Tel Aviv cannot obscure its past.” – Tom Sperlinger, Electronic Intifada


Royal Institute of International Affairs aka Chatham House

Great Britain and Palestine, 1915-1936 /1939 /1945    (RIIA & Oxford University Press, 1936, 1939 1945)


Gerry Rubin

Murder Mutiny and the Military: British Court Martial Cases 1940-1960

(Francis Bootle Publishers, 2005) Over 20 Empire-wide cases, including Palestine, many having generated public interest back in the day.


Arthur Ruppin (1880-1950, to Palestine from Galecia 1908; Director of the Palestine Land Development Company; Yishuv leader who at first saw co-operation with Arab Palestinians as a practical necessity)

Memoirs, Diaries, and Letters  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1971) – edited by Alex Bein.

The Jewish Fate and the Future  (Macmillan & Co, 1940) -translated by EW Dickes

Three Decades of Palestine : Speeches and Papers on the Upbuilding of the Jewish National Home  (Schocken, 1936)

The Jews in the Modern World  (Macmillan & Co, 1934) – an enlarged edition, in English, of Soziologie der Juden.

The Agricultural Colonisation of the Zionist Organisation of Palestine  (Martin Hopkinson & Co, 1926)

See : Etan Bloom


Anonymous  [Mark Saba]

The Intifada : A Message from Three Generations of Palestinians  (Knight Financial Services [sic] / Arab Women’s Association [?], 1988)


Michael Saba

The Armageddon Network  (Amana Books, 1984)


Karl Sabbagh

Britain in Palestine : The Story of British Rule in Palestine, 1917-1948  (Skyscraper Publications, 2012)   Accompaniment to the SOAS/Brunei Gallery exhibition.  Many illustrations yet compact.

Palestine : A Personal History   (Atlantic Books, 2006) Sabbagh, whose father was the lead broadcaster for the BBC Arabic Service during WWII, here interweaves the literary and political history of Palestine, with his own family’s story, in particular his father’s experience during the partition of his country and creation of Israel. -NF


Suha Sabbagh (Bir Zeit University)

-as editor : The Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank  (Indiana University Press, 1998)


Nadav Safran (secretly CIA-funded Director of the Harvard University Center for Middle Eastern Studies)

Israel, the Embattled Ally  (Belknap Press/Harvard University Press, 1985)

From War to War : The Arab-Israeli Confrontation, 1948-1967  (Pegasus, 1969)

The United States and Israel  (Harvard University Press, 1963)


Emile Sahliyeh

In Search of Leadership : West Bank Politics since 1967   (Brookings Institution, 1988)


Dr. Mohsen Mohammed Saleh

History of Palestine : A Methodical Study of the Palestinian Struggle  (Peshawar? : Al-Falah Foundation, 2003)


Elias Sanbar

The Palestinians : Photographs of a Land and its People, 1839 to the Present Day  (Yale University Press / Paris : Editions Hazan, 2015) A crossroads of religions, politics, and cultures with deep symbolic and historical significance, the holy land of Palestine has a resonance far greater than its size. Notably, the centuries-old conflict there has catapulted this tiny area to the center of the world stage. For reasons such as these, Palestine has long been a source of fascination for photographers, and it is one of the most frequently photographed places in the world. This engrossing publication examines images of Palestine taken over the course of nearly 200 years, showing the various phases of its pictorial history. Elias Sanbar provides commentaries on this impressive and visually stunning opus, showing how a highly symbolic place and its people have been both captured and abstracted by the camera. Gripping and poignant, the photographs in this publication assert not only the global importance of Palestine, but the beauty that emerges amid its complicated history.   150 color + 500 duotone illustrations.


Shlomo Sand

The Invention of the Land of Israel : from Holyland to Homeland (Verso, 2912)


Mary Saran

For Community Service : The Mount Carmel Experiment  (Blackwell, 1974)


Rosemary Sayigh

Too Many Enemies : The Palestinian Experience in Lebanon [the Shatila refugee camp in Lebanon] (Zed Books, 1994)

Palestinians : From Peasants to Revolutionaries : A People’s History  (Zed Press, 1979; 2nd ed. Zed Books 2007) Important work, constructed from the author’s prescient 1970s interviews with residents of Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.  This book provides privileged insights into these communities’ post-1948 and post-1967 traumas.

The Palestinian Experience Viewed as Socialization (Beirut : American University Beirut, 1997) with other authors, including Adel Samara

Palestine : Profile of an Occupation  (Zed Books, 1989)

See also : Orayb Aref Najjar & Kitty Warnock [Rosemary Sayigh : introduction]

Portraits of Palestinian Women  (University of Utah Press, 1992)


Yezid Yusuf Sayigh

Armed Struggle and the Search for a State : The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993 (Oxford University Press, 1997) At almost 1,000 pages, it’s endorsed by seemingly everyone.

Arab Military Industry : Capability, Performance and Impact (Brasseys Defence Publications, 1992)


Yusif Abdallah Sayigh

-edited by Rosemary Sayigh : Yusif Sayigh  : Arab Economist, Palestinian Patriot – A Fractured Life Story (original Arabic edition 2009; English edition via American University in Cairo Press, 2015)  The first half is a fascinating micro-history of life under the Mandate.  Sayigh was diligent in trying to block land sale to the Zionist Jews.  When an internationally-induced, two-state solution was being slapped onto the front pages, he wrote the Arab Land Hunger Report, classifying dunums not just by their flat map measurement but also by their agricultural worth.  He ran the Arab National Treasury, which, like the Arab Higher Committee, meant Christian and Muslim Palestinian.  The immediate period before the Nakba is detailed as a kind of de facto Israeli garrison era, with settler checkpoints, as the British were reduced to either reacting or packing-up.  He likens it to “Beirut in the civil war.”  Palestinian efforts at armed defence were comparatively weak, as Yusif tried in vain to raise the necessary funds.  Soon, in 1948, he became a prisoner of war.  Later, to Yasser Arafat : “I argue things out with Abu Ammar himself, or with people even more important than Abu Ammar [ouch!].  I will never relinquish my right to argue.”

Elusive Development : From Dependence to Self-Reliance in the Arab Region Routledge, 1991)

The Economies of the Arab World Since 1945 (Croom Helm, 1978)

Towards a Peace in Palestine (Beirut : Lebanon Fifth of June Society, 1970) [pamphlet]

Text of an address to the Council for Arab British Understanding [CAABU], Central Hall, Westminster, 15 April 1970.

Economic Implications of UNWRA Operations in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon (American University of Beirut, 1952)


Ze’ev Schiff  [Israeli journalist of military activities for Ha’aretz newspaper]

Intifada : The Palestinian Uprising – Israel’s Third Front  (Touchstone, 1991 / Simon & Schuster, 1990)

A History of the Israeli Army, 1874 to the Present [sic]  (Macmillan, 1974, 1985)

Israel’s Lebanon War – with Ehud Ya’ari (Simon & Schuster, 1984)

October Earthquake : Yom Kippur 1973   (University Publishing Projects Ltd, 1974 / New Brunswick, New Jersey : Transaction Publications, 2013)

The Fedayeen : The Story of the Palestinian Guerillas  -with Raphael Rothstein (Vallentine Mitchell, 1972)


Abdullah Schliefer [American Jewish journalist who became a Muslim]

The Fall of Jerusalem (an account of the Israeli occupation of Jerusalem in 1967; Monthly Review Press & Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, 1972)


Itzhak Schnell (Tel Aviv University)

-with Daniel Bar-TalThe Impacts of Lasting Occupation : Lessons from Israeli Society  (Oxford University Press, 2013)

-with Michael SoferIsrael DroriArab Industrialization in Israel : Ethnic Entreprenuership in the Periphery (Praeger, 1995)

Perceptions of Israeli Arabs : Territoriality and Identity  (Aldershot : Avebury, 1994)

The Little Triangle : Transformation of a Region  (Jewish Arab Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Haifa, 1985)


Haggai Segal (Israeli journalist, also with Channel 7 television, and member of the Israeli Jewish Underground of the 1980s)

How My Grandmother Prevented a Civil War  (Gefen Publishing, 2014)

Dear Brothers : The West Bank Jewish Underground  (Bet Shamai Publications, 1988)


Rafi Segal, David Tartakover & Eyal Weizman, editors, with photographs by Milutin Labudovic

A Civilian Occupation : The Politics of Israeli Architecture  (Verso Books, 2003) – Publisher’s blurb : “Bringing together essays and photographs by leading Israeli practitioners, and complemented by maps, plans and statistical data, A Civilian Occupation explores the processes and repercussions of Israeli planning and its underlying ideology. It demonstrates how, over the last century, planning and architecture have been transformed from everyday professional practices into strategic weapons in the service of the state, which has sought to secure national and geopolitical objectives through the organization of space and in the redistribution of its population.  The banning of the first edition of this book by its original publisher was proof, if any were needed, that architecture in Israel, indeed architecture anywhere, can no longer be considered a politically naive activity: the politics of Israeli architecture is the politics of any architecture.”  With contributions by Meron Benvenisti, Zvi Efrat, Nadav Harel, Gideon Levy, Ilan Potash, Sharon Rotbard, Efrat Shvily, Eran Tamir-Tawil, Pavel Wolberg, and Oren Yiftachel


Tom Segev

Elvis in Jerusalem : Post-Zionism and the Americanization of Israel (Metropolitan Books, 2002)

One Palestine, Complete : Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate  (Picador, 1999, 2001)

The First Israelis – 1949  (Independent Publications Services, 1985 / Free Press-Macmillan, 1986/ New York City : Owl Books, 1998)  -The new state shown treating its new citizens dishonourably in a pit of big-elbowed bureaucracies.


Martin Seiff (UPI editor, ex-Washington Times)

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East  (Henry Regnery Publishing, 2008)

Engaging American conservative, romantic apologist for past European Colonialism and the Ottoman Empire, with hope that the latter’s mantle will be inherited by Saudi Arabia.  Ridicules all historical actors in the tradition of African American George S. Schuyler’s novel Black No More!


Sherene Seikaly

Men of Capital : Scarcity and Economy in Mandate Palestine (Standord University Press, 2015)  The middle class is unpacked.  “Seikaly is a wonderfully engaging writer…with clarity and verve. An absolute must-read.” – Sarah Irving, Electronic Intifada.  see also : Barbara J. SmithThe Roots of Separatism in Palestine – British Economic Policy, 1920-1929  (Syracuse University Press, 1993)


Michael Selzer

The Aryanization of the Jewish State  (New York City : Black Star Publishing, 1967)


Rachel Shabi 

Not the Enemy : Israel’s Jews from Arab Lands  (Yale University Press, 2009) – aka We Look Like the Enemy : The Hidden Story of Israel’s Jews from Arab Lands  (Walker & Company, 2009) – Well-researched book on Israel’s political, residential, economic and cultural discrimination of Mizrahi Jews, including the transition of some from leftists hard done by the Labour Party to become rightists supporting Likud.   The chapter on music is rewarding for its focus on Arab (Arab-Jews) singers and players in Israel, despite omitting Ofra Haza’s popularising Yemenite songs.


Nathan Shachar

The Gaza Strip ; It’s History and Politics  (Sussex Academic Press, 2010)


Mohammed K. Shadid

The United States and the Palestinians  (Croom Helm, 1981)


Gershon Shafir

Land, Labour and the Origin of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882-1914 (University of California Press, 1996)


Israel Shalak & Norton Mezvinsky

Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press, 1999) Important study of the evolving influence of Rabbi Kook the Elder (1865-1935), Army and Chief Rabbi Shlomo Gorem, and the settler movement Gush Emunim (1975+).  Book is based almost entirely on Hebrew language sources in Israel, with examples of Talmudic interpretations and Israeli Jewish commentary rarely in evidence in English.


Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Militarization and Violence against Women in Conflice Zones in the Middle East : A Palestinian Case Study  (Cambridge University Press, 2009)

with Nahla Abdo : Acknowledging the Displaced : Palestinian Women’s Ordeals in East Jerusalem (Jerusalem : Women’s Study Center, 2009)


Peter A. Shambrook

French Imperialism in Syria, 1927-1936 (Reading : Ithaca Press, 1998)


Itzhak Shamir (Stern Gang)

Summing Up : An Autobiography  (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994)


Ronen Shamir

Current Flow : The Electrification of Palestine (Stanford University Press, 2013)

The Colonies of Law : Colonialism, Zionism and Law in Early Mandate Palestine (Cambridge University Press, 2000)


Ismail & Tamam Shammout (aka Tamam al-Akhal)

Palestine : The Exodus and the Odyssey  (Al Ekbal, 2000) – Leading fine artists remember the Nakba.


Avraham Shapira, editor

The Seventh Day : Soldiers Talk about the Six-Day War – recorded and edited by a group of young kibbutz members  -translated from Hebrew by Henry Near (Andre Deutsch, 1970)


Hisham Sharabi

Palestine Guerillas : Their Credibility and Effectiveness (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970)


Amer A. Sharif

A Statistical Study of the Arab Boycott on Israel (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970)



Moshe Shemesh  (former IDF senior intelligence officer)

Arab Politics, Palestinian Nationalism and the Six Day War : The Crystalization of Arab Strategy and Nasir’s (sic) Descent to War, 1957-1967  (Sussex Academic, 2008)

The Palestinian Entity, 1959-1974 : Arab Politics and the PLO  (Frank Cass, 1988)

Moshe Shemesh & Selwyn Ilan Troen, editors

The Suez-Sinai Crisis 1956 : Retrospective and Reappraisal  (Frank Cass, 1990)


Yehouda Shenhav

Beyond the Two-State Solution : A Jewish Political Essay  -translated by Dimi Reider  (Polity Press, 2012) – Publisher’s blurb : For over two decades, many liberals in Israel have attempted, with wide international support, to implement the two-state solution: Israel and Palestine, partitioned on the basis of the Green Line – that is, the line drawn by the 1949 Armistice Agreements that defined Israel’s borders until 1967, before Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza following the Six-Day War. By going back to Israel’s pre-1967 borders, many people hope to restore Israel to what they imagine was its pristine, pre-occupation character and to provide a solid basis for a long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  In this original and controversial essay, Yehouda Shenhav argues that this vision is an illusion that ignores historical realities and offers no long-term solution. It fails to see that the real problem is that a state was created in most of Palestine in 1948 in which Jews are the privileged ethnic group, at the expense of the Palestinians – who also must live under a constant state of emergency. The issue will not be resolved by the two-state solution, which will do little for the millions of Palestinian refugees and will also require the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Jews living across the Green Line. All these obstacles require a bolder rethinking of the issues: the Green Line should be abandoned and a new type of polity created on the complete territory of mandatory Palestine, with a new set of constitutional arrangements that address the rights of both Palestinians and Jews, including the settlers.

The Arab Jews : A Postcolonial Reading of Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity  (Stanford University Press, 2006) – Publisher’s blurb : This book is about the social history of the Arab Jews—Jews living in Arab countries—against the backdrop of Zionist nationalism. By using the term “Arab Jews” (rather than “Mizrahim,” which literally means “Orientals”) the book challenges the binary opposition between Arabs and Jews in Zionist discourse, a dichotomy that renders the linking of Arabs and Jews in this way inconceivable. It also situates the study of the relationships between Mizrahi Jews and Ashkenazi Jews in the context of early colonial encounters between the Arab Jews and the European Zionist emissaries—prior to the establishment of the state of Israel and outside Palestine. It argues that these relationships were reproduced upon the arrival of the Arab Jews to Israel. The book also provides a new prism for understanding the intricate relationships between the Arab Jews and the Palestinian refugees of 1948, a link that is usually obscured or omitted by studies that are informed by Zionist historiography. Finally, the book uses the history of the Arab Jews to transcend the assumptions necessitated by the Zionist perspective, and to open the door for a perspective that sheds new light on the basic assumptions upon which Zionism was founded.


Naomi Shepherd

Ploughing the Sand : British Rule in Palestine, 1917-1948  (Rutgers University Press, 2000)


AJ Sherman

Mandate Days : British Lives inPalestine, 1918-1948 (Thames & Hudson, 1997)

A fascinating, intentionally insular survey of Mandate Government’s military, police, civil servants, and what we’d now term as NGOs.  The author made use of many unpublished diaries held in the Middle East section of the St Anthony’s College Oxford Archives, and vintage photographs as exceptionally well-reproduced.


Abbas Shiblak

The Palestinian Refugee Issue : A Palestinian Perspective (Royal Institute of International Affairs [Chatham House], 2009)

Falling Through the Cracks : Legal and Practical Gaps in Refugee Status : A Case Study of Unrecognised Refugees in Lebanon  (revised edition, Beirut : Frontiers / Ruwad Association, 2006)

The Palestinian Diaspora in Europe : Challenges of Dual Identity and Adaptation  (Palestine : Institute of Jerusalem Studies, 2005)

Iraqi Jews : A History of Mass Exodus  (al-Saqi Books, 2005)

with Uri Davis Civil and Citizenship Rights of Palestinian Refugees  (Jerusalem : Shami, 1995)

The Lure of Zion : The Case of the Iraqi Jews  (al-Saqi Books, 1986)


Faris al-Shidyaq

Leg over Leg  (Two Volumes, Translated by Humphrey Davies – travel, UK anshammoutd France / NYUP, 2012) Leg Over Leg is the semi-autobiographical account of Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq, a pivotal figure in the intellectual and literary history of the modern Arab world. His adventures and misadventures provided him with opportunities for wide-ranging digressions on the intellectual and social issues of his time, including the ignorance and corruption of the Lebanese religious and secular establishments, women’s rights, the manners and customs of Europeans and Middle Easterners, and the differences between European and Arabic literature.   It was initially widely condemned for its attacks on authority, its skepticism, and “obscenity,” and later editions were often abridged. This is the very first English translation of the work and reproduces the original edition.


Colin Shindler (SOAS)

The Rise of the Israeli Right he Rise of the Israeli Right : From Odessa to Hebron (Cambridge University Press, 2015) – Publisher’s blurb : “The Israeli Right first came to power nearly four decades ago. Its election was described then as ‘an earthquake,’ and its reverberations are still with us. How then did the Right rise to power? What are its origins? Colin Shindler traces this development from the birth of Zionism in cosmopolitan Odessa in the nineteenth century to today’s Hebron, a centre of radical Jewish nationalism. He looks at central figures such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, an intellectual and founder of the Revisionist movement and Menahem Begin, the single-minded politician who brought the Right to power in 1977. Both accessible and comprehensive, this book explains the political ideas and philosophies that were the Right’s ideological bedrock and the compromises that were made in its journey to government.”

-as editor : Israel and the World Powers : Diplomatic Alliances and International Relations Beyond the Middle East  (IB Tauris, 2014)

A History of Modern Israel  (Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. 2013)

Israel and the European Left : Between Solidarity and Deligitimisation  (Continuum, 2011)

The Triumph of Military Zionism : Nationalism and the Origins of the Israeli Right  (IB Tauris, 2009)

What Do Zionists Believe?   (Granta, 2007)

Israel, Likud and the Zionist Dream : Power, Politics and Ideology from Begin to Netanyahu  (IB Tauris, 1995)

Ploughshares into Swords : Israelis and Jews in the Shadow of the Intifada  (IB Tauris, 1991)

Exit Visa : Detente, Human Rights and the Jewish Emigration Movement in the USSR  (Bachman & Turner, 1978)


Avi Shlaim

-as editor, with William Roger Louis : The 1967 Arab-Israeli War : Origins and Consequences (Cambridge University Press, 2012)

Edward Said : A Legacy of Emancipation and Representation (University of California Press, 2010)

Israel and Palestine : Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations (Verso Books, 2009)

Lion of Jordan : The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace (Alan Lane 2007, Penguin 2008)

-as editor, with Eugene L. Rogan : The War for Palestine : Rewriting the History of 1948  (Cambridge University Press, 2007, 2001)

-as editor, with Eugene L. Rogan : Rewriting the Palestine War : 1948 and the History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Cambridge University Press, 2001)

The Iron Wall : Israel and the Arab World (WW Norton 2000, Penguin 2001)

The Politics of Partition : King Abdullah, the Zionists and Palestine, 1921-1951 (Oxford University Press, 1998) – earlier edition published as Collusion Across the Jordan (OUP, 1988)

-as editor, with Yezid Sayigh : The Cold War and the Middle East (Oxford University Press, 1997)

War and Peace in the Middle East : A Concise History / A Critique of American Policy (Whittle Books/Viking, 2004; Penguin 1995) Shlaim :  “The battle for Palestine was lost by Palestinians not in  1948 but in the late 1930s. Because  Britain completely smashed to the ground the Palestinian  revolt and  Arab irregular  forces….The Balfour Declaration was a colossal blunder-it has proved to be a catastrophe for the Palestinians and it gave rise to one of the most intense, bitter, and protracted conflicts of modern times.


Ronen Shnayderman

-edited by Zvi Shulman; translated by Shaul Vardi   Take No Prisoners : The Fatal Shooting of Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces during “Arrest Operations”  (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2005)


Henry Siegman  (University of London)

as project director : Yezid SayighKhalil ShikakiStrengthening Palestinian Public Institutions : Executive Summary – Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations (New York City : Council on Foreign Relations, 1999)


Sanford R. Silverburg, editor

Palestine and International Law : Essays on Politics and Economics  (McFarland & Co, 2002)

with Bernard Reich : U.S. Foreign Relations with the Middle East and North Africa : A Bibliography – Supplement, 1998  (Scarecrow Press, 1999)

Middle East Bibliography (Scarecrow, 1992)


Geoff Simons

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (London : Palestinian Resource Centre, 2006)

Despite having the same title as Ilan Pappé’s book, this work doesn’t emphasise the era of the Nakba. Its reach is broader in time, and especially helpful is his coverage of some of the many UN resolutions since 1948. Note : see also United Nations


Salman Abu Sitta

Mapping My Return : A Palestinian Memoir (IB Tauris, due 2016)

Atlas of Palestine, 1917-1966 (Palestine Land Society, 2010 – 700pp)

The Return Journey : A Guide to the Depopulated and Present Palestinian Towns and Villages and Holy Sites  – in English, Arabic, & Hebrew (Palestine Land Society, 2007)

The Palestinian Nakba 1948 : The Register of Depopulated Communities in Palestine (Palestinian Return Centre, 2000)

The Right of Return : Sacred, Legal, Possible (Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding/CAABU, 1999)


Stephen Sizer

Zion’s Christian Soldiers?  The Bible, Israel and the Church  (Nottingham : Inter-varsity, 2007)

Christian Zionism : Roadmap to Armageddon?  (Nottingham : Inter-varsity, 2004)

A Panorama of the Bible Lands  -alternate title : A Panorama of the Holy Land – with photographs by Jon Arnold (Guildford : Eagle Press, 1998 / 2000)


Susan Slyomovics

The Object of Memory : Arab and Jew Narrate the Palestinian Village (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993) Palestinian village Ein Houd emptied in 1948 and re-named Ein Hod, as a Jewish Israeli artists’ colony.  But the original inhabitants built a “temporary” Ein Hod again, on a neighbouring mountain.


Barbara J. Smith

The Roots of Separatism in Palestine : British Economic Policy, 1920-1929 (Syracuse University Press, 1993) The Zionist settler movement, unsuccessful during the period of Ottoman rule, flourished under the British: within a few years of the establishment of British administration, the Zionists had laid the foundations of a national economic base which underpinned their nationalist ideology. British policy thus contributed significantly to the division of the country on ethnic lines and ultimately to the partition of Palestine and the establishment of the state of Israel. This central argument informs a wide-ranging discussion of economic policy, embracing immigration, land, labour, industry, agriculture, education, social welfare and taxation.  Essential reading to understand the Mandate era.


Charles D. Smith

Palestine and the Arab-israeli Conflict : A History with Documents  (St Martin’s Press, 2009 and earlier editions) – 624pp.


Gary V. Smith, editor (Professor of Christian Studies, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee)

Zionism, The Dream and the Reality – A Jewish Critique  (David & Charles, 1974)


Grant Smith

Declassified Deceptions : The Secret History of Isaiah L. Kenen and the Rise of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Washington DC : Institute for Research – Middle Eastern Policy, 2007)


Sammy Smooha

Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel : Alienation and Rapprochement (Washington DC : US Institute of Peace, 2010)

Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel, 2004 (University of Haifa Press, 2005)

-with As’ad Ghanem :  Ethnic, Religious and Political Islam Among the Arabs in Israel  (University of Haifa Jewish-Arab Center, 1998)

Arabs and Jews in Israel – Vol. 2 : Change and Continuity in Mutual Intolerance (Boulder, Colorado / London ; Westview Press, 1989)

Arabs and Jews in Israel – Vol. 1 : Conflicting and Shared Attitudes in a Divided Society (Boulder, Colorado / London ; Westview Press, 1989)

The Orientation and Politicization of the Arab Minority in Israel  (University of Haifa Press, 1984)

Israel, Pluralism and Conflict (London : Routledge & Kegan Paul / University of California Press, 1978)

-with Ora Cibulski Social Research on Arabs in Israel, 1948-1977 : Trends and an Annotated Bibliography   (University of Haifa Jewish-Arab Center / Turtledove Publishing, 1978)


Stephen J. Sniegoski

The Transparent Cabal : The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel  -with foreword by former Congressman Paul Findley and introduction by Paul Gottfried (Norfolk, Virginia : Enigma Editions, 2008)


Society of Friends [Quakers]

The Search for Peace in the Middle East (London : Friends Peace and International relations Committee, 1970; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : American Friends Service Committee, 1971; Hill & Wang, 1971)


Ehud Sprinzak

Brother against Brother : Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the Rabin Assassination  (New York City : The Press Press, 1999)

The Israeli Right and the Peace Process, 1992-1996  (Jerusalem : Leonard Davis Institute, 1998)

as co-editor, with Larry Diamond : Israeli Democracy under Stress  (Boulder, Colorado : Lynne Reinner Publishing, 1993)

The Ascendance of Israel’s Radical Right (Oxford University Press, 1991)

See also Ami Pedahzur, in THE STORY TODAY section.


Richard P. Stevens

American Zionism and US Foreign Policy, 1942-1947 (New York City : Pageant, 1962 / Institute for Palestine Studies, 1970

Weizmann and the Smuts : A Study of Zionist-South African Cooperation (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1973)


Andrea L Stanton (University of Denver)

“This is Jerusalem Calling” : State Radio in Mandate Palestine (University of Texas Press, 2013)  A rewarding cultural resource focusing on the Arab side of the broadcasting body.  Aside from political developments, the author focuses on the marketing of radios, newspaper coverage of the broadcasts, the role of women in the broadcast schedule, and many less obvious topics.  Publisher’s description : “Modeled after the BBC, the Palestine Broadcasting Service was launched in 1936 to serve as the national radio station of Mandate Palestine, playing a pivotal role in shaping the culture of the emerging middle class in the region. Despite its significance, the PBS has become nearly forgotten by scholars of twentieth-century Middle Eastern studies. Drawn extensively from British and Israeli archival sources, This Is Jerusalem Calling traces the compelling history of the PBS’s twelve years of operation, illuminating crucial aspects of a period when Jewish and Arab national movements simultaneously took form. Andrea L. Stanton describes the ways in which the mandate government used broadcasting to cater to varied audiences, including rural Arab listeners, in an attempt to promote a “modern” vision of Arab Palestine as an urbane, politically sophisticated region. In addition to programming designed for the education of the peasantry, religious broadcasting was created to appeal to all three main faith communities in Palestine, which ultimately mayz have had a disintegrating, separatist effect. Stanton’s research brings to light the manifestation of Britain’s attempts to prepare its mandate state for self-governance while supporting the aims of Zionists. While the PBS did not create the conflict between Arab Palestinians and Zionists, the service reflected, articulated, and magnified such tensions during an era when radio broadcasting was becoming a key communication tool for emerging national identities around the globe.”


Yael Stein

-translated by Zvi ShulmanPolicy of Destruction : House Demolitions and Destruction of Agricultural Land in the Gaza Strip (Jerusalem : B’Tselem, 2002)

-translated by Zvi Shulman :  The Quiet Deportation Continues : Revocation of Residency and Denial of Social Rights of East Jerusalem Palestinians (Jerusalem : HaMoked / B’Tselem, 1998)


Ze’ev Sternhell

The Founding Myths of Israel : Nationalism, Socialism and the Making of the Jewish State  – translated by David Maisel  (Princeton University Press, 1998)  – One of the Jewish Israeli “new historians” of the late 1980s and 1990s.  “A very important book in which he dispels the muths about Israeli society as a liberal, socialist, democratic state – in an extraordinarily detailed analysis of its illiberal, quasi-fascist, and profoundly anti-socialist character as evidenced by the Labour Party generally, and the Histadrut in particular.” – Edward Said, 1998, in The End of the Peace Process.


Russell Stetler, editor

Palestine : The Arab-Israeli Conflict : A Ramparts Press Reader – (San Francisco : Ramparts Press, 1972) – with photographs by Jeffrey Blankfort.  Pieces detail the variability of the resistance movements, with policy statements.


Desmond Stewart

Palestinians : Victims of Expediency  (Quartet Books, 1982)

The Middle East : Temple of Janus  (Hamish Hamilton, 1972)


Walter Francis Stirling (C.E. Lawrence’s Chief of Staff, later Times correspondant)

Safety Last  (Hollis & Carter, 1953) – Aut0biography.


(Sir) Ronald Storrs (Military Governor of Jerusalem, 1917-1926)

Orientations  (Nicholson & Watson, 1937) Page 364 states : a “Jewish homeland…will form for England ‘a little loyal Jewish Ulster’ in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.”

A section was of Orientations was reprinted as Lawrence of Arabia, Zionism and Palestine (Penguin, 1940)


John Strawson

Partitioning Palestine : Legal Fundamentalism in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict  (Pluto Press, 2010)


Sandy Sufian & Mark LeVine, editors

Reapproaching Borders : New Perspectives on the Study of Israel-Palestine  (Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield, 2007)  Contents: Filling a gap in the chronology: what archaeology is revealing about the Ottoman past in Israel / Uzi Baram — Remembering Jewish-Arab contact and conflict / Michelle Campos — Reapproaching the borders of Nazareth (1948-1956): Israel’s control of an all-Arab city / Geremy Forman — Defining national medical borders: medical terminology and the making of Hebrew medicine / Sandy Sufian — Contested bodies: medicine, public health, and mass immigration to Israel / Nadav Davidovitch, Rhona Seidelman, and Shifra Shvarts — Seeing the “Holy Land” with new eyes: undocumented labor migration, reproductive health, and the fluctuating borders of the Israeli national body / Sarah S. Willen — Masculinity as a relational mode: Palestinian gender ideologies and working-class boundaries in an ethnically mixed town / Daniel Monterescu — From water abundance to water scarcity (1936-1959): a “fluid” history of Jewish subjectivity in historic Palestine and Israel / Samer Alatout — Seizing locality in Jerusalem / Alona Nitzan-Shiftan — Present and absent: historical invention and the politics of place in contemporary Jerusalem / Thomas Abowd — Framing the borders of justice: Sharia courts in Israel and the conflict between secular ideology and Islamic law / Moussa Abou Ramadan — Modernity and its mirror: three views of Jewish-Palestinian interaction in Jaffa and Tel Aviv / Mark LeVine.


Ted Swedenburg (American University in Cairo)

as co-editor, with Rebecca L. Stein (Duke University): Palestine, Israel, and the Politics of Popular Culture  (Duke University Press, 2005)

as co-editor, with Smadar Lavie (University of California at Davis) : Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity  (Duke University Press, 1996)

Memories of Revolt : The 1936-1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past  (University of Minnesota Press, 1995 / University of Arkansas Press, 2003)  Not strictly an oral history but based on memories of what was a peasants’ uprising.


Christopher Sykes

Crossroads to Israel  (Indiana University Press, 1965, 1973)

Orde Wingate  (Collins, 1959)


Simon Taggart

Workers in Struggle : Palestinian Trade Unions in the Occupied West Bank (Editpride, 79pp, 1985)


Lex Takkenberg  (UNWRA officer since 1989)

The Status of Palestinian Refugees in International Law  (Clarendon Press, 1998)


Hassan Bin Talal (HRH El Hassan Bin Talal of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

Christianity in the Arab World  – with foreword by HRH The Prince of Wales (SCM Press, 1998)

Search for Peace : The Politics of the Middle Ground in the East  (Macmillan, 1984)

Palestinian Self-Determination : A Study of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Quartet Books, 1981)


Salim Tamari, editor

Jerusalem 1948 : The Arab Neighbourhoods and Their Fate in the War  (Jerusalem : Institute of Jerusalem Studies / Badil Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, 1999) – includes Nathan Krystall : The Fall of the New City, 1947-1950.


Izzat Tannous

The Expulsion of the Palestine Arabs from Their Homeland – A Dark Page in Jewish History (New York City : Palestine Arab Refugee Office, 1961; 28pp pamphlet)

Persecution of the Arabs in Israel – Facts that Every American Should Know about the Tragedy of the Holy Land (New York City : Palestine Arab Refugee Office, 1956; 24pp pamphlet)


Raymonda Hawa Tawil (Palestinian publisher, journalist and poet, aka Tawil Hawa, Yasser Arafat’s mother-in-law)

My Home, My Prison  (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1980 / Zed Books, 1983) – details Palestinian resistance movements.


Alan Ros Taylor

The Zionist Mind : The Origins and Development of Zionist Thought (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 1973)


Jim Taylor

Pearl Harbour II : The True Story of the Sneak Attack by Israel on the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967  (Regency Press, 1980)


Roselle TekinerSamir Abed-RabboNorton Mezvinsky, editors

Anti-Zionism : Analytical Reflections  (Amana Books, 1988) – Essays written as a tribute to Rabbi Elmer Berger.  Contains Berger’s own essay, Zionist Ideology: Obstacle to Peace, and pieces by Israel Shahak, Sally and W. Thomas Mallison, Naseer Aruri, Roselle Tekiner, Shaw J. Dallal, Benjamin M. Joseph, Cheryl A. Rubenberg, Ruth W. Mouly, and Norton Mezvinsky.


Mark A. Tessler

A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  (Indiana University Press, 2009) 1040pp.  – See also Ann Mosely Lesch


Teresa Thornhill

Making Women Talk : Interrogation of Palestinian Women Detainees by the Israeli General Security Services   (Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights, 1992)


Merle Thorpe, Jr.

Prescription for Conflict : Israel’s West Bank Settlement Policy  – with foreword by Amnon Kapeliuk; introduction by Simha Flapan  (Washington DC : Foundation for Middle East Peace, 1984)


Abdul Latif Tibawi

Arab Education in Mandatory Palestine : A Study of Three Decades of British Administration  (Luzac & Co, 1956)


Edward Tivnan

The Lobby : Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy  (Simon & Schuster, 1987)


Sandy Tolin

The Lemon Tree : An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East  (Bloomsbury, 2007)


Patricia Toye & Angela Seay, editors

Israel : Boundary Disputes with Arab neighbours, 1946-1964 (Slough : Archive Editions, 1995)

Patricia Toye, editor

Palestine Boundaries, 1883-1947  -with foreword by JC Hurewitz  (Slough : Archive Editions, 1989)


Leah Tsemel and Ingrid Gassner-Jaradat

The Trap is Closing on Palestinian Jerusalemites : Israel’s Demographic Policies in east Jerusalem from the 1967 Annexation to the Eve of the Final Status Negotiations [1996]  (Jerusalem : Alternative Information Center, 1996)

see also Ingrid Gassner Jaradat


Fadwa Tuqan

A Mountainous Journey : An Autobiography  (translated by Olive E. Kenny & Naomi Shihab Nye; edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi; Women’s Press / St Paul, Minnesota : Graywolf Press, 1990)


Fawaz Turki

Soul in Exile : Lives of a Palestinian Revolutionary (Monthly Review Press, 1988)

The Disinherited  – Journal of a Palestinian Exile (Monthly Review Press, 1972)


Mark Twain

Innocents Abroad  (numerous editions, since 1869).   Intendedly humorous travelogue that was taken out of context by Zionists to show no Arab society in Palestine.


Ole Fr. Ugland, editor

Difficult Past, Uncertain Future : Living Conditions Among Palestinian Refugees in Camps and Gatherings in Lebanon   (Oslo : FAFO, 2003)


United NationsGeorge J. Tomeh, Regina S. Sharif, Michael Simpson, Jody Boudreault, Katherine LaRivière, Ida Audeh, editors :

United Nations Resolutions on Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1947-1998 (Beirut : Institute for Palestine Studies, 2009) Five-volume set of all the Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, but also those of all the subsidiary organizations and specialized agencies that have dealt with the various manifestations of these issues.  Each includes a subject guide and a chronological listing of the resolutions by agency of issue. A cumulative index follows Volume III; Volumes IV and V contain their own index. In addition to the voting lists that follow each resolution, all five volumes include as appendices Security Council and General Assembly voting tables, enabling the reader to trace votes for any given resolution as well as voting patterns over the years of individual member states.  As of 2014, priced at US$50 for the set.


Graham Usher (foreign correspondent, married to BBC Middle East/UN correspondent Barbara Plett Usher)

Dispatches from Palestine : The Rise and Fall of the Oslo Peace Process (Pluto Press, 1999)

Palestine in Crisis : The Struggle for Peace and Independence after Oslo (Pluto Press, 1995)


Graham Usher – with photographer John Tordai

A People Called Palestine (Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2001)


Milton Viorst 

What Shall I Do with this People?  Jews and the Fractious Politics of Judaism   (The Free Press, 2002)

UNWRA and Peace in the Middle East  aka Reaching for the Olive Branch (Washington DC : Middle East Institute, 1984 / Indiana University Press, 1989)


Donald E. Wagner

Dying in the Land of Promise : Palestine and Palestinian Christianity from the Pentecost to 2000 (Melisende, 2001, 2003 / 2nd ed. Fox Publications, 2004)

Anxious for Armageddon : A Call to Partnership for Middle East and Western Christians  with foreword by Elias Chacour (Scottsdale, Pennsylvania : Herald Press, 1996)

Don Wagner and Dan O’Neill 

Peace or Armageddon?  The Unfolding Drama of the Middle East Accord  (Marshall Pickering, 1993 / HarperCollins, 1994)


David Waines (with foreword by Maxime Rodinson)

The Unholy War : Israel and Palestine, 1897-1971 (Wilmette, Illinois : Medina University Press International, 1971) – updated as : A Sentence of Exile – The Palestine Israel Conflict, 1877-1977  (Wilmette, Illinois : Medina Press, 1977)


Bernard Wasserstein

Israel and Palestine : Why They Fight and Can They Stop?  (Profile, 2003)

Divided Jerusalem : The Struggle for the Holy City  (Profile, 2001)

Herbert Samuel : A Political Life  (Clarendon Press, 1992)

The British in Palestine : The Mandatory Government and the Arab-Jewish Conflict, 1917-1929  (Blackwell, 1991)


Nathan Weinstock

Zionism : False Messiah (translated from the French by Alan Adler (Paris : François Maspero, 1969; Ink Link, 1979, with interview with Moshe Machover; Pluto 1987).

Belgian author’s classic work that questioned the motives of Mandate-era Zionists; he since turned his back on anti-Zionism and reportedly regrets this book.


Alison Weir (Council for the National Interest; Director of If Americans Knew)

Against Our Better Judgement : The Hidden History of How the United States was Used to Create Israel  (CreateSpace, 2014)

An excellent, concise unpacking of American Zionism’s behind-the-scenes manoeuvrings for their cause.  Still the ones who matter, they’re the ones who did it, against any and all opposition, within and outside of Washington.


Yfaat Weiss

A Confiscated Memory : Wadi Sahib and Haifa’s Lost Heritage  (Columbia University Press, 2012).  Publisher’s blurb : “…the story of an Arab neighborhood in Haifa that later acquired iconic status in Israeli memory. In the summer of 1959, Jewish immigrants from Morocco rioted against local and national Israeli authorities of European origin. The protests of Wadi Salib generated for the first time a kind of political awareness of an existing ethnic discrimination among Israeli Jews. However, before that, Wadi Salib existed as an impoverished Arab neighborhood. The war of 1948 displaced its residents, even though the presence of the absentees and the Arab name still linger. Weiss investigates the erasure of Wadi Salib’s Arab heritage and its emergence as an Israeli site of memory. At the core of her quest lies the concept of property, as she merges the constraints of former Arab ownership with requirements and restrictions pertaining to urban development and the emergence of its entangled memory. Establishing an association between Wadi Salib’s Arab refugees and subsequent Moroccan evacuees, Weiss allegorizes the Israeli amnesia about both eventual stories–that of the former Arab inhabitants and that of the riots of 1959, occurring at different times but in one place. Describing each in detail, Weiss uncovers a complex, multilayered, and hidden history. Through her sensitive reading of events, she offers uncommon perspective on the personal and political making of Israeli belonging.”  -see also : Mahmoud Yazbak


David A Wesley

State Practices and Zionist Strategies : Shaping Economic Development in Arab Towns in Israel  (Oxford : Berghahn, 2006)


West Bank Data Project :


Simcha Bahiri

Industrialization in the West Bank and Gaza (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1987)


Eyal Benvenisti

Legal Dualism : The Absorption of the Occupied Territories into Israel (Boulder, Colorado : Westview Press, 1990)


Meron Benvenisti

The West Bank Data Project : A Survey of Israel’s Policies (Washington DC : American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1984/1987

with Usamah Halabi and Aron Turner :  Land Alienation in the West Bank : A Legal and Spatial Analysis  (Jerusalem : West Bank Data Project, 1985)


David Grossman

The Jewish and Arab Settlements in the Tulkarm Sub-District (Jerusalem, 1985)


Dr David Kahan

Agriculture and Water Resources in the West Bank and Gaza, 1967-1987 (Jerusalem Post, 1987)


Michael Romann

Jewish Kiriyat Arba versus Hebron (Jerusalem Post, 1986)


Brian Whitaker (extensively-travelled former Guardian Middle East journalist)

Unspeakable Love : Gay and Lesbian Life in the Middle East (2nd ed., Al Saqi Books, 2011)


Keith W. Wightlam

The Invention of Ancient Israel : The Silencing of Palestinian History  (Routledge, 1997)


Suzy Wighton

One Day at a Time : Diaries from a Palestinian Camp [Beirut] (Hutchinson, 1990)


[Lt Col] Richard [Barton] Williams-Thompson

The Palestine Problem :  An Eye Witness Exposition of the Problem Explaining the Pros and Cons of the Arab & Jerwish Cases Clearly Set Out Against Their Historical Political & Religious Backgrounds (Andrew Melrose Ltd, 1947).


Marion Woolfson

Bassam Shak’a : Portrait of a Palestinian (London : Third World Centre, ca. 1981) Expose of Israeli overt and covert harassment of the Mayor of Nablus.  The Scottish (and Jewish) author, who also reported the Chinese cultural revolution for The Times, was sacked for her “anti-semitic” reporting of Israel’s assassination attempts and semi-official condoning of fanatical groups, and she was subjected to “terrorism by telephone.”

Prophets in Babylon : Jews in the Arab World (Faber & Faber, 1980) – The rise of Zionism from Europe is seen to have placed Arab Jews at a disadvantage in countries where previously there had not been a form of anti-Jewish biggotry.


Martin Wright, editor

Israel and the Palestinians (contributors include Paul Cossali; Longmans, 1989)


Haim Yacobi (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

Israel and Africa : A Geneology of Moral Geography  (Routledge, 2016) Publisher’s blurb : “Israel and Africa critically examines the ways in which Africa – as a geopolitical entity – is socially manufactured, collectively imagined but also culturally denied in Israeli politics. Its unique exploration of moral geography and its comprehensive, interdisciplinary research on the two countries offers new perspectives on Israeli history and society.”

The Jewish-Arab City : Spatio-Politics in a Mixed Community (Routledge, 2009)

Haim YacobiErez Tzfadia

Rethinking Israeli Space : Periphery & Identity  (Routledge, 2011)

Constructing a Sense of Place : Architecture and the Zionist Discourse (Ashgate, 2004)


Mahmoud Yazbak and Yafaat Weiss (editors)

Haifa Before and After 1948 – Narratives of a Mixed City (Republic of Letters / Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation,  2011).  Co-authored by Palestinians and Israelis (mostly Israeli citizens), covers Haifa’s architecture and its social and cultural life during the Mandate period, the Arab-Israeli competition in the oil and soap industries, the history of Arab-Jewish inter-communal relations and cohabitation, commemoration in the German Colony of Haifa, the story of two houses that represent the narrative of Palestinians in Haifa and remembrances displayed through personal accounts of the cold winter in 1950. In this remarkable project, Jews and Palestinians, write together the history and memory of the city of Haifa. Chapters : 1. Towards Mutual Historical Writing: An Introduction to the “Haifa Project” – Mahmoud Yazbak and Yfaat Weiss 2. A Tale of Two Houses – Mahmoud Yazbak and Yfaat Weiss 3. Arab-Jewish Architectural Partnership in Haifa during the Mandate Period: Qaraman and Gerstel Meet on the “Seam Line” – Waleed Karkabi and Adi Roitenberg 4. Arabs and Jews, Leisure and Gender, in Haifa’s Public Spaces – Manar Hasan and Ami Ayalon 5. Commodities and Power: Edible Oil and Soap in the History of Arab-Jewish Haifa – Mustafa Abbasi and David De Vries 6. Historicizing Climate: Haifawis and Haifo’im Remembering the Winter of 1950 -Dan Rabinowitz and Johnny Mansour 7. “Eraser” and “Anti-Eraser” – Commemoration and Marginalization on the Main Street of the German Colony: The Haifa City Museum and Café Fattush – Salman Natour and Avner Giladi 8. Haifa Umm al-Gharib: Historical Notes and Memory of Inter-Communal Relations – Regev Nathansohn and Abbas Shiblak Bibliography Index About the Editors Mahmoud Yazbak is a Professor of Palestinian History, Head of the Department of Middle Eastern History at the University of Haifa.   Note : This monograph is a free download, via historyandreconciliation.org


Mahmoud Yazbak and Sharif Sharif (editors)

Nazareth History & Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. Nazareth, July 2 – 5, 2012 [Nazareth Academic Studies Series No. 2] (Nazareth Munipality, 2013)


Mahmoud Yazbak & Yfaat Weiss

Haifa in the Late Ottoman Period, 1864-1914 : A Muslim Town in Transition (Brill, 1998). This volume offers a history of Haifa during the period of the 19th century when Europe’s penetration of Palestine combined with Istanbul’s centralization efforts to alter irrevocably the social fabric of the country and change its political destiny. After tracing the town’s beginnings in the early 18th century, the author reconstructs from the few “sijill” volumes that have survived vital aspects of Ottoman Haifa’s society and administration. A look at the town’s demography is followed by an in-depth discussion of the way inter-communal relations developed after the 1864 “Vilayets” Law had brought a restructuring of the sources of elite power. The author’s findings on the social status of Haifa’s Muslim women adds to the picture of economic activities of the urban Muslim women in the Ottoman Empire were involved in [bookseller’s description].


Dov Yermiya (aka Dov Irmiya)

My War Diary : Israel in Lebanon aka Lebanon, June 5 – July 1, 1982 (Boston : South End Press, 1983 / Pluto, 1984) Pacifist account.


Oren Yiftachel

-with Ahmad Amara & Ismael Abu-Sa’ad, editors Indigenous (In)justice : Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Naqab / Negev (Harvard Law School, 2012)

Ethnocracy : Land and Identity Politics in Israel   (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006)

-as editor, with Jo LittleThe Power of Planning : Spaces of Control and Transformation  (Kluwer Academic, 2001)

The Evolution of Ethnic Relations in a Mixed Region : Arabs and Jews in the Galilee, Israel  (Nedlands, Western Australia : University of Western Australia, Indian Ocean Centre for Peace Studies, 1993)

Planning a Mixed Region in Israel ; The Political Geography of Arab-Jewish Relations in the Galilee  (Aldershot : Avebury, 1992)


Ahmed Yousef 

The Zionist Fingerprint on the Post-September 11 World : America’s Posture Toward Terrorism, Israel, and the Muslim-Arab Community  (United Association for Studies and Research, 2004) 


Beirut : al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies & Consultations – various publications with authors and editors including Firas Abu Hilal, Hasan Ibhais, Mariam Itani, Ahmad el-Helah, Salma al-Houry, Sami al-Salahat, Muhammad Arif Zakaullah, Mohsen M. Mohammed Saleh Ishtaiq Hossain :

The Suffering of the Palestinian Prisoners & Detainees under the Israeli Occupation (2011)

The Suffering of the Palestinian Child under the Israeli Occupation (2010)

The Suffering of the Palestinian Woman under the Israeli Occupation (2010)

American Foreign Policy & the Muslim World  (2009)

Religion and Politics in America  (2007)

The Palestinian Strategic Reports  [at least] – 2005-2010


Ido Zelkovitz (University of Haifa)

Students and Resistance in Palestine : Books, Guns, and Politics  (Routledge, 2015) Covers the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) and student political opportunities from the Nakba until the Second Intifada.


Idith ZertalAkiva Eldar

Lords of the Land : The war Over Israel’s Settlements in the Occupied Territories, 1967-2007  – translated by Vivian Eden (Dvir Publishing, Hebrew edition, 2005 / New York City : Nation Books, 2007)


Wael Zuaiter – aka Zwaiter – translator, PLO representative in Italy, assassinated in London, in retribution for Munich atrocity, 1972]

For a Palestinian : A Memorial to Wael Zuiter  -edited by Janet Venn-Brown (Kegan Paul International, 1984)


Elia T. Zureik  (Palestinian-Canadian; Professor of Sociology, Queen’s University, Ontario)

The Palestinians in Israel : A Study in Internal Colonialism  (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979)

Elia T. Zureik, David Lyon & Yasmeed abu-Laban, editors

Surveillance and Control in Palestine/Israel : Population, Territory & Power  (Routledge, 2010)









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